精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
     ES-ME is a fun computer program. Here is how it works:
    ● First, tell ES-ME your birthday.
    ● Then ask your question.
    ● Finally, you will get an answer from ES-ME.
     Below are the four questions people most often ask, and the funny answers they get.     
     Q1: Will I get a good job?     
     ES-ME FSure you will, if you are able to do a good job.     
    Q2: When will I die?     
     ES-ME FYou'll know when the time comes.     
    Q3: Can I find my true love?     
     ES-ME FYes you can, if there's true love in the world.     
    Q4: What will be on my school test?     
     ES-ME FIt will be what you've been taught.
1. What does ES-ME do?
A. It takes tests.
B. It collects ideas.
C. It gives answers.
D. It repeats questions.
2. What does You'll know when the time comes mean in the reading?
A. You will die when you get old.
B. You should know time flies and never waits.
C. You can know when you will die only when you are dying.
D. You can believe time is the best medicine for a broken heart.

科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

A: Look at that monkey.  It looks like a man. What is it doing?
B: It's  riding a bike.
A: Look there ! A baby monkey is on the back of' its mother, and the mother monkey is eating an apple.
B: The monkeys are very cute. Many people like them very much. Can I give a banana to the
    monkeys ?
A: You'd better not give any food. Look! It says, " Do not feed the animals, "
B: Oh, I see.
A: Shall we go to see the dolphins?
B: It's too early for the dolphin show. Let's go to the elephant house first.
A: OK !
B: Wow. Elephants are so strong. Look! How interesting they are! They're playing with their friends.
A: I think they like our country.
B: Yes. They are lovely. They're all from Africa.
1.           is eating an apple.
A. An elephant
B. The baby monkey
C. The mother monkey
D. A dolphin
2. Can we give a banana to the monkey in the zoo? 
A. Yes, we can.
B. No, we can't. But we can give an apple to it.
C. No, we can't.
D. If' it wants, you can give it a banana.
3. After seeing the monkeys, they go to see _     __.  
A. the dolphin show
B. the elephants
C. the tigers
D. the giraff'es
4. Why don't they go to see the dolphin show?
A. Because there's no dolphin show.
B. Because it's too late,
C. Because it's too early for the show.
D. Because they are tired.
5. Which of the following is WRONG?
A. The elephants are fun.
B. The elephants are from Africa.
C. The elephants don't like the new country they are in.
D. The elephants are strong and lovely.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Some years ago, Chinese high school students would show their new
schoolbags, new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term
started.  Today, however, all have changed.  If you still come back to school
with only these things, you are falling out of date.  Students in big cities like
to bring the latesc high-tech things to school, and feel happy and pleased to
show off these things toothers. They are mobile phonf,S, MP4 players, CD
players, electronic dictionaries and so on. The list is endless.
     Young people think that, living in the 21st century, they must keep up
with the date. They don't want to fall behind. Besides, they think that they
need to keep in touch with their classmat.es, so they need mobile phones.
They also like to listen to the pop music, so they need C.D players. They
explain that something like electronic dictionaries can be useful in their
study, too.  They think that their parents should understand why they want
these things.
     Foreign students will also bring some latest high-tech things when they
retum to school at the beginning of a new term. However, they often use the
money which they macie by themselves during the holiday to buy these
high-tech things that they want.
(     )1. Today, Chinese students like showing off their new clothes.
(     )2. The students need mobile phones in order to keep in touch with their
(     )3. Young people living in the 21st century don't want to be out of date.
(     )4. Foreign students also like to bring some high-tech things at the cnd of the term.
(     )5. Chinese students spend the money which they made by themselves on
the high-tech things.


科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

     My family live in London. In the morning, my father goes to work and we go to school. My father takes
us to school every day. My mother stays at home. She does the housework. She always has lunch at home
and visits her friends in the afternoon. In the afternoon, we go home from school by bus. My father gets
home from work late. In the evening my two brothers and I always do our homework. We go to bed at about
ten. My father and my mother usually read newspapers. We can watch TV at the weekend.
1. ____ go(es) to work in the morning.
[     ]
A. No one
B. We all
C. My father
D. My mother
2. ____ lunch at home.
[     ]
A. My mother has
B. My father has
C. Only the children have
D. All the family have
3. ____ home late.
[     ]
A. The children get
B. My father gets
C. My mother doesn't get
D. My parents get
4. We can watch TV ____.
[     ]
A. on Monday evening
B. every day
C. often
D. on Saturday evening
5. There are ____ people in my family.
[     ]
A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six

