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 Children’s schooling is changing very fast today. In the past,teachers k 1      children sitting still for hours. They made them remember d 2      kinds of things. In other w 3     ,the children had to go on repeating things until they knew them “by heart”.

Today,many teachers want to know if it is p 4      to make children learn at all. They say you can o 5      help them learn. They say you must let children learn and find out things by t 6      But for these children,school is a kind of prison (监狱).They are there only because their p 7      make them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teacher lets them 1 8      .

Many of them want to find work,but the law(法律)will not let them work until they reach a certain a 9     . And so,they have to stay in school. Often they do not learn anything at all and h 10      every moment.

1.          2.      3.       4.      5.          

6.          7.      8.       9.      10.         

 1. kept 2. different 3. words 4. possible 5. only 6. themselves 7. parents  8. leave

9. age 10. hate

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练九年级全一册 > 能力训练14


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 One April 1st,a bus was running along a country road. Then it s 1      down and stopped. The driver tried hard to s 2      the bus again,but he failed. Then he turned to the passengers with a w 3      look on his face and said, “This poor bus is g 4      old. There is probably something wrong with the engine. It’s not going as well as before. There is only one thing we can do if we want to get home today. I shall count three,and on the w 5    THREE,I want you all to lean forward as hard as you can. If you don’t f 6     my advice,I’m afraid there is nothing else I can do.,’ So all the passengers leaned back a 7      their seats and got ready for the driver’s o 8     .

Then the driver began to count, “ One,two,three! ”

All the passengers tried hard to lean forward when they heard the driver’s last word,and the bus immediately s 9      again. “April Fools!” the driver said loudly with a smile. The passengers suddenly realized it was April 1st,and the bus was f 10      of laughter.

1.          2.      3.         4.          5.         

6.          7.      8.        9.          10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

China’s Maimed Space Program

Spaceship : ShenzhouV

Time : October 15th,2003

Main events : Chinese spaceman Yang Liwei was sent up into space. He went around  the earth 14 times in his one-day flight. China became the third country to  succeed in manned space flight.

Spaceship : Shenzhou VI

Time: October 12th,2005

Main events : Chinese spacemen Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng were both sent up into  space. On October 17th,the two Chinese space heroes safely returned to the  earth.

Spaceship : Shenzhou VU

Time : September 25th,2008

Main events : Chinese spacemen Zhai Zhigang,Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng were sent  up into space. Zhai Zhigang made our country’s first spacewalk. This  spacewalk took 20 minutes.

Spaceship : ShenzhouX

Time: June 11th,2013

Main events : Chinese spacemen Nie Haisheng,Zhang Xiaoguang and the second female  spacewoman Wang Yaping were sent up into space and connected with the space  station Tiangong I. Wang Yaping gave a space lesson about micro-gravity(微重力)to all Chinese  teenagers. This space lesson lasted 40 minutes.

(   ) 1. According to the article,the Chinese spaceman traveling in space twice is .

A. Yang Liwei B. Fei Junlong     C. Nie Haisheng  D. Zhai Zhigang

(   ) 2. Shenzhou V went around the earth in space        .

A. once     B. 4 times  C. 5 times     D. 14 times

(   ) 3. Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng stayed in space for        .

A. 1 day     B. 4 days  C. 5 days     D. 14  days

(   ) 4. Zhai Zhigang made our country’s first spacewalk in        .

A. 2013     B. 2008  C. 2005     D. 2003

(   ) 5. The space  lesson about  micro-gravity to all  Chinese  teenagers lasted        .

A. one day     B. five days  C. 15 minutes     D. 40  minutes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Rules of Visiting the Zoo


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Here are some homestay trips you can choose if you and your family want to go on a trip. 

Location(地点):Auckland,New Zealand 

Dates: July 9 〜24 Cost: $ 3,900. 00 Temperature : 13 

Typical(典型的)foods: lamb,seafood

Popular sports  tennis, golf, horseback riding    

Good  buys: sweaters,coats,jewelry 

Location : Portland,U. S. A.

Dates: Aug. 12 ~ Sept. 13 Cost: $4,100. 00

Temperature : 261 〜13t

Typical foods : seafood,pizzas,hamburgers

Popular sports : rafting,fishing,horseback riding,hiking

Good buys: boots,jeans,sporting goods

Location: Vancouver,Canada

Dates: Sept. 2 〜25 Cost: $4,350. 00

Temperature : 19t ~ 16t

Typical foods : smoked salmon,lobster,ethnic food Popular sports : tennis,fishing,mountain hiking Good buys : sweaters,leather products

Location: Perth,Australia

Dates: Aug. 11 Sept. 1 Cost: $5,100. 00

Temperature : 15 〜111

Typical foods : crabs,beef,prawns

Popular sports : rafting,golf,tennis

Good buys : aboriginal goods,leather products,opals

(   ) 1. Where is the  warmest on August 27th?

A. In Auckland.  B. In Perth.

C. In Portland.  D. In Vancouver.

(   ) 2. Where is the  trip price the highest?

A. In Auckland.  B. In Perth.

C. In Portland.  D. In Vancouver.

(   ) 3. What season is it in New Zealand when the temperature is 26^ 〜131 in Portland?

A. Winter.  B. Autumn.  C. Spring.  D. Summer.

(   ) 4. If you go on a trip in Perth,you can’t eat        .

A. seafood or hamburgers     B. prawns or lamb

C. crabs or pizzas     D. beef or lobster

(   ) 5. If you prefer  to travel to Vancouver,your  favourite  sport is        .

A. hiking     B. golf  C. horseback     riding  D. mountain     hiking


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



The Number of the Rooms



Special Attractions

First Hotel 222 Edward Road Tel. 414-6433




Air-conditioned rooms. French restaurant. Swimming  pool. Shops. Coffee shop and bar. Telephone,radio and television in each  room. Close to the city center.

Fairview Hotel 129 North Road Tel. 591-5620




Close to the airport. Telephone in each room. Bar.  Restaurant. Garage. Swimming-pool.

Orchard Hotel 223 Edward Road Tel. 641-6446




Facing First Hotel. European restaurant. Coffee  shop. Television. Nightclub.

Osaka Hotel 1264 Venning Road Tel. 634-8200




Air-conditioned rooms.

Japanese and Chinese restaurants. Swimming-pool.

Large garden. Shops.

(   ) 1. If you want to eat Chinese food,you will go to restaurant named        .

A. Fairview Hotel     B. First  Hotel

C. Orchard Hotel     D. Osaka Hotel

(   ) 2. The cheapest price for a single bed is        in  Boswell.

A. $25 First Hotel  B. $30  Osaka Hotel

C. $12 Fairview Hotel  D. $15  Orchard  Hotel

(   ) 3. If you want to book a room in the hotel  with a garage,you  should telephone

A. 634-8200 B. 414-6433  C. 641-6446  D. 591-5620

(   ) 4. The address of First Hotel is        .

A. 223 Edward road     B. 1264 Venning Road

C. 222 Edward Road     D. 129 North Road

(   ) 5. Which hotels have air-conditioned rooms?

A. First Hotel and Osaka     Hotel.  B. Osaka Hotel and     Orchard Hotel.

C. Fairview Hotel and     First Hotel.  D. No hotels.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 The programs Sun Xiaomei hosts(主持)might be among the shortest on CCTV. “On Screen N 1      Week” is on once a week for fifteen minutes,and “TV You,He and I” comes for five minutes each time too.

“ T 2      these programs are short,I have many i 3      to make them lively for the audience,” she said.

Sun was i 4      in music in her childhood(儿童时代).She played the violin since the age of five until she finished middle school. At first her father wanted her to e 5      a music school,however,16-year-old Sun Xiaomei became a s 6      in Beijing Broadcasting(广播)College.

Sun loves her job as a hostess(女主持人)very much. She pays g 7      attention to(注意) learning from her comrades,especially Zhao Zhongxiang. When Zhao Zhongxiang hosted “The World” and “The Animal World” , Sun would s 8      beside him to learn.

“I am sure that when I am seen by hundreds of m 9      of audiences on the weekend,I can make friends with them t 10      my warm and easy talk,”she said.

1.         2.      3.       4.      5.        

6.        7.      8.       9.       10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

For several years,Americans have enjoyed tele-shopping—watching TV and buying things by phone.

Now tele-shopping is becoming p 1     in Europe. In a number of  European countries,people can  turn on their TVs and s 2      for clothes,jewelry,food,toys and  many other things.

Tele-shopping is becoming popular in Sweden. For e 3    ,the  biggest  Swedish  company sells d 4     kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries,and in one year it made $ 100 million. In France there are two tele-shopping channels,and the F 5     spend about $20 million a year buying things t 6     those channels.

In Germany,until last year,tele-shopping was only p 7     on one channel for an hour every day.  Now the government (政府)a 8     more tele-shopping. Other  channels can o 9      tele business. And many companies,including(包括)the largest American tele-shopping company and a 24-hour tele-shopping will help them s 10     more things.

1.          2.          3.     4.      5.         

6.          7.          8.     9.      10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 随着科技(science and technology)的发展,我们的生活越来越好,对未知世界的了解也更多。科技的发展在我们的生活中占有重要的位置,请以“Science and Human Life”为题,写一篇 80个词以上的作文。




Science and Human Life

