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Look at the chart and complete the dialogue.

A: Are you OK, Ming?

B: No, I am not. It’s Tuesday and I have biology.

A: And you don’t like biology?

B: No, it’s boring.

A: So, What’s your_________ _________.

B: Oh, _________. It’s so _________. I love _________ because we have history in the morning. How about you, Selina?

C: _________, I guess. It’s really _________.

B: When do you have art?

C: On _________ and _________. How about you, Ken?

A: I like_________. It’s really _________. I have _________ class_________.

Key: favorite, subject, history, fun, Friday, Art, relaxing, Monday, Wednesday, Science, interesting, science, this afternoon


科目:初中英语 来源:初中英语练习题·七年级 上册 题型:030


Look at the pictures and complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.

Dialogue A

A: Excuse me. How much ________ jeans?

B: Which __________? Do you mean _________ ?

A: No, the light blue __________.

B: Oh, _________ $ 99.99.

A: Nearly one hundred dollars! Are you kidding?

A: I like _________ dress over there. How much __________ it?

B: Which _________ ? Each dress has a different price.

A: __________ red ___________.

B: It’s $ 98,99. But __________ green ___________ is only $45,68.

A: Ok. Let me look at it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

M: Alice! What’s that?
W: Oh, 【小题1】   .
M: Do you like baseball?
W:   【小题2】
M: But I think it’s very difficult. I can’t play it well.
W: 【小题3】
M: Great! Look at the photo. Is that you?
W:  【小题4】   .
M: Are you in your School Baseball Club?
W: Yes, I am.
M: Wow, you’re great. 【小题5】      .
W: Sure, you can.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省宿迁市初二上学期期末考试英语卷 题型:其他题



A: Look, there is a bag under the tree. 1. _____________

B: I don’t know. Let’s have a look. Oh, there is a soccer in it.2. _____________

A: I don’t think so. Many girls enjoy playing soccer now. 3. _____________

B: Yes, there is an English book and a notebook in it.

A: Open them and see. 4._____________

B: OK, you are so clever. Yes, there is an English name here—David.

A: I know it must belong to a boy.  

B: Of course. 5. _____________

A: There’re some other words here——Class Eight, Grade Nine. Let’s go to find him.

A.Everybody knows David is a name for a boy.

B.Are they new?

C.Maybe there is a name in the book.

D.Is there anything else in it?

E. Who’s your favourite football star?            F. Whose is it?

G. Do you think it must belong to a boy?




科目:初中英语 来源:11-12学年甘肃省兰州市九年级下学期月考英语试卷 题型:补充句子


W: John, you don’t look very well. What’s the matter?

M: 81.                       

W: Oh dear! Why don’t you go to bed for a rest?

M: 82.                             

W: Shall I call your teacher and tell him you’re ill?

M: 83.                             

W: OK, I’ll do that. I’m going to the shops now. Can I get you some medicine?

M: 84.                             

W: Yes, of course. Is there anything else I can do?

M: 85.                             

W: See you later. Take care!


A. Oh, yes, please. His number is 6086354.

B. No, I’ll be all right. Thanks for your help.

C. My head hurts and I feel really hot.

D. Could you buy me a bottle of aspirin (阿司匹林)?

E. I can’t. I will have an English test this afternoon.


