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A: Hi! Lu Ming. I’m really glad to hear that you’ve done so well in the college entrance examination. I         小题1:         .
B: Thank you!
A: With such good results, you will be able to get into Beijing University, I’m sure.
B: I will study Medicine.        小题3:      
A: It’s a good major(专业). Next year I will finish middle school.      小题4:      
B: So from now on , you must make full use of your time to get well prepared(准备) for next year’s college entrance examination.
A: I’ll try my best to do as well as you have done.
B:        小题5:         
A: Thanks a lot!
B.What’s your job?
C.I’m sure you will!
D.You must do better than I’ve done.
E. What major will you choose?
F. And I want very much to enter Tsinghua University.
G. It has been my dream to become a doctor all these years.


小题2:联系下文I will study Medicine.我要学医。可知上文问了他要做什么?故选E,你会选择什么专业?
小题3:根据上文I will study Medicine.叙述故选G最符合逻辑。这些年来成为一名医生一直是我的梦想。
小题4:根据上文描述及下文you must make full use of your time to get well prepared(准备) for 可知前面我表达了某种想法,故选F,我非常想进入清华大学。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The British people have their own customs. Their traditions and habits are quite different from those of Chinese people. Here are some important ones:
The English people love to talk about the weather, but why do they like to talk about it? There are probably two reasons. One is the uncertainly of the weather. For in Britain the weather changes very often. Another reason is that . 小题1:________.
“Ladies first” is also a British custom. It’s considered to be polite to let a woman go first, to protect her from cars,小题2:_________.
The British people have the habit of waiting in line. If someone cuts into the line, 小题3:_________, so don’t jump the queue.
In British, you should never ask a woman her age, 小题4:_________.
Don’t bargain in British when you go shopping. The British do not welcome bargaining,小题5:________
A. and sometimes they are fond of bargaining.
B. the British people will look down upon him or her.
C. talking about the weather is a way of being friendly.
D. and often they consider it losing face.
E. because all the women think it’s impolite.
F. to help her get on and get off the bus and to do many other things for her.
G. they will be very kind to him or her.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1: Henry is not happy because his English is very poor. He wants to learn English well. What can he do?
小题2: Levy likes traveling very much. She wants to go to visit a western country.
小题3: Mike lives in China. But he doesn’t like the Chinese food. He wants to have western food every day.
小题4:Cindy is from Australia. She lives in Guangzhou now. She wants to learn how to sing Cantonese(广东的) songs.
小题5: John is visiting a strange (陌生的) city. He wants a hotel to live in. He just has 300 yuan.
A.Cantonese Food
In China, Cantonese food is very famous. Many Chinese like it. Our restaurant opens from 9 am to 10 pm every day.
B.The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is a very beautiful western country. You can go traveling there.
C.Binbin Learning Center
Do you like Cantonese music? The teachers here are very good. You can learn how to sing Cantonese songs.
Here you can have delicious western food—chicken, French fries and ice cream. You must like them.
E. Xinglong Hotel
The rooms in our hotel are very big, but they are not expensive. Just 150 yuan a night. Welcome!
F. Language Classes
Here are many language classes for you—English classes, French classes and Japanese classes. Come and enjoy your learning.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:改错题

小题1:The bridgebuiltby the workers three years ago.
A     B     C                     D              (   ) ________
小题2: Watch TV too much is bad for your health.
A          B            C       D              (   ) ________
小题3:Shanghai is one of the biggest city in the world.
A       B      C    D                (    ) _________
小题4:Knives are usedforcut things.
A        B  C   D                           (    ) _______
小题5: Help  yourself to some bread,  children.
A      B       C     D                       (    ) _______


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A:What’s the matter, Mrs. Smith?
B: 小题1: I can’t do any work, doctor.
A:Do you have a cough?
B:No. I don’t have a cough.
A: 小题2:
B:Yes, I sleep very well.
A:Do you have breakfast every morning?
B:No. I don’t have breakfast. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin(减肥).
A:Oh, I see.   小题3: You need to eat more food and have three meals a day.   小题4:
B:OK. I will do like that.
A: 小题5: 
B:Thank you very much.
A.I feel very well.
B.I hope you will get better soon.
C.Do you sleep well at night?
D.I’m not feeling well.
E.And do some exercise every day.
F.You need to eat less food.
G.There is nothing serious.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Good morning.
B:   小题1: 
A: Do you have a friend here?
B: Yes, I do.
A:   小题2: 
B: Oh. She is my friend, Amy.
A:  小题3:
B: She comes from the U.S.A.
A: She looks like Judy.
B: 小题4: 
A: Are they in the same class?
B: No. They are in the same grade.   小题5: 
A. Who is that girl?
B. But they’re in different classes.
C. Where is she?
D. They are sisters.
E. Good morning.
F. Thank you.
G. Where does she come from?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A. You can find it.
B. Can I take a taxi?
C. Could you tell me how to get to the Children’s Hospital?
D. How far is it from here?
E. Can I take a bus?
F. How long will it take me to walk there?
G. How can I take a taxi?
A: Excuse me, sir.   小题1:  .
B: Go down this street. At the end of the street,   小题2:  .
A:   小题3:.
B: It’s about three miles from here.
A:   小题4:   .
B: Sorry. There’s no bus to go there.
A:   小题5:  .
B: About half an hour. You should take a taxi there.
A: OK. Thanks a lot.
B: You’re welcome.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you like traveling (旅行)? Almost everyone in the world likes traveling for their holidays.   1   They like to go to the mountains, the beaches or the forests (森林). Others love history.   2   So before going, please plan your holiday.   3   And you have to get much information (信息)about where to go, how to get there, where to stay, and what kind of activities you can do there.    4   It's a new way of spending holidays. That is, you can have the holiday with some of your friends, classmates, and even some strange (陌生的)people.   5   Do you think so?
A.They like to visit some old interesting places.
B.Many people think it is interesting to travel like this.
C.You should decide what kind of vacation you like and how much money you are spending.
D.Some people love nature.
E. E. Do you know "Group Holiday"?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Forgetful President
George Washington was the first president of the United States.   小题1:  But it seems that the president was not a perfect person.
A New York library recently found that Washington borrowed two books from the library in 1789.    小题2:  If he were still alive, he would have to pay the library$300, 000 in fines(罚款), for it has been late for over 220 years.
On October 5, 1789, George Washington went to the New York Society Library.
  小题3:  He didn’t sign his name in the borrower’s book. He just wrote “President” to show who had taken them out.
The two books should have been brought back a month later, but they were never returned. Workers at the library realized the books were missing when they organized the library’s old records. The New York Society Library doesn’t expect anyone to pay the fine.   小题4: 
A. It’s said that he never told a lie.
B. He then borrowed the books from it.
C. However, he didn’t return them on time.
D. But it hopes that someone will return the books.
E. He kept the books, because he didn’t finish reading them.

