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--Is your name Jim Green?

A.Yes, I am B.Yes, it is
C.No, I am D.Yes, I’m


解析试题分析:英语中以yes或no开头回答的问句叫一般疑问句,其回答有比较固定的格式.一般为:肯定回答:Yes, +主语(通常是代词)+助动词,一般不缩写;否定回答:No, +主语(通常是代词)+ 助动词 not.(的缩写形式).注意助动词和人称代词人称与数上同问句保持一致.当be动词是am时,am与not不缩写.
下文中代词指代的是上文主语your name,故代词用it,选B。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

If I _____ you ,I _____ them the story.

A.was , tell B.were , will tell C.were ,would tell D.am. would tell 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

If I _______ you, I would _______ my homework myself.

A.was; did B.am; do C.were; do D.is; did 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

— Yuan Lihai brought up so many children! How great she is!

A.So she is B.So is she
C.So she does D.So does she


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

---Daming didn’t finish his homework yesterday.

A.So did IB.Neither did I
C.So I didD.Neither I did


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Sophia likes English very much. She spends a lot of time        it every day. She usually goes to the school        and reads English newspapers. After school, she goes to the city library behind her school. She needs to use the computer there to surf the Internet        she does not have a computer at home. She tries hard to chat with her American e-friends in      .
In fact, Sophia did not like English at first. At that time, studying English was very        for her. She did not know the good ways of learning English. But one day, her new English        told her the importance of English and taught her how to learn English well. From then on, she started to try to      English songs, read English newspapers, and write down        English sentences in the notebooks. Now, she        English very much. She hopes to become an English teacher some day and help more        learn English well.

A.reading B.writing C.listening D.studying
A.lab B.library C.office D.kitchen
A.so B.and C.because D.but
A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese D.French
A.easy B.good C.hard D.bad
A.doctor B.manager C.teacher D.nurse
A.listen to B.take out C.look for D.point at
A.short B.strange C.good D.sad
A.thanks B.loves C.knows D.believes
A.musicians B.animals C.parents D.students


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

I believe listening is a powerful medicine.
It was Sunday . I had the last        to see and I got into her room . She was an old woman , sitting on the bed , trying to       her socks . Usually I said something like this : “How are you feeling ? The nurse says your son is visiting you today. I believe you are         seeing him.”
She       me with a serious voice , “Sit down , doctor . This is my story , not yours .”
I was surprised and        . I sat down a     helped her with the socks . She began to tell me that her only son lived not far from her ,          she had not seen him for five years . She believed her health problems were worse because of          her son . After hearing her story and helping her put on her socks , I asked if there was         I could do for her . She       her head and smiled . All she wanted me to do was to       .
Each story is         . Some are clear; others are not. Some are true; others are not , yet all those things do not really       . What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard .
Listening to someone’s story costs nothing but it is the key to healing (康复). I often      what the woman taught me , and I        myself of the importance of stopping , sitting down and truly listening . I        the power of listening .

A.doctor  B.nurse  C.patient D.student 
A.take off B.get off  C.clean out  D.put on 
A.looking forward to B.asking for C.going on D.worrying about 
A.impressed  B.stopped C.aske D.greeted 
A.excited B.mad  C.embarrassed D.angry 
A.or  B.so C.but D.if 
A.missing B.loving C.understanding D.meeting 
A.nothing else B.anything else C.nothing D.everything 
A.shook B.dropped C.waved D.moved 
A.see B.smell C.listen D.feel 
A.terrible  B.different C.similar D.true 
A.happen B.appear C.matter D.change 
A.think of  B.dream of C.lead to D.laugh at 
A.teach B.ask C.remind D.cheer 
A.talk about B.show off C.believe in  D.run out of 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Mr. Smith is an old shopkeeper. He has a lot of   but he never buys anything expensive. He and his wife live in       old house outside the town. He often goes to the shop    because he wanted to save some   . In the evening , when it’s dark in the room, he goes to    . He has no wanted TV but bought a cheap radio and often listens to it.
The old man has no children. Sometimes, his wife is      . He doesn’t want to send her to the hospital. He thinks he will       much to the doctors if they look her over. So he busy some pill (药)     her.
One night Mrs. Smith felt ill. She got a        headache. She asked her husband to find a        , but he didn’t agree. He brought out some pills and made her        them. But it was no use. The old woman began to       at home. He locked the door and went in another room and      there. The next morning, when he got up, he came        her bedroom to see if she was all right., and he found the       died. He ran to the telephone, but changed his mind at once. He ran out and shouted to the nurse (保姆) , “ Don’t cook breakfast for Mrs. Smith this morning, Linda ! ”

A.on footB.by carC.by taxiD.by motorbike
A.takeB.drinkC.to takeD.to drink


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

There are different outdoor activities for different seasons. In spring we can fly kites. In summer, we can go swimming or sailing. In autumn, it is a good idea to camp or hike. In winter, we can go to ski or skate because they bring us a lot of fun. They make us strong and fit, too. So it is important for people of all ages to take part in some outdoor activities at the right time.
There are many group activities, like football and basketball. The members work together for the same goal(目标). So group activities need team spirit(团队精神). It is very useful for a person to have team spirit. It is good for us in life and work.
Old people like walking and jogging. These outdoor activities don’t need much strength(气力). Young people like exciting activities like diving(潜水), skiing and horse riding. Children like fun activities like flying kites. Some outdoor activities are dangerous, like climbing rocks. So we must be careful when we take part in them.

Title : Outdoor   【小题1】
Activities in different    【小题2】
Spring is a good season for 【小题3】  kites. In summer, we can sail or    【小题4】  . In autumn, we can go camping or hiking. In winter, going skiing or skating can bring us    【小题5】 fun.
【小题6】  activities
Football and basketball can help build team spirit.
Activities for   【小题7】  people
Old people can walk and jog. Young people can dive, ski and ride horses. Flying kites is fit for 【小题8】   .
【小题9】 activities
Not all outdoor activities are safe. We must be careful    【小题10】   some outdoor activities like climbing rocks.

