精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  Miss Liu invites (邀请) Mr. Wang to visit a man in the Prince's Building. But she doesn't know the way. She asks two passers-by (过路人) for the way. 

(W>Mr. Wang; L>Miss Liu; A>the 1st passer-by; B>the 2nd passer-by)

  W: Well, I don't think I want to buy anything else. Let's go home.

  L: But I have to visit a man working in the Prince's Building. If you haven't anything important to do, 1 ?

  W: OK. 2 ?

  L: No, but I can ask the way (stopping a passerby).

   Excuse me, can you tell me where the Prince's Building is?

  A: I'm sorry. 3 .

  L: (stopping another passerby) Excuse me, 4 ?

  B: Well, go down this street and take the third turning on the left and then turn right.

   It's on your right. You can't miss it.

  W: 5 ?

  B: No, it's only twenty minutes' walk.

  W: Thanks a lot.

  B: You're welcome.


[  ]

A.why don't come with me
B.can you come with me
C.why not come with me
D.why not go home yourself


[  ]

A.But do you know him
B.But I don't know the way
C.Shall we go right now
D.But do you know the way


[  ]

A.I'm new here myself.
B.I came here yesterday.
C.I'm strange here.
D.It's not here.


[  ]

A.how do I get to the Prince's Building, please

B.how to get to the Prince's Building, please

C.do you know how do I get to the Prince's Building, please

D.how I shall get to the Prince Building, please


[  ]

A.Is it near here
B.Is it far from here
C.Is it new here
D.Can we walk there

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:030


  A:Hello,Lin Feng. 1 ndline

  B:Hello,Li Lei.I'm going to

  watch the football match between our Chinese team and the Korean team.

  A:Oh,that's such an important match.I don't want to miss it.2 ndline

  B:Of course.Let's go.

  A:It seems that you like football very much.Do you like PE?

  B:3 ndline

  A:Why not?

  B:Because the teacher just lets us play games Ourselves.What about you?

  A:I like it very much.4 ndline

  B:You are lucky.

  A:5 ndline

  B:Yes,having sports can make us healthy.

  A:That's right.I agree with you.


科目:初中英语 来源:中考倒计时60天 题型:030


(Lin Tao and Li Lei are in the bedroom)

Lin Tao: Hey, Li Lei! Get up, There's a basketball match between Beijing Team and Medical Team in our school, and you…

Li Lei: Really 

Lin Tao: But I remember you say that your whole family enjoy basketball. And your…

Li Lei: Oh, leave me alone.

Lin Tao: Why? 

Li Lei: I'm feeling a little homesick (想家).

Lin Tao: What I see. You'll soon feel better after you have watched the game, I think. Come on.

(After Lin Tao takes Li Lei towards a man standing among the students on the sports ground.)

Li Lei: Oh dear!  3 Dad! What are you doing here?

Mr Li: Hello, son, your mother asked me to see how you were doing. Er…I just couldn't miss such a good game.

Li Lei: 

Lin Tao: Felling better already. Aren't you?

Li Lei: 5 Thanks your help.


[  ]

A.Would you like to go?
B.I don't know if you want to go.
C.Do you think we can go?
D.I don't feel like going.


[  ]

A.How are you feeling now?

B.Have you got anything to worry about?

C.What's the matter?

D.Is there anything the matter?


[  ]

A.Is he my father?
B.Isn't that my dad?
C.Where is my dad?
D.Who is my father?


[  ]

A.I'm sorry to hear that.
B.Did you enjoy the game?
C.I'm so glad to.
D.Oh, it's a pleasure for me!


[  ]

C.How happy!
D.Thank goodness!


科目:初中英语 来源:新课标读想用新目标英语八年级(下) 题型:030


  Miss Liu works in the school library. Bob is a student of the school. They are talking in the library.

  Liu:Good afternoon! May I 1 you?

  Bob:Good afternoon! Have you 2 the book Gone With The Wind?

  Liu:Just a moment, please. I'll go and get it 3 you. (after a while) Here it is.

  Bob:Thank you. How long can I 4 it?

  Liu:Two weeks.

  Bob:OK, I see. 5 .



科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050


  AWhen young people(年轻人)know each other(互相)

  BWhen young people don't know each other

  CWhen a young person speaks to an adult(成年人)

  DWhen adults don’t know each other

  EA teacher and a student in the classroom

1—What’s this in EnglishLi Ming     

    —It’s a pencilMiss

    GoodCan you spell “pencil”please?


2.一HiFrankie! How are you today?     

    —I’m finethanksAnd you?

    I’m finetoo

3.一Good morningMrRivers      

    Good morningBenHow are you today?

    I’m fineThank you

4Gregthis is Charlie     

    HiCharlie! Nice to meet you


5—Miss Black, this is Mrs. Street.     

  —How do you do?

    —How do you do?


