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If I had a lot of m 1 ,I would buy a big house to l 2  in.I would buy a big TV,a beautiful desk and some other things to put in the h 3 .I would have a library for all my b 4 ,a music room with a big CD player.I would be very happy in my new house.Although I will spend a lot of time in my new house,I would also like to go traveling.I would like to see all the i 5  animals and birds.It would be very exciting.And I would also help others.I would like to give some of my money to my hometown to make it more beautiful.










 live in住在某地 

 放在家里put in the house 





科目:初中英语 来源:2012届山东省胜利油田第五十八中学初三下学期期中质量调研英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。
Many of us Chinese are Yao Ming’s fans. Of course we all know he 1     ( retire ) for several months . Yao made farewell(告别) conference Wednesday. He said he   (force )to make this decision by a series of foot and leg injuries. Yao played eight seasons in the NBA.
“Today is an important day for me and   3  (hold) a special meaning for both my basketball career and my future,”Yao said. “ I    4  (think) about my future for a long time. Today I am announcing a personal decision,   5  (end ) my career as a basketball player and officially retire. But one door is closing and another one   6  (open).’’
Yao said he   7   ( return) to work with his former Chinese team, the Shanghai Sharks, with the possibility of    8  (become) general manager. He already   9  (own) the club and wants to contribute more. He thanked a lot of people — his family, former coaches, even players like Shaquille O’Neal — “for making me a better player.’’
Rockets(火箭队) general manager Daryl Morey was among those attending the farewell conference Wednesday. “I would be sorry if I wasn’t here.” “It’s a big moment,’’ Morey added. “Yao had a sense of humor, a great attitude and sense of responsibility. I hope we 10  (continue) his culture in the NBA.’’


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川攀枝花第十二中学初三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)

On my first job, I worked as a sports editor (编辑) for a small newspaper.I never got a letter from my readers, so I was   1  that there was an envelope (信封) on my desk one morning.It was from a most popular newspaper.

When I opened it, I found a note and it read, “You did a good job.Go on!” The note was   2  by Mr John, a famous sports editor.As I was a green hand (新手), his words made me excited.I   3  the note in my desk drawer.Whenever (无论何时) I didn’t know if I could be a good editor, I would read John’s note and become   4  again.

Mr John, the note writer and I knew each other after that.I   5  that he often wrote notes to encourage young people.“When I make   6  feel happy,” he told me, “I feel happy, too.”

 7 , why are there few note writers like John in our life? In my opinion, many people are afraid that they cannot be well understood.Also,   8  takes more time and it is easier to pick up the phone.If you call other people, it can’t   9  a long time, but a note is a good way of record and our words can be read more than once.

So, when you find some people   10  you need help, please write a note to give them more confidence.Making others feel happy makes you feel happy, too.

1.                A.sad            B.sure           C.surprised D.frightened


2.                A.written         B.picked          C.brought  D.practiced


3.                A.took           B.kept           C.received  D.borrowed


4.                A.curious         B.humorous       C.confident D.elegant


5.                A.thought        B.felt            C.believed  D.learned


6.                A.other          B.others          C.another  D.the others


7.                A.But            B.Therefore       C.And D.However


8.                A.writing         B.calling          C.reading   D.finding


9.                A.wait           B.last            C.stop D.rest


10.               A.for            B.past           C.around    D.behind




科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语九年级上Module 6 练习卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子



Modern industry is developing faster and faster, and many fields, rivers and mountains have been (1) p         . We all need a healthy environment, so it’s (2) n          for us to think about it. When shopping we should take our own cloth bags (3) i          of using plastic bags. If it isn’t too hot, don’t turn on air conditioning because it wastes energy. Sort the waste before (4) t          it away. If you can, you can make a (4) d          to the environment.



科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市同步题 题型:填空题

     I __1__ doing exercise to staying at home.  I think sports and games are good __2__ our health.  They
  can __3__ us strong, and they can stop us from __4__ too fat and keep __5__ and happy.  Especially
 (特别是), they can help the people working with their brains (大脑) most of the day to study __6__ ,
 because sports and games make people__7__ their body.
   We should make our life rich and __8__ .  If we don't have a __9__ body, we can't do things well.  So
  people of all ages enjoy watching and taking __10__ in different kinds of sports-track and field (田径),
 swimming, cycling and ball games.

