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Like hundreds of other young people of all countries who take part in our language courses, you can make the most of your holidays by studying French in an interesting way and, at the same time, discover one of France’s most beautiful areas—Nice!
Our summer course lasts 3 weeks in July and August. You’re welcome to come at any time between July and August 6.You can choose to stay at a host family, but we suggest you stay at our international summer camp. It makes it easy to meet other people and make new friends. What’s more, you can have your classes in the same building which is close to the beach! A free bus service brings you to and from classes if you are living in a French host family or enables you to get into the centre of town if you are living at the summer camp.
Whenever you choose to come, we’ll organize short trips, parties, sports and other activities and motivate you to speak French.
Your stay in Nice will therefore not only be an educational one, but also an enjoyable experience. Besides offering you many opportunities to meet other people from different cultures, we will do everything to make sure your stay will be unforgettable!
【小题1】How long is the summer course?

A.Two months.B.Three weeks.C.One month.D.Eight weeks.
【小题2】According to the passage, they suggest the students stay ____ during the study.
A.at the summer campB.in the hotel
C.at their friends’ homesD.in the centre of town
【小题3】During the course, students can ________.
A.travel all over FranceB.never leave the camp
C.learn French and make friendsD.swim alone in the sea
【小题4】What does the underlined word “motivate” in the third paragraph mean?
【小题5】What you’ve read above is ________.
A.A travel diaryB.An advertisement
C.An introduction to FranceD.A piece of news




科目:初中英语 来源:2011年湖北省咸宁市中考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

As an exchange student, I have been staying in a host family in Beijing for the past five months. The parents are   36  in their mid-30s and the son just turned 5. In exchange for room and board, I teach their son   37 .
Like in many of the other Chinese families, he’s an only child. And though he has   38 plastic trucks and boxes full of crayons, I don’t know   39  he has the time to play. When he’s not in the kindergarten, he’s taking after-school classes. On the weekends, the boy goes to more classes. He has one day off―Sunday.
Compared to his schedule, I feel like my childhood was   40  a waste of time. I learned how to climb trees and draw cartoons. I wasn’t learning Chinese at his age. But he and lots of other children are learning English. Both his parents dream that he will have   41  jobs, higher pay, and bigger houses.
The boy seems to take no interest   42  learning English. He doesn’t need a teacher, but a playmate. He is,   43 , only 5. When I think about my life as a 5-year-old, I know for sure I wasn’t half as   44  as he is.
In the evening, when his parents   45  him to speak with me in English, he gets   46 . He lies on the floors, hides under the table and climbs on the furniture. When he finally stops   47 , and starts talking, it isn’t in English, but it isn’t in Chinese,   48 . He speaks in his own language.
He   49  not be a very good student, but I’m not a great teacher. I just want to be his big brother   50  can speak in gibberish(胡言乱语) with him and help draw trucks, robots or spiders.

A.a hundred ofB.hundreds ofC.hundred ofD.hundreds
A.after allB.at allC.first of allD.all the time
A.moveB.to moveC.movingD.moved
A.tooB.alsoC.as wellD.either


科目:初中英语 来源:2014届江苏省大丰市八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Venice(威尼斯) is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea(亚得里亚海). Every year thousands of people from all over the world travel to Italy to visit the city. Do you know why they like to go there for a visit?

Venice is a very beautiful city. It is quite different from other cities in the world. There aren't any roads or streets in the city, so there aren't any cars or buses. There are many canals(运河)in the city. There is one big canal and one hundred and seventy-seven small canals. People move up and down the canals in boats to go to work, go shopping or visit their friends.

But Venice is sinking(下沉)It is going down and the water is going up. In 2040 Venice will be under water. The Adriatic Sea will cover (覆盖) the city. The Venetians(威尼斯人) love their city and want to stay there. So they want to save(拯救)Venice form the sea. They do not want to leave. How can they save Venice? They can build some strong huge walls and gates in the sea. The gates will close to keep too much water out. In this way Venice will not sink.

1.People from all parts of the world go to visit Venice because________.

A.it is beautiful and quite different from other cities

B.there are a lot of kinds of boats on the canals

C.there are 177 canals in the city

D.it is the most important city in Italy

2. The Venetians usually go to work or visit their friends________.                                                 

A.by bus            B.in boats           C.in cars            D.on foot

3. Year by year the Adriatic Sea ________ and Venice________.                                                       

A.is rising; is sinking

B.is going down; is going up

C.is going up; is going up

D.is sinking; is rising



科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省江阴市初三中考模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Electronic books have changed the way many people read for   15 . Now online textbooks are changing the way some students learn and some teachers teach.

More than   16  students go to the public schools in Fairfax County, Virginia, outside Washington. Last year, the school system used digital books in fifteen schools. This school year, middle schools and high schools changed   17  printed to electronic textbooks in their social studies classes.

“I mean, it’s just   18  a regular textbook, except it’s got it all online.” says Luke Rosa, a history teacher at Falls Church High School.

Peter Noonan, an assistant superintendent(主管) of schools says, “The world’s changing   19 . And the online textbooks can change right along with the events that   20 .”

“Digital books also cost   21  than printed textbooks,” he says, “Usually it’s between fifty and seventy dollars   22  a textbook for each student, which adds up to about eight million dollars for all of our students in Fairfax County. In fact, we have bought all of the online textbooks for our students for just under six million dollars.

Social studies teacher Michael Bambara says the e-book he uses in his government class is better than a(an)   23  textbook. It has materials for students   24  different levels of reading skills…








A.one hundred seventy-five thousand

B.one hundred seventy-five thousands

C.one hundred and seventy-five thousand

D.one hundred and seventy-five thousands















A.at times

B.at all times

C.at that time

D.at the same time



A.is happened

B.is happening

C.are happening

D.have been happened



A.more expensive








C.to buy












C.who has

D.they have



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届江苏省无锡市初一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Buckingham Palace is in London, England. Buckingham Palace is famous because Queen Elizabeth(伊丽莎白女王)of England lives there. She became queen in 1952.

Buckingham Palace is a big and beautiful building. Queen Elizabeth and her family live on the second floor of the palace. The queen also has her office at the palace. Queen Elizabeth often asks important people to eat dinner at the palace. She invites 9,000 people to each party!  

Buckingham Palace is like a small town. It has a police station, a hospital, two post offices, a movie theatre, a swimming pool, two sports clubs, a garden and a lake. The palace has about six hundred rooms. About four hundred people work there. Two people have very unusual jobs. They take care of the clocks. There are 300 clocks in Buckingham Palace. 

Queen Elizabeth’s day starts at 7:00 in the morning. Seven people take care of her. One person prepares her bath, and another person prepares her clothes. Another person takes care of her dogs. The queen loves dogs.

It’s very interesting to have dinner at Buckingham Palace. You have to follow rules. Queen Elizabeth starts to eat first, and then everybody eats. When the queen finishes eating, everybody finishes eating. You can’t leave the table during dinner.

People visit the rooms in Buckingham Palace in August and September. There are wonderful things to see. Don’t forget that Queen Elizabeth is one of the richest people in the world.

1.Which floor does the queen live on?

A. the ground floor    B. the second floor 

C. the sixth floor  D the tenth floor

2.The underlined word “unusual” means ___________ in Chinese.





3.How many rooms does Buckingham Palace have?





4.According to the text, everyone has to ____________ during dinner at Buckingham Palace.

A.stay at the table

B.listen to music

C.finish eating later than the queen

D.finish eating earlier than the queen

5.Which sentence is NOT true?

A.We can guess the clocks in Buckingham Palace are very important.

B.Buckingham Palace is a palace and a home, too.

C.People can visit Buckingham Palace all year round(全年).

D.Queen Elizabeth can swim or do other sports.



科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山西省初三中考模拟英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Hands play an important part in our daily life. But do you know which of your two hands you use more? Very few people use both hands equally well.  Most of us are right-handed.  Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed.  New-born babies can take hold of things with either of their hands, but in about two years they usually use their right hands.  Scientists don’t know why this happens.

Monkeys are our close relatives in the animal world. Scientists have found that monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the other, but it can be either hand.  There are as many right-handed monkeys as left-handed ones.  Next time you visit a zoo, watch the monkeys carefully, you will see that some of them will use their right hands and others will use their left hands.  But most of the people use their right hands better and this makes life difficult for those left-handed people.  We live in a right-handed world. 

1.How many people among 100 people use their left hands better?

A. 5%.     B. 50%.     C. 95%. 

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “equally” in Chinese?

A. 公正地    B. 均等地    C. 平凡地

3.New-born babies can use  ____  ____ __. 

A.  both of their hands    B.  neither of their hands    C.  their right hands

4.Which of the following is true?

A.  There are more monkeys using their right hands than left hands. 

B.  There are more monkeys using their left hands than right hands. 

C.  There are as many right-handed monkeys as left-handed ones. 

5.“We live in a right-handed world. ”means ____ ____ __. 

A.  Most people use their right hands better. 

B.  Few people use their right hands better. 

C.  Half of the people use their right hands better. 


