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I went hiking last Sunday and saw many ________ eating grass on the hill.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Last Sunday I went shopping with my mother ________ bought nothing.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江西省吉安朝宗实验学校九年级第一次段考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I was woken up by a strange sound. I saw something moving by my window. I was terrified and ran downstairs. I found my mom in the kitchen, getting my brother ready for school.
"Mum, did you hear anything? I, uh. I thought I saw an alien."
"Are you all right? Just a dream ! "Mum answered.
Then I went back to my room. As I walked to the window, I cried, I saw a little alien, no more than three feet tall, with big and black eyes. It tried to run between my legs and escape through the window. Although I was scared, for some reason, I squeezed (挤) my legs together in time to catch it. It took out something and hurt me. I felt a terrible sense of nothingness and fainted (晕倒). Then I woke up.
At first, I could hardly move. I wasn't sure whether it was a dream or not. I pulled myself out of the bed and walked downstairs. I saw my mum in the kitchen. She was really getting my brother ready for school, wearing her pink clothes. Then I realized it was just a dream because in my dream she was wearing her work clothes.
From then on, I always dreamt about aliens and all the dreams felt so real. At that time, I really thought maybe I had some kind of relationship with aliens. About two months later, I stopped having such dreams. Later I realized that l used to have those dreams because I always read books or watched TV programs about aliens before I fell asleep!
【小题1】What did the writer first do when he saw the alien?

A.He was too scared to move.
B.He knew it was a dream and wasn't afraid.
C.He was so scared that he fainted.
D.He thought against the alien.
【小题2】The writer found that it was just a dream _____.
A.as soon as he woke up
B.before he went downstairs
C.when he saw his mother
D.when he was hurt by the alien
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The writer had the dream at night.
B.The writer's mother's work clothes might not be pink.
C.The writer's mother was worried about his dream.
D.When the writer had the dream, his family were sleeping.
【小题4】Why did the writer use to have dreams about aliens?
A.He had some kind of relationship with aliens.
B.He was terribly ill.
C.He often did something about aliens before going to bed.
D.The dreams were all about the writer's real experiences.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届浙江省临海市灵江中学初三学业考试模拟(二)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子

Tim was reading a book at home. Someone knocked on the door. He opened the door.   1  .
“My name is Rebecca,” said the lady. “You’ve got to help me!”
“Take it easy, ”    2  . “What happened?”
“My grandma died last month. She left all her money, about $1,000,000 to me. She told me she had saved the money in a bank.    3  .”
“But yesterday when I went to the bank, I only got an envelope(信封)with nothing in it.
   4   !”
Rebecca took the envelope out of her handbag and gave it to Tim.
Tim looked at it carefully under the light. It was just an envelope with two old stamps on it.
   5   .
“Don’t worry, Rebecca,” he said. “Your money is still here.”

A. Tim gave her a cup of tea    
B. He thought for a while and smiled
C. It was a worried young lady
D. The money is gone   
E. I could go to get it after her death


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届湖北省随州市洛阳镇中心学校初三4月阶段测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子

A: Hi, Grace!
B: Hi, Eric! I heard you visited Mount Tai during holiday.
A: Yes, I went there with my parents.
B: How did you go there?
A: By train.
B: 【小题1】                       ?
A: For two days.
B: 【小题2】                   ?
A: It’s very beautiful and there are many places of interest.
B: Did you climb up to the top or take a cable car(缆车)?
A: 【小题3】                       . I was quite out of breath(上气不接下气) but felt very excited.
B: Where did you stay for the night?
A: In a hotel on the top. We got up early so that 【小题4】                .
B: Did you see it?
A: Yeah. We saw it rising slowly from the sea of the clouds. It was terrific.
B: That sounds great. Did you enjoy yourself?
A: Certainly. I had many unforgettable experiences. I’ll 【小题5】             later, and I’ll also put some photos in it.
B: OK. I’ll read your blog (博客) and share your wonderful experiences.


科目:初中英语 来源:2010年山东省东营市毕业升学考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

One day, I went to see my last patient(病人), an old woman. In the doorway, I saw she was struggling (挣扎) to put socks on her swollen (浮肿)feet in the bed. I stepped in, spoke quickly to the nurse, read her chart noting. I was almost in the clear that she was not in serious condition.

I asked, “Could I help put on your socks? How are you feeling? Your sugars and blood pressure were high but they're better today. The nurse mentioned you're anxious to see your son. He's visiting you today. It's nice to have a family visit. I think you really look forward to seeing him."

"Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not yours." She said with a serious voice.

I was surprised as I helped her with the socks. She told me that her only son lived around the corner from her, but she had not seen him in five years. She believed that was the main cause of her health problems. After hearing her story and putting on her socks, I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She shook her head no and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to listen.

Each story is different. Some are detailed; others are simple. Some have a beginning, middle and end; others don’t have clear ends. Some are true; others not. Yet all those things do not really matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard — without interruption(打断) or judgment(评价).

It was that woman who taught me the importance of stopping, sitting down and truly listening. And, not long after, in an unexpected accident, I became a patient. 20 years later, I sit all the time — in a wheelchair.

For as long as I could, I continued to see patients from my chair. I believe in the power of listening.

1. How was the old woman?

A. Her feet were swollen.                 B. Her sugars were high. 

C. She was not badly ill.                 D. Her blood pressure was better.

2.How did the doctor know that the old woman’s son was visiting her? 

A. The nurse told him.          B. The old woman told him.

C. The woman’s son told him.    D. The doctor got it from her chart noting.

3.What did the old woman think caused her health problems?

   A. Her son’s not seeing her.       B. No one listening to her story.

   C. The medical care of the hospital.  D. The distance between her and her son.

4.When the patient told the doctor her stories, what she needed might be ______.

   A. keeping smiling                                        B. interruption or judgment

C. listening without interruption           D. communicating with each other

5.Which statement is NOT right according to the passage?

A. Her son lived close to her house.

B. The old woman didn’t need the doctor’s treatments.

C. Listening is powerful medicine.

D. The doctor has to “walk” with the help of a wheel chair.


