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More and more people think it necessary to study in an English-speaking country and it didn’t take long at all for me to decide to come and study in UK.
I have been used to school life since I came here two months ago, and I am starting to enjoy most of my time in here. School starts at 9 o’clock every morning, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have long days, in which we have 9 lessons and school finishes at 4 o’clock. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday we have short days, in which we have only 6 lessons and finish at 1 o’clock. After lessons, we have 2 hours of activity time, when you can choose from a number of activities, including many sports, such as rugby(英式橄榄球) , football, basketball and tennis.
As a boarder(寄宿者), the quality of food is something I consider very important, and Merchiston has not let me down. The school kitchens are run by a professional company, and the quality of food is excellent, and they are always trying to make the diet healthy. One of the obvious advantages of being a boarder is that we can have breakfast in the school, which means we don’t have to pull ourselves out of bed as early as the day pupils!
小题1:How many lessons do the students have every week in this school?
小题2:The passage mainly tells us about __________________.
A.the writer’s school life in the UK as a boarder
B.the writer’s opinion of the school life in the UK
C.the differences in school life between China and the UK
D.the boarder life in a British middle school
小题3:Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined phrase “ let me down” in the passage?
A.made me blueB.cheered me up
C.encouraged meD.made me surprised



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In many people’s eyes, middle school students are happy and carefree(无忧无虑). But is it the truth? And what     students happy or unhappy?
To find out the answers, Li Jiahui, a student in Pinggu No. 3 Middle School, Beijing, spent six months       students’ sense(感受) of happiness last year. The       girl made a survey with questions such as “ Are you feeling happy?” and “What makes you unhappy?”
After studying the answers from 284 students, Li learned that___   40 percent(百分之)of the students feel unhappy, and the        from studies is the main reason for their unhappiness.
“More than 50 percent said they were under pressure and 70 percent        get enough sleep,” Li said. “It shows that middle school students are not as happy         people think. They worry a lot, and they can get angry easily.”
Li also said that over 90 percent say their happiness has        to do with how much money they have. Instead, they care about their relationships(关系)with friends, teachers and parents. “Students always feel better when they get _      well with each other,” Li said.
After her survey, Li listed       tips that may make students happier, such as: Treat(对待) yourself better, be kind and polite to your friends and relatives, and try new things.
A.to studyB.studyingC.studyD.studied
A.15 years oldB.15-years-oldC.15-year-oldD.15-year-olds
A.anyB.a number ofC.muchD.a lot


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hello, everyone! I’m Kathy. I live in Washington, D.C. I’m in Grade 8. I spend about half an hour on my homework every day. My homework this week is to find out how much homework students have now. Please tell me about your homework on the website.
I’m in Grade 7 in Macross City. I have too much homework. I usually spend more than two hours on homework every day. I don’t use the Internet to help with my homework
Hi! I live in New York. I’m in Grade 6. I guess I’m lucky, because I don’t have too much homework. I usually finish my homework in an hour. I don’t use the Internet for homework. My brother will come to help me if I have problems with my homework.
I’m in Grade 8. I usually spend less than an hour on my homework. I sometimes use the Internet to find information about homework. I don’t think my homework is too much.
小题1:Why does Kathy want others to tell her about their homework?
A.Because she wants to know about her classmates.
B.Because she wants to make friends on the Internet.
C.Because she wants to finish her homework.
D.Because she wants to find someone to do her homework.
小题2:What will Linda do if she has problems with her homework?
A.Ask her brother for help.
B.Ask her teacher for help.
C.Use the Internet for help.
D.Discuss them with her friends.
小题3:__ spends the most time on homework .
小题4:Which two students are in the same grade?
A.Kathy and Linda.
B.Linda and Jack.
C.Ben and Jack.
D.Kathy and Jack.
小题5:How many of the four students use the Internet for homework?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

We are living a fast life. It seems that everything has to be fast, for example,         food, fast Internet, fast roads, fast money. Every day we try to get things done         , but there are some moments that we have to slow down and enjoy our lives.
We are always          every day. I have to work eight hours or more a day at my full-time job. When I get home, it’s always over seven o’clock. I make an effort(努力) to         something. I try to find a bit of time for my hobby—writing. I hardly ever write and work        weekends. Those are my days to try to recharge (休整)and reduce the stress from my work. I sleep on the sofa during the day,          some beer in the open air or go out for a picnic if the weather is nice.
What I’m trying to say is this: if you don’t take some time to slow down once in a while(偶尔) and        your life, it will pass you by. You can be unhealthy both in body and mind if you don’t take the time to relax. So this weekend, don’t make any         . Just get up on Saturday morning           your body says it’s time to get up. Make some coffee, step outside and get         fresh morning air, turn on the radio and prepare yourself for nothing.
A.plansB.mistakesC.noises D.sentences


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My name is Sam. I’m tall. I have a round face and big eyes. I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is short. He has red hair and big eyes. His favorite actor is Jackie Chan, and he thinks Jackie Chan is strong and cool.
Our Chinese teacher is Miss Zhang. She is from Shanghai. She is 25 years old. She has long, black hair. She’s Tom’s favorite teacher.
小题1:Sam is a        boy.
A.tall                 B.cool                 C.short
小题2:      have / has big eyes.
A.Sam                  B.Tom                  C.Sam and Tom
小题3:Jackie Chan is a(n)       .
A.teacher              B.actor                    C.student
小题4:Miss Zhang comes from       .
A.England              B.China                C.Cuba
小题5:下列各句说法错误的是     .
A.Jackie Chan is cool and strong.     
B.Tom doesn’t like Miss Zhang.
C.Miss Zhang is a young woman.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People like to give gifts to others on big days. Do you know how to choose(挑选) gifts? You should choose gifts that your family or friends like. Different gifts are for different people. For example, boys often like to play with robots(机器人),toy guns(枪)and balls. And girls may like something lovely, like flowers, dolls and beautiful clothes. Of course, you don’t need to choose something expensive. Your feeling is much more important than money. There is a Chinese saying, “A small gift means far much. ”
小题1:The word “big ” in the first sentence means “       ”.
小题2:When you buy your friend a gift, you should choose something that        .
A.you likeB. he or she enjoysC. is expensiveD. is very big
小题3:Michael wants to buy a birthday gift for his sister, he may choose a      .
A.teddy bearB.basketballC.water gunD.robot
小题4:What does the underlined sentence mean in Chinese?
小题5:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Everyone needs giftsB.Where to buy expensive gifts
C.The meanings of giftsD.How to choose a gift


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

   Come and see the Indian elephants and the tigers from the northeast of China. The beautiful birds are waiting to sing for you, and the monkeys from Thailand are waiting to talk to you. The cute dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. Sichuan pandas are ready to play balls for you. And the giraffes from Zambia(赞比亚)are waiting to look down on you.
Tickets                                     Opening time:
Adults:$60                             Mon.-Fri.:9:00 a.m.---4:00p.m.  
Children :Free(免费)                  Sat.-Sun.: 9:00 a.m.---7:00p.m
Keep the park clean!
Don’t touch, give food to or go near the animals!
                           Information Card
The cute dogs are from
Price(价格) for adults
Price for Children
What you should do
What you can’t do


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

According to a recent survey, British teenagers are not in good health because they don’t have enough time for sleep. They don’t sleep well, either. They are often disturbed(打扰) by electronic gadgets(器具,装置) in their bedrooms. We call such kind of sleep “junk sleep”.
We did a survey among 1,000 students aged 12 to 16, and we found out that 30 percent of them slept for only 4 to 7 hours a day. Nearly a quarter said they fell asleep while they were watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic gadgets.’
Nowadays, almost all the teenagers have a phone, music system or TV in his or her bedroom. Almost 20 percent of the teenager boys said the quality of their sleep were not good. It was affected by leaving their TVs or computers on. The survey also found out that 40 percent of young people felt tired every day. What’s more, the girls aged 15 to 16 felt the worst among them.
“Teenagers need to realize the importance of sleeping well. If they sleep well, they will be able to study hard and perform well at school. I am shocked to know that so few teenagers have noticed the close connection between sleep and schoolwork,” said Dr Chris.
小题1:What disturbs British teenager in their bedrooms?
A. Sleep.           B. Electronic gadgets.        C. Schoolwork.
小题2:According to the result of the survey, how long did 30 percent of students sleep a day?
A. 3 to 7 hours.      B. 4 to 7 minutes.            C. 4 to 7 hours.
小题3:The word “ quality” means “      ” in Chinese.
A. 数量            B. 质量                    C. 时间
小题4:Among the students,                felt the worst.
A. the girls aged 13.      B. the girls aged 15.       C. the girls aged 17.
小题5:What does the passage talk about ?
A. Junk food.           B. Junk sleep.             C. Teenagers.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I want to tell you some things about Frank’s weekend. He is one of my best  . Frank usually gets up       on weekdays. He is never late for school.       at the weekend, he gets up late. He has breakfast at 9:00.Then he cleans his room and       the radio for about      hour. After that he       to do his homework. At about 11:30, he often cooks ___    for his family. In the afternoon, he usually plays volleyball       his friends. Sometimes he goes to the library and       books in the afternoon. He enjoys his weekend very much because it’s       for him. 
小题1:A. brother        B. classmate      C. friends
小题2:A. early         B. late           C. soon
小题3:A.And         B.But           C.So
小题4:A. hears        B. sounds        C. listens to
小题5:A. a            B. the            C.an
小题6:A.finishes       B. starts        C. want
小题7:A.breakfast      B. lunch        C. dinner
小题8:A.for           B. of           C. with
小题9:A.looks         B. sees          C. reads
小题10:A.boring       B. busy          C. relaxing

