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阅读上面的家谱, 回答下面的问题。
小题1: Frank is Linda’s ________.
小题2:Cindy is Jim’s _______
小题3:Peter is Jim and Linda’s ____.
小题4:Bob and Mary are ________parents.
A.Jim and Peter’sB.Jim and Linda’s
C.Peter and Alice’sD.Sonia and Peter’s



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One of the most common questions I am asked is whether, when, and how to follow up after a job interview. Following up in some way is necessary. Yes, you can get a job without it, but if you compete (竞争) with other top candidates (候选人), following up can sometimes help you when the other candidate doesn’t. Here’s how to follow up well:
Send a thank-you note at once. E-mail is fine for this and has the advantage of arriving faster, but handwritten notes are still appreciated (欣赏). And if there are many interviews, send a thank-you note each time.
Find out their timeline. Hopefully, you asked about their timeline in the interview itself, but if you didn’t, follow up within a week to strengthen (强化) your interest and politely ask what they expect their timeline for a decision to be.
Be patient. Most commonly, job seekers are too worried about the result. It doesn’t look worried to express your interest in the job or check in to ask about the timeline.
Don’t be nervous if you don’t hear from them at once. The hiring process (招聘过程) often takes longer than a candidate would like, maybe the decision makers are out of town. If you’re past the time they indicated you would hear something, this isn’t necessarily cause for nervousness. Hiring often ends up taking longer than expected. Just politely follow up, explain you’re very interested but understand that hiring can take time, and ask if they have the latest timeline.
Title: How to follow up after a job interview(就职面试)
Importance of following up
● Following up is very 小题1:in some way.
    小题2: of following up
● Send a thank-you note at once.
﹡E-mail can arrive  小题3:than handwritten notes. ﹡The employer still appreciate  小题4:notes.
    小题5:__  out the timeline.
﹡Follow up to strengthen your  小题6:.
﹡Politely ask what they  小题7:the timeline to be.
● Be patient.
It is  小题8:that job seekers are too worried.
● Don’t be nervous
﹡The hiring often takes a longer time.
﹡The decision makers are not  小题9:town.
﹡If the indicated time is past, follow up小题10:and explain you are interested in the job.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every year, we celebrate many special days─Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and New Year’s Day. In some countries, there is a special day for playing tricks on others. In North America and parts of Europe, this day is known as April Fool’s Day, and is celebrated on April 1.
Many people believe that the French started April Fool’s Day. Centuries ago, New Year’s Day in Europe was April 1. In 1582, the calendar changed and King Charles IX of France moved it to January 1.
Some people did not like this, and chose to keep April 1 as New Year’s Day. Many called these people ‘April fools’ and played jokes and tricks on them. Over time, April 1 became a day to have fun in France. It then spread to England and Scotland, and later, to North America.
On April Fool’s Day, jokes are common. In the United States, for example, a person may move a friend’s clock ahead one hour, or change the sugar and salt. In Scotland, April Fool’s Day lasts for two days. The second day is called ‘Taily Day’─for one’s ‘tail’. On this day, people might secretly put a sign saying ‘kick me’ on a person’s back or behind. Other countries have their own ‘Fool’s Day’. In Spain and Mexico, people play tricks on each other on December 28. In India, it happens on March 31.
In many countries around the world, April 1 is a day of fun. Jokes bring about a lot of laughter, and many shouts of ‘April Fool’!
小题1:It is said that people first celebrated ‘Fool’s Day’ in       .
A.the United StatesB.FranceC.ScotlandD.Spain
小题2: In North America, ‘Fool’s Day’ is celebrated on       .
A.April 1B.April 2C.December 28D.March 31
小题3:People are allowed to        while celebrating ‘Fool’s Day’.
A.kick your friends in the behind
B.move a friend’s clock ahead one hour
C.play jokes and tricks on your friends
D.take a holiday from work for two days
小题4:Which country is NOT mentioned (提到) in the passage as celebrating ‘Fool’s Day’?
小题5:Over time, April 1 became a day to have fun in France. It then spread to England …. Here “spread” means       .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A letter to Hero School Weekly
November 13
Dear Izzy,
I’m going to New York to study next month. This means I will leave my friends at the end of the year. I worry about making new friends at my new school. Maria is my best friend. I think I will miss her. I hope she can find new friends but still keep in touch (保持联系) with me. I’ve known her for 8 years. But I really don’t want to leave my friends. What should I do?
A letter from Hero School Weekly to Cindy
November 15
Dear Cindy,
Going to a new school always means making new friends. Just be friendly with everyone. And don’t worry about your best friend. She will find new friends and you two will keep in touch. Just remember to give her a call every few days. Best friends last forever(永远). Remember the past, plan for the future, but live in the present only.
Yours truly,
小题1:From the two letters, we know that Cindy is a(n) ______.
小题2:Why does Cindy write a letter to Izzy?
A.Because she wants to make friends with Izzy.
B.Because she wants to tell Izzy about her best friend.
C.Because she is going to New York.
D.Because she worries about leaving her friends.
小题3:Cindy is going to leave her school ______.
A.after this term B.in December C.with MariaD.with Izzy


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

For many people of Norway(挪威),skiing(滑雪) is the best way to have fun in winter. Almost everyone can ski. Children learn to ski after they learn to walk. Long long ago in Norway, there were no buses, trains or cars. People had to find a way to walk over the deep snow. Skis were the right answer!
Although they love winter, the people of Norway are also happy to see summer come. They enjoy the out-door activities at any time of the year. In summer they swim and sunbathe near the beach. Some people go cycling and go mountain climbing. Sail-boating is also very popular during the warm sunny summer months.
The Norwegians(挪威人), like people everywhere, find many in-door ways to have a good time. During the long winter they also enjoy movies. They like to read books from the libraries in all seasons. Family life is very important to the people of Norway.
小题1:In winter, _______ is the most popular sport for Norwegians to have a good time.
A. skiing                  B. skating             C. climbing
小题2: Long long time ago, Norwegians skied to ________.
A. have fun                B. keep fit           C. cross the deep snow
小题3:We can find _________ kinds of outdoor activities in the passage.
A. 5                       B. 6                    C. 7
小题4:From the passage we know __________.
A. Norwegians like winter, but they don’t like summer.
B. Norwegians don’t think family life is very important.
C. Norwegians also like indoor activities.
小题5: The writer wants to tell us about Norwegians’ _________.
A. sports                  B. life                    C. habits


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Time is very important in our life. It     our everyday moments. However, time never had any importance in my life until I      a watch from my father, which organized my life and made me more responsible. It's around my wrist with two silver bands.
I received this gift on a gray-sky day. I went to the airport a.m. to       up my uncle Ali and take him to my house. However, I was late because I was      with my friends. Later, around 11:00 a.m. I     my uncle , but he had left the airport and taken a taxi to my house. I got to my house at 2:00 p.m. and felt      of myself at that moment. After I said hello to my angry father and tired uncle, my father asked me to sit next to him and handed me this watch as a gift from him. Then he said, "Peter, did you have      with your friends today? I answered, "Yes, Father, and I apologized for not meeting my uncle Ali." He said, "What you      was not very nice and you should feel sorry for your action." I was ashamed and said, "Father, I'll never do it again. I promise." He said, "I hope today you learned something important, and this watch will be a      for you." He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.
I learned a very important lesson from my father: to respect time and never to be late to get someone. This watch is      to me, not because of its price, but because of the lesson that I learned from it.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Most adults(成年人)once studied at school, had classes and did their homework every day. The same    is going on at school now.      it seems that doing weekend homework is      problem for the modern students.
All the students should agree that weekend homework should be abolished(取消).It's    for them studying at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. With homework to do on Saturday and Sunday, when can they find      to help around the house, go and see a football or basketball game or a good film, join in family recreations(娱乐),or just have    at home? Because of these other activities, the homework can't be finished until     .So their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Monday teachers are     and often threaten(威胁)to fail(使考试不及格)whole class of students because they know nothing about the    . If there is no weekend homework for the students to do, they will be happy to go to school on Monday     having a good rest and to learn what the teachers teach.
A.thingB.school C.classD.homework
A.noB.another C.oneD.other
A.not enoughB.enoughC.no goodD.no use
A.a restB.an exam C.a lessonD.a picnic
A.Monday afternoonB.Saturday afternoon
C.Friday nightD.Sunday night
A.pleasedB.sorryC.unhappyD.not worried


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Zhou Lan,
Thank you very much for your mail. I want to go to China. I know something about China from your e-mail. Your English is very good. But I don’t know much Chinese. Now I’m learning it from my parents. They know much about China. They tell me many things about China.
I’m happy to know that you like your school and your family. Do you want to know my family and my school? I have a big family. My grandparents and my parents are all very fine. My father has a brother. He is my uncle, John. He and my aunt have their children. They’re Bill, Linda, Mary and Lily. My brother Dick is a boy of eighteen. I like my family very much. I’ll go to China next year with my mother. She is going to teach English in a middle school in Beijing.
小题1:Who will come to China?
A.AnnieB.Annie’s family
C.Annie and her motherD.Annie’s parents.
小题2:Who teaches Annie Chinese?
A.Zhou LanB.Annie’s parents
C.Annie’s grandparentsD.Annie herself


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Coffee has become the most popular American drink. Today people in the United States drink more coffee than people in any of the other countries. People drink coffee at breakfast, at lunch, at dinner and between meals. They drink hot coffee or coffee with ice in it. They drink it at work and at home. They eat coffee ice-cream and coffee candy. Coffee is black and very strong. Different people like to drink it in different ways. Some people like coffee with cream or sugar in it. Other people like coffee with both cream and sugar in it. In all ways it is served. Coffee has become an international drink.
小题1:Coffee is an _______drink.
C.ice creamD.American
小题2:Different people like to drink coffee
A.at work or at home
B.in different ways
C.with cream or sugar
D.between meals
小题3:Today Americans drink _______coffee than people in any of the other countries. .
A.as much asB.lessC.moreD.most
小题4:The underlined word "strong" here means _______.
小题5: _______is the most popular American drink.
A.Black teaB.Coffee
C.Water with iceD.Whisky

