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【小题1】The famous doctor has much experience__________(处理) with urgent problems.
【小题2】Motrer tells the children not to shout too ________(大声地)in the hospital.
【小题3】The air pollution in this area caused the ________(死亡) of many trees.
【小题4】Reading is _______(有帮助的) to improve your writing skills.
【小题5】Linda __________(拒绝) to help me with my homework last week


解析试题分析:【小题1】have experience doing sth是“在做某事方面有经验”是固定用法,而“处理”是deal with,所以本题填dealing。
【小题5】“拒绝”是refuse;又因为last week可知,本句是过去时。所以本题填refused。


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省宁波七中初三第一次月考英语卷 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Many people do not understand the ____________ (重要性)of the wetlands..
【小题2】Pay some _____ (注意) to what you are doing .
【小题3】He s______ three days with his grandparents last summer.
【小题4】Please be _______(耐心). The bus is coming here on time.
【小题5】Though all of them speak English, yet they speak     (不同地)
【小题6】 His father’s d____ made him very sad .
【小题7】You can’t get there on time u__________ you take a taxi.
【小题8】Hurry up. There is no time for you to w_______.
【小题9】You can’t drive the car because you don’t get a driver’s l_______ .
【小题10】Please answer this question with a c_______ sentence.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014届浙江省宁波鄞州区初三第一学期五校联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Shanghai is one of the __________(热闹的) cities in China.

2.In the past, cats were good at ________(抓捕)mice.

3.The air pollution in this area caused the ________(死亡) of many trees.

4.Reading is _______(有帮助的) to improve your writing skills.

5.Linda __________(拒绝) to help me with my homework last week.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省余姚地区九年级上学期第二次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Shanghai is one of the __________(热闹的) cities in China.

2.In the past, cats were good at ________(抓捕)mice.

3.The air pollution in this area caused the ________(死亡) of many trees.

4.Reading is _______(有帮助的) to improve your writing skills.

5.Linda __________(拒绝) to help me with my homework last week.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省九年级上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The famous doctor has much experience__________(处理) with urgent problems.

2.Motrer tells the children not to shout too ________(大声地)in the hospital.

3.The air pollution in this area caused the ________(死亡) of many trees.

4.Reading is _______(有帮助的) to improve your writing skills.

5.Linda __________(拒绝) to help me with my homework last week


