精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

Jill and Jenny were the best of friends. They were_     so much of the time that people said that they were like twins. They did _ __ and went everywhere together. One day, however, something that_  __ caused their friendship to break happened.

Jill had already made plans with Jenny to watch a(n) _ _ . At the last minute, Jill’s mother had an errand (差事)to run and Jill__ __  look after her sister. Jenny was disappointed(失望的) but said that she would still_  _  Jill and watch the show together.

The next morning, Jill overheard Jenny telling another friend,“I watched it last night. It was a wonderful show.” Jill got _ _ .She walked past Jenny and gave her a cold look. Jenny __ _why Jill was so angry with her. When Jenny called out to Jill, she ignored(不理) her.

After school, Jenny waited for Jill, __ __, for their walk home together. However, Jill just_ __ on alone. Jenny ran after her and asked,“What’s the matter, Jill? Why are you avoiding __ __ like this?” Jill answered angrily,“You broke your _ _ . A good friend should not do that.”

Jenny realised what the _ _ was and laughed. “I didn’t go to the show. I just watched another show on TV. I will _ _  break my promise to you. You are my best friend.”

Jill said  _  _ to Jenny and they were the best  friends again.

1.A. out                  B. together                   C. in                        D. around

2.A. something           B. anything                  C. everything              D. nothing

3.A. almost                  B. finally                 C. probably                  D. slowly

4.A. play             B. show                        C. match                 D. opera

5.A. could          B. might                  C. should                 D. had to

6.A. look after            B. help out                  C. wait for          D. try out

7.A. angry          B. worried                   C. nervous                  D. tired

8.A. told                 B. explained                 C. knew                       D. wondered

9.A. as well                 B. as usual                   C. in fact                 D. above all

10.A. read                   B. danced              C. walked            D. rode

11.A. me                B. him                            C. her                           D. them

12.A. chance              B. phone                C. secret                  D. Promise

13.A. surprise            B. prize                        C. problem                  D. gift

14.A. never                B. still                           C. already          D. even

15.A. thanks               B. sorry                        C. goodbye                 D.hello                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          




















1.B考查副词及语境的理解。句意:她们太过于经常在一起以至于人们说她们就像双胞胎一样。A. out在外面;B. together    在一起;C. in  在里面;D. around在四周。根据前句的意思和后面的句意,可知选B。

2.C考查不定代词及语境的理解。句意:她们一起做每一件事以及去每一个地方。A.something一些事;B. anything任何事情;C. everything一切事情;D. nothing没有事情。根据句意可知选C。

3.A考查副词及语境的理解。句意:然而,有一天发生了一件差点导致她们友谊破裂的事情。A. almost几乎,差点;B. finally最终;C. probably        可能;D. slowly慢慢地。文章的后面部分说到她们最终并没有朋友友谊破裂。所以答案是A。


5.D考查情态动词及语境的理解。句意:在最后时刻,吉尔的妈妈因为有事要走,所以吉尔不得不照看她的妹妹。A. could能,会;B. might可能,或许;C. should应该;D. had to不得不,必须。从前半句与后半句的逻辑上看,答案是D。

6.C考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:珍妮虽然失望,但是说她仍然会等吉尔和她一起看这场表演。A. look after照看,照顾;B. help out   帮助……解决问题;C. wait for等候……;D. try out试验(出)。根据句意,可知选C。

7.A考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:吉尔变得生气了。选项中A. angry     生气的;B. worried担心的;C. nervous紧张的;D. tired累的。通过前句吉尔听见珍妮跟另一个朋友说“I watched it last night. It was a wonderful show.”判断答案选A。

8.D考查动词及语境的理解。前句意思是吉尔从珍妮身边走过,冷冷地看了她一眼,可知本句句意应该是:珍妮纳闷,吉尔为什么这么生她的气。A. told         告诉;B. explained解释;C. knew知道;D. wondered想知道,纳闷。故选D。

9.B考查介词短语及语境的理解。句意:放学后,珍妮像往常一样等着吉尔,她们一起回家。A. as well也;   B. as usual想往常一样;C. in fact事实上;D. above all毕竟,终究。根据后句的意思:然而,吉尔竟然独自走了。可知珍妮想往常一样等。故选B。

10.C考查动词及语境的理解。句意:然而吉尔独自走了。选项A. read读书;B. danced     跳舞;C. walked步行;D. rode骑车。根据前半句“珍妮等她”以及后句“珍妮追上她”的意思,可知选C。


12.D考查名词及语境的理解。句意:吉尔气愤地回答道:“你没有信守诺言,好朋友不应该那样做。” A. chance   机会;B. Phone电话;C. Secret秘密;D. Promise承诺。根据故事情节,可知答案是D。

13.C考查名词及语境的理解。句意:珍妮意识到问题是什么了。A. Surprise惊奇;   B. Prize奖品;C. Problem问题;D. Gift礼物。从文章的内容和四个选项可知答案是C。

14.A考查副词及语境的理解。句意:我将永远不会对你毁掉我的诺言。A. Never从不,永不;B. Still仍然;C. Already已经;D. Even甚至。根据后句“你是我最好的朋友”可知答案是A。

15.B考查名词及语境的理解。句意:吉尔向珍妮道歉,她们再次成为最好的朋友。Say thanks to是向某人致谢;say sorry to向某人道歉;say goodbye to 向某人道别;say hello to问候某人。故选B。




科目:初中英语 来源:0110 期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Millie 正和Jill 谈论她家附近的一个新公园。根据上下文,选择合适的句子将她们的对话补充完整。
(M= Millie,  J=Jill  They're classmates.)
M: Hello, Jill! 1_______
J: 2_______. Is it very big?
M: No, it's not very big, 3_______.
J: Well, what's in it? Are there any lakes?
M: Yes, there is a lake. 4_______.
J: Is there a zoo?
M:  No, there isn't. But there are many birds in it, and there're lots of flowers too.
J: 5_______.
M: There isn't a shop in the park, but there are some small shops near the park.
A. but it's beautiful
B. Oh, that's nice.
C. What about shops?
D. And there are many trees near the lake. E. There is a new park near my house.


科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

     Millie 正和Jill谈论她家附近的一个新公园,你能根据上下文,选择合适的句子将她们的
(M = Millie, J = Jill They are classmates.)
M: Hello, Jill! 1. _____.
J: 2._____. Is it very big?
M: No, it's not very big, 3._____
J: Well, what's in it? Are there any lakes?
M: Yes, there is a lake. 4._____
J: Is there a zoo?
M: No, there isn't. But there are many birds in it, and there are lots of flowers too.
J: 5._____
M: There isn't a shop in the park, but there are some small shops near the park.
A. but it's beautiful.
B. Oh, that's nice.
C. What about shops?
D. And there are many trees around the lake.
E. There is a new park near my house.

