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PIease remember the meeting starts________ 2∶00.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050

  A man was travelling on his way to another town when he saw a road sign which read, NO THROUGH WAY. PLEASE Go ANOTHER WAY.He looked ahead and saw nothing wrong at all. He decided to go on, thinking the sign was a kind of joke. After a while he saw a broken bridge and had to turn back. When he came to the sign again, on the board he saw these words on its back side, WELCOME BACK, YOU FOOL!

(1) A man was on his way to another town for ________.

[  ]

Aa trip




(2) The road sign was put up in the road in order to ________.

[  ]

Amake people know that the bridge was good

Btell people to be careful while crossing

Ctell people to go another way

Dmake people know that there was nothing wrong with the road ahead

(3) Why did the man decide to go on when he saw the road sign? Because ________.

[  ]

AHe didn't see the words on the sign

BHe thought the sign was a kind of joke

CThere was another way ahead

DHe could cross the broken bridge

(4) The man had to turn back because ________.

[  ]

AHe saw the words on the sign's back side

BHe didn't want to go to that town any more

CThe bridge was broken

DHe wanted to go home

(5) What's on the road sign's back side?

[  ]




DBoth A and B.

(6) Which of the following is wrong?

[  ]

AThe words on the sign were true.

BThere was something wrong with the bridge.

CThe road sign was a kind of joke.

DFinally, the man had to go another way.


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

SDR-4X is a new robot. It acts like a human being. It talks, sings, dances and it costs  1  a car. In Tokyo, a human-shaped robot will go on sale   2   this year from Sony Corp. It remem-bers people's faces, dances disco steps and   3   sings. But it's an expensive toy. It will cost as much as a luxury car.

Sony  4  to say more about its sales plans for the silver round-eyed SDR-4X to reporters last week. "This robot was designed to live with people in  5  , "said Sony only.

"The SDR-4X has sensors on the bottoms of its  6   so it can walk on carpets and other uneven surfaces. It even knows   7   get back on its feet when it falls, "Sony said.

The 58-centimetre-tall SDR-4X is equipped with two  8   , allowing it to see better than its predecessor. It can  9   the difference between the edge of a table and patterns on the floor. The SDR-4X will be more expensive than the Ambo which   10   for 180 000 yen(US $ 1 400) in Japan and US $ 1 500 in the US. The SDR-4X can carry on simple  11  (It knows about 60 000 words. ), and be taught to sing by inputting music. It can also recognize faces,  12  and names.

Entertainment robots have grown into a fad, and toy makers are coming out with  13  imitations. Mitsubishi company   14  two entertainment robots to a museum. They can talk with children, play simple games and draw pictures. Yashawa Electric Corp has developed a 13.8  15  yen(US $105 000) bed-shaped robot that can help patients who need to strengthen their legs.

1.( )

A. as many as              B. as much as

C. so many as              D. so much as

2.( )

A. before              B. later

C. ago              D. after

3.( )

A. ever              B. every

C. even              D. never

4.( )

A. continued              B. used

C. forgot              D. refused

5.( )

A. families              B. houses

C. homes              D. offices

6.( )

A. hands              B. feet

C. arms              D. legs

7.( )

A. when to              B. how to

C. what to              D. why to

8.( )

A. umbrellas              B. bands

C. telephones              D. cameras

9.( )

A. talk              B. speak

C. say              D. tell

10.( )

A. sales              B. sells

C. buys              D. borrows

11.( )

A. diaries              B. conversations

C. competitions              D. dialogues

12.( )

A. noises              B. bodies

C. voices              D. entrances

13.( )

A. cheap              B. cheaper

C. dear              D. more expensive

14.( )

A. sold              B. have sold

C. has sold              D. will sell

15.( )

A. hundred              B. thousand

C. million              D. billion



科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. I'm your new teacher. I'll i_______ myself to you fires.
2. Ther were m_______ for five years and they had a son.
3. There are four q_______ in an hour.
4. We held a big party to c_______ Mother's Day.
5. Mother was cooking in the k_______ When I came back.
6. We should walk on the s_______ on the street.
7. You must i_______ your English,or you will fall behind others.
8. Nobody can dance so well b_______ Zhang Hua.
9. Qian Xue sen is an e_______ scientist in China.
10. Piease tell me how to p_______ the new word.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

从下面方框中选择适当的选项填入短文中 ,使短文通顺、完整。选项中有两个选项是多余选项。
A. after        B. careful      C. turn          D. more        E. succeed       F. Maybe   G. May be  
H. help         I. sure           J. carefully    K. friends      I. down
       How can you study well? I think you should have good study habits.  Then you can spendless time
but learn   1  .    
       First, make the full use of your time. Are your books open? If  so,  piease  2   offyour TV and out
away your snacks.  Of course. you need some time to play.  But you shouldplay   3   study.  Remember:
study comes first.
       Second,  listen to your teachers   4   in your class.  You know,  it is very important. If you have
questions. just ask your teachers, they are very glad to   5   you.    
       Third,  do your homework by yourself.   6   you can't work out a problem.   You can ask for help.  
But you can't just copy the answer.  Make   7   you understand it.    
       Fourth, take a notebook with you, sometimes you may have some ideas or questions.Please write
them   8  .  Then you can talk to your teachers,  parents or   9  .    
       These four tip s are helpful to you.  Please have a try! You may   10   if you havegood study habits.

