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3. In order to work better,the workers learn the latest t       day and night.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 10. You        buy the TV guide next week. I have already bought a copy.

   A. mustn’t   B. needn’t to

   C. don’t have to   D. can’t


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 One night,a little swallow flew over the city. He was very 1        and wanted to have a good sleep in the city. When he saw the Statue of the Happy Prince (王子) ,he flew down and got ready to sleep 2        the feet of the Happy Prince.

Just as he was putting his head under his wing,some 3        fell on him. He thought it was raining.

But when he looked 4       ,he found the sky was 5        clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. Suddenly,he saw some tears were running down the Prince’s golden 6        . “ 7         are you crying?” asked the swallow.

“In a little street,there’s a poor house. From one of the windows,I see a woman 8        at a table. She’s sewing clothes for 9        women to wear. In a bed in the corner of the room,her little boy is sick.

He’s asking for oranges,but his mother has only water to give him,so he is crying. The boy is so thirsty 10        the mother is so sad. Little swallow,will you please take her the 11        from the top of my sword (宝剑) ?”

“It is very cold here and I am leaving for a warm place,but I will stay with you and do as you ask. ” The swallow took the bright red jewel from the Prince’s sword and flew away with it in his mouth. He flew into the woman’s room and 12        it beside the woman’s needle.

13 he flew back,he told the Prince what he had done. “It’s strange ,” he added. “It’s so cold but I feel quite 14        now. ”

“That’s 15        you have done a good thing,” said the Prince. The little swallow began to think about this,and then he fell asleep.

(   ) 1. A. hungry   B. tired

   C. angry   D. sad

(   ) 2. A. among   B. above

   C. below   D. between

(   ) 3. A. water   B. snow

   C. grass   D. milk

(   ) 4. A. at   B. down

   C. up   D. for

(   ) 5. A. quite   B. so

   C. such   D. very

(   ) 6. A. ear   B. feet

   C. hair   D. face

(   ) 7. A. Where   B. How

   C. When   D. Why

(   ) 8. A. sitting   B. eating

   C. drinking   D. cooking

(   ) 9. A. poor   B. rich

   C. young   D. old

(   ) 10. A. but   B. or

   C. and   D. so

(   ) 11. A. jewel   B. orange

   C. gold   D. diamond

(   ) 12. A. forgot   B. took

   C. got   D. put

(   ) 13. A. .Before   B. After

   C. Till   D. While

(   ) 14. A. cold   B. hot

   C. warm   D. cool

(   ) 15. A. because   B. though

   C. if   D. whether


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    3. 脱下你的夹克,坐下来使自己舒服些。 

              your jacket,          and make yourself       .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Can you make animals work for us? Some scientists think that one day we can teach animals to do a lot of things for people. In films shown on TV,you may see that elephants,monkeys,tigers or some other animals are always given a little food to eat after they have done something. Scientists say that people can teach many different animals to do some of the easy work if they know they will get something to eat. We all know elephants can carry large logs (原木) and dogs can look after houses.

And we even teach animals to work in factories. In America,for example,people have used apes to help make cars. Scientists think that those large monkeys may drive trains one day. Now people are trying to get them to do the same things that man does.

(   ) 1. Scientists think animals can help people to do something      .

   A. if they know they will get food after doing something

   B. because animals are so clever

   C. if they know the work is easy enough

   D. because most animals are friendly to man

(   ) 2. Which animal can do heavy work because they are so strong?

   A. Tigers.

   B. Elephants.

   C. Monkeys.

   D. Dogs.

(   ) 3. As we know,dogs can       our houses.

   A. build      B. clean

   C. look after D.  look at

(   ) 4. Scientists are planning to make big monkeys to      .

   A. make trains   B. carry logs

   C. drive trains   D. work at school

(   ) 5. If we teach animals carefully,        .

   A. some animals can do the same things that man does

   B. all the animals can do some work for us

   C. many animals can do all the work as we do

   D. we may get many animals work without giving them food


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. He collected some        (珠宝) for himself.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. We see with our eyes and we walk with our

       (foot) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. His father likes        newspapers and books.

   A. watching   B. seeing

   C. looking at   D. reading


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. We'd b       take a taxi because there is no bus here.

