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Which pet is the best pet for you? Different pets are good for different people. People who live in the country can have almost any pet. Dogs need a lot space to run, so the country is a good place for them. The country is a good place for cats, rabbits, horses, and birds, too. People who live in the city can also have pets. Cats are happy inside apartments. Birds, fish, and lizards can live in apartments. Dogs can be very happy in apartments as long as they get lots of exercise and clean air. Dogs need to be walked every day. A runner would make a good pet owner. Then the dog could run with its owner.

Cat and dog owners must train their pets. Training takes time. Birds, fish, and lizards are better pets for people who are very busy.

Cats and dogs both need soft beds to sleep on. Birds sleep on a perch in their cages. Lizards and fish need tanks to live in. one thing all animals need is lots of love.

1. pet 宠物   2. almost 几乎    3. space 空间   4. apartment 公寓   5.owner 主人

45. Peter is busy with his work in the city every day, so he may keep the pets like ___.

   A. cats and birds      B. dogs and fish      C. horses and lizards      D. birds and lizards

46. How many kinds of animals are mentioned(提到) in the passage?

   A. Five              B. Six               C. Seven               D. Eight

47. Which sentence is true according to (根据) the passage?

   A. People in the country can have almost any pet

   B. People in the city can only have cats or dogs

   C. People who own cats can’t only have other pets

   D. All the pets need soft beds and lots of love


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市石景山区2012届九年级上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  There is an interesting program on TV named “Animals and I”, which invites pet(宠物)keepers who are like their pets.Those who attend the program have to fill out the form and send pictures of their pets.The program received the following forms and pictures this week.

  petpet's keeper


  age3 months6 years

  descriptionPlaying balls and doing pull-upsPlaying balls and doing pull-ups

  othersMom says both of the Rubies are naughty boys!

  petpet's keeper


  age1 year29 years

  descriptionsleeping all dayworking all day

  othersWe look alike, but we act differently.

  petpet's keeper


  age10 years50 years

  descriptionguarding my houseguarding my neighborhood

  othersMy wife says Dave and I like to “bark” all day long.

  petpet's keeper


  age25 months25 years

  descriptionquiet and shytalk ative

  othersJack always listens to what I complain about.


Who has the same name as his/ her pet?

[  ]










Which pet is the oldest of all?

[  ]










How does Rose describe her pet?

[  ]


Sleeping all day.


Quiet and shy.


Guarding the house


Always doing pull-ups


科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初三英语 人教社(新课标2002/3年通过) 人教版 题型:053

Finding the Best Pet

  Which pet is the best pet for you?Different pets are good for different people.People who live in the country can have almost any pet.Dogs need a lot of space to run, so the country is a good place for them.The country is a good place for cats, rabbits, horses, and birds, too.

  People who live in the city can also have pets.Cats are happy inside apartments.Birds, fish, and lizards can live in apartments.Dogs can be happy in apartments as long as they get plenty of exercise and fresh air.Dogs need to be walked every day.A jogger would make a good pet owner.Then the dog could run with its owner.

  Cat and dog owners must train their pets.Training takes time.Birds, fish, and lizards are better pets for people who are very busy.

  Cats and dogs both need soft beds to sleep on.Birds sleep on a perch in their cages.Lizards and fish need tanks to live in.One thing all animals need is lots of love.

1.People in the country can have ________, such as ________.

2.________ need to be walked every day.

3.Busy people could have ________ as pets.

4.All pets need ________.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We've named some of the animals that are often kept as pets. We've shown some good points and bad points about each. And we've told you which animals are OK or not OK to keep. Which pet is for you?

Pick--a--Pet Checklist


   Good Points

   Bad Points

OK to keep

easy to keep

enjoy being petting

good to hold

hard to house-train

drop lots of hair

easily upset by high temperature


can be very interesting

can be very friendly when young

against the law to keep in many states

can get very unkind when older


come in many sizes

can live indoors or out

fun to love and play with

very friendly

can give safety

can be smelly, messy, noisy

need to be licensed and trained

may make you sneeze

may bite if angry

need lots of attention


easy to feed and care for

can live indoors or out

fun to hold

very friendly

may scratch furnitures

little pans can be messy

may kill little birds

may make you sneeze


46. Read "Good points", and you can know that all raccoons, cats and dogs can _________.

A. live indoors       B. be friendly       C. hurt you      D. be noisy

47. _________have the same bad points that they make you sneeze.

A. Rabbits and raccoons B. Raccoons and cats C. Cats and dogs     D. Dogs and rabbits

48. According to the checklist, a rabbit doesn't like _________ weather.

A. cold            B. cool            C. warm        D. hot

49. According to the checklist ,which pets can be messy ?________.

A. Rabbits and raccoons  B. Cats and dogs   C. Cats and rabbits D. Dogs and rabbits

50. What's the purpose of the checklist?_________ .

A. To help you pick the best pet            B. To tell you how to take care of your pet

C. To list the best pets            D. To lead you to get a pet


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


So you want to have a tarantula(狼蛛)as a pet? You want to join the fastest growing hobby in the US? Read this beginner’s guide to learn the most important facts.

What is a tarantula? Tarantulas are primitive spiders(远古的蜘蛛). They are usually hairier and larger than normal spiders.

Why keep tarantulas? Tarantulas are really interesting pets. They don’t need much space, they aren’t expensive to feed, they live a long time, they don’t make much mess, and they aren’t dangerous.

When did people start keeping tarantulas as a hobby? They started in the 1970s when the ‘Mexican Redknee’ was brought to the US. By the 1990s there were about 200 different kinds of tarantulas in the US, but some are better for beginners than others. Good beginner tarantulas include the ‘Pink Zebra Beauty’ and the ‘Brazilian Black and White’ because they are not as dangerous as some of the other ones.

How do I look after a tarantula? You can keep tarantulas in 10 gallon, glass boxes. They need a water bowl in the box and you should feed them once a week. Tarantulas eat insects, small mice and lizards. You can buy these(already dead)from a pet shop. You only need to clean the glass box about once every six months.

Can I get my tarantula out of its box and hold it? No! A tarantula is not a pet like a dog, a cat or a rabbit and they do not like being held in your hands. Keep it in the glass box and watch it.

Are tarantulas dangerous? Nobody has ever died from a tarantula bite, but some kinds of tarantula could give you a bad bite. Usually they prefer to run away from you than to bite you.

How can I find out more? Look for a club near you for people who keep tarantulas as a hobby. You can also find some information about it on the Internet or find some books.

44. Some tarantulas are better for beginners than others because __________.

A. they don’t need much space                            B. they don’t make much mess

C. they are not as dangerous as other ones            D. they aren’t expensive to feed

45. What do tarantulas NOT eat?

A. Insects                      B. Lizards                     C. Big mice                   D. small mice

46. Which pet don’t like being held in our hands?

A. A cat           B. A rabbit                           C. A dog                       D. A tarantula

47. How often should you clean the glass box for a tarantula?

A. Once a week       B. Once every six months    C. Once a day               D. Once a year

