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Dear 2012 Olympic Committee,
¡¡¡¡I am writing to apply for a position at your Volunteer Post. ________________________









Dear 2012 Olympic Committee,

  I am writing to apply for a position at your Volunteer Post. I am interested in the work as a translator. My name is Wang Hua. I¡¯m a sixteen-year-old boy of Hangzhou Middle School Junior Three. I¡¯m very cheerful and lively, and I like to make friends with people. The reason why I want to get the work is that I like to do something useful. My hobby is to read English books and watch English movies in my spare time. My favorite writer is Rowling. I had got the first prize in the English speech contest of our school when I was fourteen. If I get the work, I will hard at work, make some contribution to 2012 London Olympic Games.

 I am looking forward to your early reply.


                                                                    Wang Hua


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Nowadays, as the society develops, the need of fuel is getting larger and larger. How can we get more and cheaper fuel? One company in New Jersey is developing a special way to get low-cost bio-fuels£¨ÉúÎïȼÁÏ£©from sugar, an importang part for getting ethanol (ÒÒ´¼).

In order to make bio-fuels cheaper, the company called Proterro, is trying to cut the cost of making sugar. The company is getting photosynthetic microorganisms (¹âºÏ΢ÉúÎï) to produce large amounts of sugar, and it is designing a special way to grow the microorganisms using small amounts of water.

photosynthetic microorganisms, such as algae£¨ÔåÀࣩ, are usually thought that it can produce oils. Proterro paid so much attention to making sugar because bio-fuel ethanol is mainly from it, and it¡¯s also the starting point for new ways of making other types of bio-fuels.

Today, almost all of the sugar for bio-fuels is made from corn or sugarcane£¨¸ÊÕᣩ£¬and several companies are trying more ways to make sugar from other plants such as grass and trees. ¡°But we¡¯ve just got the beginning to make bio-fuels; sugar is still expensive,¡±says Kef kasdin, Proterro¡¯s CEO. Only sugar from sugarcane is cheap enough, and that can only be grown inexpensively in some places, such as Brazil.

51. Why do people try to make bio-fuels?

A. The usual fuels are getting more and more.            

B. Bio-fuels are more important than the usual fuels.    

C. The usual fuels are getting cheaper.

D. Bio-fuels are cheaper than the usual fuels.

52. How are people trying to make bio-fuels cheaper?

A. By making more bio-fuels.         

B. By cutting the cost of making sugar.

C. By getting more photosynthetic microorganisms.

D. By using small amouts of water.

53. Which of the followings might NOT be used to make bio-fuels

A. Wheat         B.Sugarcane         C. Corn             D.Glass

54. How many types of bio-fuels have been made according to the passage?

A. One           B.Two               C. Three            D.Four

55. What do Kef kasdin¡¯s words mean?       .

A.Making bio-fuels has become quite easy.

B. Bio-fuels may be a little more expensive.

C. The company hasn¡¯t cut the cost low enough yet.

D. The company can only get sugar from sugarcane now.


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Rose watched as her friend, Melissa, and three other girls practiced their dance moves. Rose told her mom, ¡°I want to take ballet(°ÅÀÙ)lessons!¡± Her mom was happy and bought her a dress. Rose went to the lessons. But she found it boring to do the same movements(¶¯×÷) again and again. After a few lessons, Rose told her mom, ¡°I¡¯m not going to the lessons anymore.¡± Bored, she drew a picture of a lovely ¡°ballerina¡±. She said to herself,¡± I¡¯m not good at anything.¡±

One day after school, Rose visited Amanda. Amanda was practicing the guitar. Rose told her mom when she came back home, ¡°I want to play the guitar!¡± Her mom bought a secondhand guitar for her. She tried to play it, but the strings(ÏÒ) hurt her fingers and she had to rest. Bored, Rose drew a picture of a girl playing the guitar. She sighed and thought, ¡° I¡¯m not good at anything.¡±

¡°Charlie, what should I do? Tomorrow is Talent Day at school, but I don¡¯t have talent for anything,¡± she asked her brother. ¡°Well, you could take your drawings,¡± Charlie suggested.

Rose sighed. What else could she do? The next day, she put her drawings in her bag and went to school with heavy steps.

Ms Smith announced Rose to be the winner and asked her to come to the front of the room. ¡°I didn¡¯t know you could draw so well, Rose. Would you tell us your secret?¡±

Rose thought and thought. At last she had the answer. Rose smiled and said, ¡°Practice!¡±

46. W    hy did Rose want to learn how to dance?

  A. Because Melissa and some other girls do so.

  B. Because she felt bored to do the same movements.

  C. Because the teacher said she could be good at it.

  D. Because her mother want her to learn how to dance.

47. Who can play the guitar?

  A. Charlie    B. Melissa   C. Amanda    D. Rose.

48. The underlined part ¡°with heavy steps¡± in the fourth paragraph means Rose is_______?

  A. Happy     B. Worried   C. Excited    D. Hopeful.

49. What do you learn about Rose¡¯s mother£¿

  A. She was willing to help Rose to try new things.

  B. She wanted Rose to be a dancer.

  C. She never helps Rose to try new things.

  D. She wanted Rose to be busy.

50. What¡¯s the passage mainly tell us?

  A. Give up the things that you aren¡¯t good at.

  B. Adults shouldn¡¯t give kids too much pressure.

  C. To be good at something takes practice.

  D. We should learn from others.


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 ¡ªCould I give you a ride as you look so tired?


A. It¡¯s your duty    B. No, thanks     C. Do as you like   D. Don¡¯t mention it


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

 It¡¯s a good habit for us that we should never ______ today¡¯s work till tomorrow.

   A. put on      B. put off        C. put up      D. put down


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

 ¡ª I don¡¯t think we have met before. 

¡ª Yes, once at a party, but we _______.

A. didn¡¯t introduce                                   B. weren¡¯t introduced

C. haven¡¯t introduced                                 D. weren¡¯t introducing


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

 He wanted to read more, so he asked his friend if there was _______ to read.

A. something easy enough             B. something enough easy

C. enough easy something             D. easy enough something


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

 It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it______ be rather cold sometimes.

   A. must            B. should        C. would         D. can


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡ªYour grandparents were very great.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

¡ªYes. They supported my father¡¯s schooling ______ they were very poor.

A. as if¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. even though¡¡ C. so that¡¡¡¡ ¡¡ D. what if

