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We  1  a survey about different  2   transportation last week.We asked students   3   their favorite kinds of transportation. 4  are some of the results.Most students come to school   5  bike and they like  6   bikes.Of course, bikes are  7   than cars and buses.Some students like cars   8  they are safer than bikes.Cars are also faster than bikes and buses.Among some students, buses are not popular, because they often have  9  passengers(旅客).Buses are also dirtier and more crowded (拥挤).However(然而), not many people  10  afford (买得起) a car.

1. A.did                                B.make                             C.have

2. A.kind of                          B.kinds of                        C.a kind of

3. A.from                          B.with                              C.about

4. A.Here                           B.There                                   C.They

5. A.on                                 B.by                                 C.ride

6. A.by                                 B.  on                                C.riding

7. A.cheaper                         B.more expensive               C.cheap

8. A.though                           B.because                         C.but

9. A.too much                       B.a lot                               C.too many

10. A.can                           B.could                             C.may

1-5 A B C A B         6-10 C A B C A


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省泰州中学附属初中初三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

For many years, Yang Shanzhou was the local party secretary in a remote, mountainous village in southwest China’s Yunnan Province. Though he could live a better life in the city, he still decided to move even further into the mountains, and devoted himself to greening the land. He passed away in 2010, but his story lives on.
A blanket of green - And it all started with a surprising decision made by Yang Shanzhou back in 1988.
The 62 year old decided to return to his hometown in Daliang Mountain, to bring green back to the barren hills. Along with fifteen other people, Yang settled down deep in the mountains and began to work on his plan.
It was a life that was harder than most people could ever imagine.
Su Jiaxiang, Yang Shanzhou’s secretary, said, “I went to visit him several times. He didn’t even have decent shoes and it was very cold at night. But you know he was almost seventy!”
In 2010, Yang Shanzhou passed away. He was buried in Daliang Mountain, according to his will. More than twenty years has passed since he first began his planting in the mountains.The hills are now covered with kinds of trees. By planting trees, Yang Shanzhou also planted hope. This hidden hero left his local government with a priceless legacy.
【小题1】Yang Shanzhou lived in __________.

【小题2】Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A.Mr Yang has been dead for three years.
B.Yang Shanzhou didn’t want to be buried in the mountain.
C.Yang Shanzhou gave up the better life in the city.
D.Yang Shanzhou will be remembered for ever.
【小题3】The 62 year old decided to return to his hometown in Daliang Mountain, to bring green back to the barren hills. “barren” means ________.
【小题4】From the passage we can know Mr Yang Shanzhou passed away at the age of _______.
A.74B.62 C.84D.94
【小题5】Mr. Yang brought many things except_________.
A.green hillsB.hopeC.priceless legacyD.hard life


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建福州延安中学初三中考模拟(二)英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

There are some traditional festivals in China such as the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Lantern Festival. Do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival? It is a traditional Chinese festival and it is a popular festival, too. When is it? Well...it is on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is round. The round moon stands for a family reunion(团聚) in Chinese tradition. On that day, families get together at home. They enjoy a wonderful dinner together. They sit around a table, have a chat and eat mooncakes. At night, they look up at the moon and give best wishes to each other.

There are many famous poems and songs about the festival. For example, Su Shi of the Song Dynasty wrote a poem about the Mid-Autumn Festival. That’s Prelude to Water Melody(水调歌头). The poem is about people missing their families and hometowns.

1.There are two traditional festivals mentioned in the first paragraph.

2.The Mid-Autumn Day is on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

3.The round moon stands for a family reunion in Chinese tradition.

4.We cannot know the name of the poem Su Shi wrote.

5.The passage is about the Lantern Festival.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届浙江省绍兴地区七年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:其他题



    A             B            C             D              E


1.Lin Yang:I know Yao Ming.He is great.I want to play sports with my friends.But we have no soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs.

2.Liu Wei:It’s very cold here,but I have only an old sweater(毛衣).It’s my mother’s.I need new clothes.

3.Wang Li and Wang Xia:We are sisters.We don’t have a clock in our home.We don’t know the time to go to schoo1.We don’t want to be late for school,so we get up early.

4.Zheng Lei:Our teachers tell us,books are our friends.I want to read many books and I want to write books.

5.Dai Su:My shoes are broken(破旧). I go to school with very old shoes.



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

      My name     1     Su Dan. I have two     2     ,Bob and Tom. We like hamburgers     3      lunch. Bob
and I     4      French fries, but Tom    5    . I don't like      6     for breakfast, _   7      Bob and Tom like 
     8      very much. I like bread for breakfast.     9  _reallylikechicken     10     salad for dinner.
(     )1. A.is      
(     )2. A. brother
(     )3. A.on      
(     )4. A.like    
(     )5. A. do    
(     )6. A. an egg
(     )7. A. or    
(     )8. A. them  
(     )9. A. They  
(     )10. A. or    
B. sister
B. don't
B. egg  
B. and  
B. they  
B. Them  
B. but  
C. cousin
C. does  
C. eggs  
C. for    
C. their  
C. We    
C. and    
D. brothers  
D. doesn't    
D. egges                                          
D. but        
D. theirs    
D. Us        
D. of        


科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:完形填空

     My name  1  Su Dan. I have two  2 , Bob and Tom. We like hamburgers  3  lunch. Bob and I  4
 French fries, but Tom  5 . I don't like  6  for breakfast,  7  Bob and Tom  8 . I like fruit for breakfast.  9  
really like chicken  10  salad for dinner.
(     )1. A. is    
(     )2. A. brother
(     )3. A. on    
(     )4. A. like  
(     )5. A. do    
(     )6. A. an egg
(     )7. A. or    
(     )8. A. do    
(     )9. A. They  
(     )10. A. so   
B. am    
B. sister
B. at    
B. likes 
B. don't 
B. egg   
B. and   
B. don't 
B. Them  
B. but   
C. are   
C. cousin
C. for   
C. eats  
C. does  
C. a egg 
C. for   
C. does  
C. You   
C. and   
D. be     
D. brothers
D. in     
D. loves  
D. doesn't
D. egges  
D. but    
D. doesn't
D. Us     
D. of                              

