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(   ) 2. The population of the city      than that of the countryside.

A. is larger    B. are bigger

C. is more    D. are more

2. A population是不可数名词,可以用large/small等形容词修饰,作主语时谓语动词用单数。

题目来源:仁爱英语同步练习册九年级上册下册合订本 > Topic 2 The population in developing countries is growing faster.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. ―How do you usually      your old clothes?

      —I always send them to the poor area.
A. increase to    B. carry out

C. deal with    D. do with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Nowadays China is facing a rapidly aging population(人口老龄化),and the country's one-child policy means it's 1 for families to take care of the old in the future. At the beginning of a new year, 2people hope they can look after the old well when they try to build a well-off society(小康社会).So what's the best way 3 the elderly care? And what still needs to be done to make sure the old will have a happy life after retirement(退休)?

  82-year-old Ma Minhui 4in a nursing home since five years ago. Ma Minhui said, "I lived away from my children. I often worried what I would do 5 I fell ill with no one around. So I decided to move here because the people here can take care of me. And with my friends, I don't feel lonely. So life is 6 here.”

  Life is better in the nursing home. That might be true,but it's also because there is no better 7Almost 8 of grown-up children live away from their parents,leaving many empty nesters(空巢老人).

By the end of 2011 , 185 million people in China were 60 or over,and the number may about 30 percent of China's total population by the middle of this century. So elderly care needs to be improved.

  Professor Yang Yansui from Tsinghua University said," There should be more community services 10 a nursing home. The government should take more measures to solve the problem.”

(   ) 1. A. easy    B. difficult

       C. nice    D. bad

(   ) 2. A. America    B. English

      C. Australia    D. Chinese

(   ) 3. A. to improve    B. improving

      C. to solve    D. solving

(   ) 4. A. has lived    B. lives

        C. lived    D. is living

(   ) 5. A. because    B. if

        C. how    D. though

(   ) 6. A. better    B. good

       C. bad    D. worse

(   ) 7. A. problem    B. policy

      C. choice    D. change

(  ) 8.A. second three    B. seconds three

        C. two thirds    D. two third

(   ) 9. A. increase by    B. increase to

       C. slow up    D. slow down

(   ) 10. A. in    B.on

       C. as    D. like


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 7.——It's said that Maria has just come back from Fujian. Shall we ____ ?

       —Good idea.

A. call up her    B. call her at 

C. call at her    D. call her up


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 世界人口迅速增长给我们带来了许多问题,如粮食不足、失业率过高等;

2. 中国是一个人口大国,许多人生活在贫困线以下;

3. 中国应坚持独生子女政策,控制人口增长。

参考词汇:坚持独生子女政策carry on the one-child policy;在贫困线以下under the poverty line


行文,路:4艮据提示,该篇文章可分三部分来写:首先描述世界人口增长带来的问题(don't have enough food;be out of work)等;然后描述中国人口带来的问题(poor)以及解决办法(carry on the one-child policy );最后发表自己的看法(each family should has only one child) 0

高分束揪:在行文过程中,要注意上下文的衔接,可使用for example, and,so等短语和连词使文章更自然流畅。发表自己看法时,使用if引导的较高级句式,会增加文章的亮点。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. I have ______ the Great Wall twice.It's an         place.

A. been to;excited

B. gone to;exciting

C. been to;exciting

D. gone to;excited


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. The population of India is1. 1 billion.(对画线部分提问)

      of India?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(  ) 7. ―I can't decide     on vacation. Any advice? 

      ―Why not go to Hainan? It's warm in winter.

A. when will I go    B. where will I go
C. where to go    D. when to go


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Modern     (技术)has changed our life but brought us problems as well.

