精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

     What is "Walk to School"? Now we are working on a programme of "Walk to School". We would like
as many parents and children as possible to take part, even if in a small way. Children who walk to and
from school along with their parents can learn essential (基本的) road safety and life skills.
     You can take part by…
     ■ Walking to and from school with your child every day.
     ■ Walking for one or two days during the week.
     ■ Encouraging others to walk, if you already do.
    Walking is great!
     ■ Walking is great exercise!A walk is good for your body and can keep you fit.
     ■ You won't have to waste time looking for a parking site (停车点).
     ■ It's free. You'll save money by not using the car.
     ■ It's pollution free.
     ■ It's a good chance to talk to your children and to meet other parents, too.
     Enjoying walking to school!
     Here are some suggestions to help you and your child enjoy walking to school.
     ■ Plan a safe route (路线) together.
     ■ Teach children what a kerb (马路牙子) is and what it means.
     ■ Encourage your child to help you choose the safest places to cross the road.
     ■ Look at and discuss the things you see on your way-especially road signs and what they mean.
     Walk to school! Thousands of parents and children already take part, could you?
     Please go to www.walktoschool.org.uk for more information.

1. Who are encouraged to take part in the programme of "Walk to School"?
[     ]
A. Children.
B. Parents and children.
C. Bus drivers.
D. Teachers.
2. By walking to and from school, children can learn ______.
[     ]
A. driving skills
B. running skills
C. road safety and life skills
D. knowledge about science
3. Which is NOT the benefit (好处) of walking to school?
[     ]
A. It can keep you fit.
B. It can save money.
C. It won't pollute the air.
D. It can't help you make new friends.
4. What is the first thing to do if you want to enjoy your walking to school?
[     ]
A. Plan a safe route with your children.
B. Learn what a kerb is and its meaning.
C. Choose the safest places to cross the road.
D. Find road signs and know their meanings.
5. According to the writer, you can learn more about "Walk to School" by ______.
[     ]
A. reading a newspaper
B. making a phone call
C. going to the Internet
D. having a traffic lesson
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    科目:初中英语 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:050


      President (总统) George W Bush is visiting an elementary school today and visits one of the 4th grade classes. They are in the middle of a discussion(讨论) of words and their meanings.

      The teacher asks the President if he would like to lead the class in the discussion of the word“tragedy”. So the President asks the class for an example of a“tragedy”.

      One little boy stands up and says,“If my best friend, who lives next door, is playing in the street and a car comes along and runs him over, that would be a tragedy.”

      “No,”says Bush,“that would be an accident.”

      A little girl puts up her hand,“If a school bus carrying 50 children drove off a cliff(悬崖), killing everyone in the bus, that would be a tragedy.”

      “I am afraid not,”explains the President.“That is what we would call a GREAT LOSS(损失).”

      The room goes quiet. No other children answer. President Bush looks around the mom.“Is not there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?”

      At last, in the back of the room, a boy named Johnny puts up his hand. In a quiet voice he says,“If Air Force One, carrying you and Mrs Bush, was hit by a missile(导弹) and blown up to pieces, that would be a tragedy.”

      “Right,”exclaims(大叫)Bush,“that is right, and can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?”

      “Well,”little Johnny says,“because, as you just told us, it would not be an accident, and it sure as well would not be a great loss.”

    1.President Bush tells the students ________.

    [  ]

    A.to welcome him

    B.to give an example

    C.to make a sentence

    D.to ask some questions

    2.Johnny is ________.

    [  ]

    A.in the front of the classroom

    B.in the back of the classroom

    C.in the middle of the room

    D.on the left

    3.Air Force One is ________.

    [  ]

    A.A ship
    B.a car
    C.a plane

    4.“Tragedy”means ________.

    [  ]


    5.What does the sentence“…and it sure as well would not be a great loss”mean?

    [  ]

    A.Of course, it's not a great loss, either.

    B.It's OK that it would not be a great loss.

    C.It's sure if it is not a great loss.

    D.I'm sure that it would be a great loss, too.


    科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Hi! I’m Cheng Ling. I’m a s【小题1】 of Class 3,Grade 7.My school life is very i【小题2】 .
    We have four classes in the m【小题3】 . Classes begin at 8 o’clock. In the afternoon, we have two classes. We have English, science, history, music and s【小题4】 other subjects. M【小题5】 is my favorite subjects. I often sing and dance with my classmates on weekends. But I don’t l【小题6】 science, because I think it’s difficult and b【小题7】 . Do you think so?
    After school, I often play soccer with m【小题8】 friends. Sometimes I swim in the swimming club. But my favorite sport is volleyball. And I can play it w【小题9】 .
    I like my school life very much. Can you t【小题10】 me about your school life?


    科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年湖北武汉市武昌区北片八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

    National Day is coming. I’m going to Beijing w__【小题1】__my parents. This time I want to do s_【小题2】___Interesting. When we get to Beijing, we will find a h_【小题3】___ to live in .At night, I’m taking w__【小题4】__ on the street. Next day , I’m v_【小题5】___ Tian’anmen Square with my parents and I want to take some p__【小题6】__ with my parents. The third day , I’m going to the Great Wall after b _【小题7】__ .On October 4th, I’m going to the Summer Palace. On October 5th, I’m visiting the Palace Museun. After that, I’m going s__【小题8】__ and buy some gifts for my friends. On October 6th, I’mcoming back home because I have to finish my h__【小题9】__. Oh, this is a great vacation!I can’t  w _【小题10】___.


    科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年湖北武汉市武昌区北片八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写


    National Day is coming. I’m going to Beijing w__1__my parents. This time I want to do s_2___Interesting. When we get to Beijing, we will find a h_3___ to live in .At night, I’m taking w__4__ on the street. Next day , I’m v_5___ Tian’anmen Square with my parents and I want to take some p__6__ with my parents. The third day , I’m going to the Great Wall after    b _7__ .On October 4th, I’m going to the Summer Palace. On October 5th, I’m visiting the Palace Museun. After that, I’m going s__8__ and buy some gifts for my friends. On October 6th, I’mcoming back home because I have to finish my h__9__. Oh, this is a great vacation!I can’t  w _10___.



    科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

         Every morning Steve goes to work by train. He always buys a newspaper. It helps to make the time
    pass more quickly.
         One Tuesday morning, he turned to the sports page. He wanted to read the report about an important
    football match the night before. The team of his town won the match. The report was so interesting that
    he forgot get off at his station. He didn't know it until he saw the sea. He got off at the next station, and
    had to wait a long time for a train to go back. Of course, he arrived very late at the office. His boss (老板)was very angry when Steve told him why he was late.
    (A) 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。
    (     )1.Steve always buys a newspaper when he goes to work because he wants to read sports about
    football match.
    (     )2.One Tuesday morning Steve forgot to buy a newspaper.
    (     )3.The important football match was held on Monday evening.
    (     )4.Steve found the train had gone too far when he finished reading the report.
    (     )5.After Steve got off the train, he had to walk back to his office.
    (B) 根据短文内容,完成下列句子,每空填一词,首字母已给出。
    6.Steve e______ reading a newspaper on a train to make the time pass quickly.
    7.One Tuesday morning Steve b______a newspaper as usual (像往常一样).
    8.The report told Steve the team of his town was the w______.
    9.The train had gone too far b______ he saw the sea.
    10.After Steve got off the train, he had to take a______ train back to his office.

