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People all over the world are learning English . Some learn at school , others study by       . A few learn English by listening       the radio.
Why do all these people want to learn English ? It’s difficult   this question. Many children learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. Some people learn English because        useful for their work. Many students often learn English for their    education because          college some of the books they will use are written          English .
It is not      to learn a foreign language. But there is       difficult in the world if you         your heart into it .2-1-c-n-j-y
A.answerB.answeringC.answeredD.to answer
A.nearB.atC.onD.in front of


小题1:考查代词及语境的理解。句意:一些人在学校里学习英语,其他人自己学习。himself 他自己;oneself 某人自己;themselves 他们自己;ourselves我们自己。根据句意,以及这句话的主语others 可知,这里表示复数的意思,故选C。
小题2:考查介词及语境的理解。句意:还有少数人通过听收音机来学习英语。of……的;to 到……;with 和某人一起,用;in 在……里面。listen to 是一个固定的短语,意思是听。故选C。
小题3:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:回答这个问题是很困难的。本句使用的句型是It is 形容词to do sth. 做某事是……的。根据这一句型可知,这里应该用动词不定式的形式,故选D。
小题4:考查代词及语境的理解。句意:有些人学习英语是因为这对他们的工作有用。it’s 是it is 的缩写;its 意思是它的;they’re 是they are d 缩写,意思是他们是……;their 意思是他们的,是一个形容词性物主代词。根据句意可知,这里使用的句型是It is 形容词to do sth.这一句型。故选A。
小题5:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:许多学生为了他们的进修而学习英语。lower 更低的;longer更长的; shorter 更短的;further进一步的,更远的。further education 是一个短语,意思是进修。故选D。
小题6:考查介词及语境的理解。句意:许多学生为了他们的进修而学习英语,因为在大学里他们使用的一些书是用英语写的。near 在……附近;at college 在大学里;on 在……上面;in front of 在……前面。根据句意可知选B。
小题7:考查介词及语境的理解。句意:许多学生为了他们的进修而学习英语,因为在大学里他们使用的一些书是用英语写的。in English 是一个固定的短语,意思是用英语。表示使用某种语言应该用介词in。with 和某人一起,用;by 通过某种方式;from从……。
小题8:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:学习外语是不容易的。free 自由的,免费的;difficult困难的; busy 忙碌的;easy容易的。根据这一段的内容可知,学习外语是不容易的。故选D。
小题9:考查不定代词及语境的理解。句意:但是如果你用心去做,世界上就没有什么难事。something 一些事;anything 任何事;nothing 没什么事;some 一些。根据句意可知,如果用心做事,就没有什么事情是困难的,所以这里应该用一个否定意思的词。故选C。
小题10:考查词及语境的理解。句意:但是如果你用心去做,世界上就没有什么难事。keep 保持,保存;put 放;take 带走;bring 拿来。put your heart into sth. 是一个短语,意思是用心去做某事。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Little Mary is a good girl. She’s in Grade 2 now. Her home is not far from school, but she is often late for class because she likes watching TV, listening to music in the evening and she goes to bed very late. So she can’t get up on time in the morning.
This term Mr White, Mary’s uncle, works in her school. He teaches Grade 2 history. He often tells Mary to follow the school rules and come to school on time.
Today Mary get up late again. When she comes to school, it is 8:15 . Her uncle is waiting for her at the school gate. “You are ten minutes late for the first class.” Mr White says angrily (生气地). “Why are you often late for class?” “Every time when I get to the street corner(街角), I always see a sign(标志). It says ‘SCHOOL-GO SLOW!(慢行)’ ” says Mary.
小题1:Mary is a _______year student.
小题2:Mary is often late for school. Which reason (原因)is NOT true?
A.She likes watching TV
B.She likes listening to music.
C.Her mother isn’t at home
D.She can’t get up on time in the morning
小题3:What does Mr White teach?  He teaches___________.
小题4:The first class begins at _________.
小题5:The sign(标志) on the street corner(街角) is for _______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When you step into a new environment, you must have a strong wish to fit in. Fitting in means making more friends, _______ more influence(影响) on others and getting more chances to live a happier life. Here is some ____ that can help you.
Be confident. Confidence attracts most people. Everyone is special and there is only one person like you in this world. Spend _______ thinking about your strong points. If so, you will be able to build up confidence step by step. You won’t have much difficulty fitting in.
Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness. ____ people notice your kindness, they will return it one day. Always give more than you receive, and think more of others than of ___. A person who cares for others is popular everywhere.
Be active in group activities. Various activities like playing football ____ help you to be known to others. You may add more friends to your circle. At the same time, you’ll be amazed to see how much they like you. ____ wasting time being alone, go out to dance and sing together with others to develop friendship.
Be optimistic(乐观的). Optimism makes both you and others feel pleased. It makes a good first impression(印象). A pleasant smile costs the ________ and does the most. Humor(幽默) catches others’ attention as well. People will like you for making them live ______.
If you follow what is mentioned above,  you ______by people around you. As a result, you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life.
小题1:A. had                B. to have            C. having
小题2:A. advice            B. advices             C. suggestions 
小题3:A. sometimes        B. some times         C. some time 
小题4:A. Though          B. When               C. Until 
小题5:A. you               B. your                C. yourself 
小题6:A. can               B. have to              C. needn’t  
小题7:A. Instead of        B. As well as          C. As long as 
小题8:A. little             B. less                  C. least 
小题9:A. friendly          B. happily              C. clearly 
小题10:A. will accept     B. won’t accept       C. will be accepted


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon. A group of birds were having a great time        food and playing on the main road. All of a sudden, a big truck sped through.  A        thing happened. Birds could       , too. Although this bird had already     , another bird flew over to her immediately, just like a family member, unable to accept the     .
Not long after that, another car passed by quickly,      the dead bird’s body to whirl(旋转) with the wind. The male bird       the movement. As if she was still alive, he        flew beside her again. He stared at her as if he was asking, “       are you not getting up?”
      , she was no longer able to hear him. At the same time, he was trying to lift her up. He,      , was unable to bear the burden. Another car soon passed by. He quickly        . Once the car had gone, he came down again.
Although other birds told him that it was       , he never gave up. He was trying his best to         her up. Another car passed by, and her dead body whirled again as if she was still alive and trying to       . He had used all of his energy, but he was too weak.
A.packing up B.caring for C.searching for D.setting down
A.strange B.normalC.funnyD.sad
A.disappeared B.droppedC.died D.escaped
A.stoppedB.disturbedC.noticed D.feared
A.UnluckilyB.SlowlyC.Finally D.Directly
A.in needB.of courseC.by accidentD.on purpose
A.sat downB.looked upC.showed upD.flew off
A.jumpB.danceC.sing D.Fly


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The airport in Boswell in twenty-one miles from the city. The banks and business offices are in the center of the city. Read these notes from the diary of Miss Shirley, a travel agent.
April 2008
16 MON
A group of 45 Japanese students visit Boswell---want cheap holiday.
Mr and Mrs Johnson coming from New York need an overninght stop at Boswell---leave early on the 18th by air.
18 WED
Mr Thomas, Boston, comes for two-day business trip
75 German students need two days in a cheap hotel
21 SAT
23 MON
Mr and Mrs Washington, from Seattle, arriving by air, traveling---want a first-class comfortable hotel.
Mr and Mrs George, Tokyo, a small inexpensive hotel needed for two days.
小题1: How many people in all arrive in Boswell according to the diary?
小题2: What will the Johnsons come to Boswell for?
A.a visit
B.a business trip
C.a night stop
D.a small inexpensive hotel
小题3:On Monday, the twenty-third, who will come Boswell?
A.A group of 45 Japanese students
B.Mr and Mrs Johnson
C.75 German students
D.Mr and Mrs George
小题4:When will Mr Thomas leave?
A.April 18
B.April 20
C.April 22
D.April 21
小题5:According to the diary, on which day will Miss Shirley be free?
A.On Friday and Sunday
B.On Wednesday and Thursday
C.On Mondays
D.On weekends


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party for her daughter Jenny. Jenny is going to be twelve years old.  A lot of Jenny’s friends are going to come to the party.
Mrs. Green is getting readay for the party. Mr. Green is helping her. He is putting the big birthday cake on the table. It’s a nice cake.
Now it’s five o’clock in the afternoon. Everything is ready. The party is going to begin in ten minutes.
小题1:Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party for ___.
A.Mr Green  B. Mrs. Green  C. Jenny
小题2:_____ are going to come to the party.
A.Jenny’s friends  B. Jenny’s teachers  C. Jenny’s uncles and aunts
小题3:What’s on the table?
A. Some fruit  B. A birthday cake  C. A lot of cards
小题4:When is the party going to begin?
A. At 5:00p.m  B. At 5:30 p.m  C. At 5:10 p.m  
小题5:Jenny is a ____ girl.
A. 12--year --old  B. 12--years--old  C. 11—years—old


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Newspapers are very important in our everyday life. Many people begin their day by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. But sometimes they don’t have the time to read the newspaper carefully and must be pleased with a quick look at the front page. Sometimes they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to look at the headlines quickly.
There are newspapers to please every reader. In big cities there are many kinds with several different editions every day. In small towns there are fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day. Some papers in small towns have several editions, especially on Sundays. Besides the front page with the most important news, there is the sports page, the amusement page, the business page and so on.
小题1:If people don’t have enough time to read all the pages of a newspaper carefully,        .
A.they sometimes read the front page
B.they sometimes read the headlines
C.they don’t read it at all
D.both a and b
小题2:The word “headlines” may mean “        “.
A.important editions
B.words in large letters above stories in a newspaper
C.interesting stories
D.some sports and amusement pages
小题3:By reading the newspaper, people can know        .
A.what is happening in the world
B.how many editions there are each day
C.the headlines are not so important
D.the sports page isn’t as clear as the others
小题4:some newspapers in small towns have           on Sundays than usual.
A.more editionsB.more pictures
C.fewer editionsD.fewer pictures
小题5:If you want to watch a foodball match, you’d better read         in the newspaper.
A.the business pageB.the front page
C.the sports pageD.the amusement page


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Nowadays many parents would like to buy whatever their children like. If they go on doing this, their children will probably think that money is    to make. They will spend the money at random(随意地)and won’ t think of their parents’ hard    
Some parents like to hold birthday parties for their children. If they     on doing this, their children will think it is necessary for them to enjoy birthday parties every year . Year after year, maybe they will       their parents’ birthdays and only remember their own’s.
Many parents don’t let their children     the housework. They think that children just have       thing to do. They should study hard and do    in their lessons. If parents go on with this, the children will not be able to take good care of     when they grow up. Parents should teach their children to do some simple housework       washing clothes and doing some cooking      it can help the children live a better life in the future.
小题1:A. easy   B. hard        C. free     
小题2:A. job         B. work      C. study
小题3:A. make       B. let         C. keep
小题4:A. remember   B. forget      C. leave
小题5:A. do        B. did       C. doing
小题6:A. one       B. two       C. three
小题7:A. good       B. well      C. more
小题8:A. herself   B. himself    C. themselves
小题9:A. as if         B. as such    C. such as
小题10:A. though   B. because    C. so


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Pure Brightness Festival, also known as Tomb-sweeping Day in China, falls on the 4th or 5th of April each year. It was started in the Han Dynasty. On this day, whole families, young and old, with flowers visit the graves of their ancestors to pay their respects. Following the custom, tomb sweepers clean and tidy the graves, decorate them with flowers. They burn paper money made for the dead, set off firecrackers and bow before their ancestors’ tombstones. On this day, they don’t cook. Only cold food is served.
However, tomb sweeping is not the only activity during Pure Brightness Festival. This day is also a time for people to enjoy themselves. Other activities include spring outing, flying kites, planting trees, tasting tea and so on. In April, everything in nature takes on a new look. Trees turn green, flowers come out and the sun shines brightly. So it is a good time to be out to appreciate the beauty of nature. People fly kites not only in the daytime but at night. In the dark, some people fly kites with lanterns, which are called “God’s lanterns”. They plant trees because young trees which are planted during this period are easy to grow up. And they enjoy tea because the tea produced around the festival is said to have good quality.
小题1:The word “tomb” probably means the same as the word “______” in the passage.
小题2:From the passage we can learn that Pure Brightness Festival in 2014 will be on ______.
A.April 4B.April 5
C.either April 4 or April 5D.neither April 4 nor April 5
小题3:According to the passage, Pure Brightness Festival is ______.
A.a day full of sadnessB.Tree Planting Day
C.a combination of sadness and happinessD.a time for people to have fun
小题4:_____ activities are talked about in the passage above.
小题5:Which of the following do you think is the best title for the passage ?
A.A Special Day
B.Pure Brightness Festival in China
C.What the Chinese Do on Tomb-sweeping Day
D.A Chinese Traditional Custom

