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Four student of class 705 want take an art class next year. They took several tests last week . Here are their grades.


(   ) 1.Those who want to go to the art class must get 70 or above in English and math ,and get 80 or above in pencil drawing an watercolor .How many students can go to the art class?

A.3                B.2               C.1

(   ) 2.Here is what the teacher wrote to one of the students.


     Who is that student?

A. Annie             B. Deny           C. Frank

(   ) 3.According to the information above, Sherry’s ___________is the best of her subjects.

A. math              B. English         C. watercolor

(   ) 4.The most grades of the four subject in total is ___________

A. Sherry             B. Benny          C. Frank

(   ) 5.Which of the following is TRUE from the information above?

    A. The students from Class 705 want to take an art class next class.

    B. All the students from class 705 get 80 or above in pencil drawing an watercolor.

C. Frank is better than in English.  

1B  2A  3B  4B  5C


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Textbooks for junior students ______ for free in most areas of China.

   A. provide                            B. provided                          C. are provided


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  In the exam, the         you are, the        mistakes you’ll make.

        A.more careful, less   B.more carefully, more  C.more careful, fewer


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

-----Excuse me, could you tell me_______?

-----Certainly. Go straight ahead and you’ll see it on your left.

A .where the post office is

B. when you will visit the museum

C. where is the post office


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

In autumn and winter the air is very dry .You may find that your nose often

hurts .Sometimes,it even bleeds(流血)W shouldn’t _____to make a nosebleed stop.

①     Lift up your head.

②     Sit or stand with your head forward(前倾).

③     Press(按压)your nose for about 10 hours to make the bleeding stop.

④     Put some ice in a cloth and place the cloth on your head.

⑤     Get some tissues(纸巾)or a cloth to catch the blood.

A. ③④⑤       B. ①③④      C.②④⑤   


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A:Mike, today is Saturday , Let’s go somewhere this evening.

B: Fine. Where would you like to go? To go the movie or watch a show?

A: A new show is on now. Let’s go and watch it, 1   we?

B: I hear it got very bad reviews.

A: How 2    the film Super Returns ? That should be wonderful.

B: We’ve already3   it. Don’t you remember?

A: Then, let’s go another cinema  The film Jurassic Park 4   is on.

B: Good. What does it4?

A: In 30 minutes. We have 5   time to get there.

B: Great. Let’s go.

   1. _______    2. _______    3. _______    4. _______   5. _______


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

-Now most teenagers write to each other not by letter ________online.

       --Yes, the Internet has become a part of their life.

       A. or            B. and           C. but            D. so


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A.There will be a test the day after tomorrow.

B. Will you help me organize it?

C. There was a football match yesterday.

D.No problem.

E.When shall we have the party?

F.Let’s play football tomorrow.

G. That sounds like a good idea.

( )A: Hi, Jack. I’d like to have a class party. 1 .

( )B:Yes, of course, Grace. 2 .

A: Let’s have it today after class.

B: No, we can’t have it today. If so, half of the classmates can’t come.

A: Let’s make it tomorrow.

( )B: Hmm, 3 . Students will leave early to study for the test. Why not have it on the weekend?

A: OK, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. All the students can come and we can watch CDs together.

B: No, I don’t think we should watch CDs. Some students will feel bored. What about playing party games?

( )A: 4 . Can you organize the party games?

B: Sure. I can do that. Can you make some fruit salad for us?

( )A: 5 .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Once upon a time all feelings went to an island for a vacation, and each was having a good time. Suddenly, a warning of a strong storm was announced ,so all rushed to their boats. Yet, Love did not wish to run away quickly. There was so much to do. But as the clouds darkened, Love realized it was time to leave. But there were no boats to spare. Love looked around with hope.

Just then Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love shouted, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."

Love decided to ask Vanity(虚荣) who was also passing by in a beautiful boat for help, But Vanity said with a cold voice, “No, I can’t take you with me. My boat will get dirty with your mummy feet.”

Sorrow passed by after some time. Again, Love asked for help. But it was useless. “No, I can’t take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be by myself.”

When Happiness passed by a few minutes later, Love again called for help. But Happiness was so happy that it hardly concerned about anyone else.

Love was growing restless and hopeless. Just then somebody called out, “Come, Love, I will take you with me.” Love did not know who was being so kind, but jumped onto the boat happily.

After getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Love asked, “Knowledge, do you know who was so kind to give me a lift when no one else wished to help?”

Knowledge smiled, "Oh, that was Time,"

"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."

1. According to the passage, which one did not go to an island for a vacation?

A. Love.       B. Richness.     C. Vanity      D. Knowledge

2. Which word has the same meaning as “Sorrow”?

A. Worry       B. Anger         C. Sadness     D. Smile

3. Other feelings passed by Love in their boats one by one. Which is the right order according to the passage?

A. Richness→Vanity→Sorrow→Happiness→Time       

B. Richness→Happiness→Sorrow→Vanity→Time    

C. Time →Richness→Vanity→Sorrow→Happiness      

D. Richness→Happiness→Vanity→Sorrow→Time

4. What can we learn from the passage?

A. When we are rich, we may pay more attention to Love.

B. All the feelings are important in our life except Love.

C. As time goes by, we can realize the importance of Love.

D. When we are in happiness and sorrow, we shouldn’t remember Love.

5. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. the Importance of Love.        B. Feelings on the Island.

C. Helpless Love.               D. Helpful Time.

