精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

小题1:What can’t children learn in Home for Children?
A.MusicB.Drawing picturesC.ComputerD.English
小题2:Mrs Green can send her daughter Lucy to Home for Children except___________ .
A.5 :00 p.m. on FridayB.6 :00 p.m. on Sunday
C.7 :00 p.m. on WednesdayD.4 :00 p.m. on Monday
小题3:Home for Children will be open for           in a week .
A.4 hoursB.8 hoursC.20 hoursD.24 hours
小题4:Who can do homework and learn in Home for Children ?
A.Mike , a school boy of 6B.Mary, an 11-year-old girl
C.Cathy, an experienced teacherD.Linda, a girl of 17 years old
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above ?
A.Home for Children is on the Second Street
B.Home for Children is open at weekends.
C.You can call Mr Zhang for more details.
D.After school parents must pick up their children and send them to Home for Children.


试题分析:这篇文章是一张招生广告。家长太忙无法照顾孩子,可以把8-16岁的孩子送到Home for Children。Home  for Children会去接孩子,负责指导家庭作业,提供晚餐、零食等。
小题1:细节理解题。Our programs:English, Maths, Computer, Music, handwriting我们的活动有英语、数学、电脑、音乐、书法。故选B。
小题2:推理判断题。Open 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.句意:开放时间为周一到周五,下午4点到晚上8点。故选B。
小题3:推理判断题。Open 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.句意:开放时间为周一到周五,下午4点到晚上8点。所以可知一星期开放时间为20小时。故选C。
小题4:推理判断题。Ages 8 to 16。年龄8到16岁。故选B。
小题5:推理判断题。For more information, please call Mr Zhang on 8865—4431。打电话给张先生,可以资询更多信息。电话号码88654431。故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Sun Painting club
Kids can learn Chinese painting here. They can learn how to draw plants and fruit. Their teacher is Yang Yong. His English name is Jeff. His phone number is 223-6665.
Fee(费用):300 yuan
Ages of kids:6-13
Blue Sports Club
You can learn ping pong, soccer and baseball here. The soccer teacher is Alan Green. He is from Canada. The baseball teacher is Rose Jones. She is English.
Time: July 8-18(baseball); July19-28(soccer); August1-10(baseball)
Fee:260 yuan for each sports
Ages of kids: 10-18
E-mail address: bluesports2014@163.com
小题1:Yang Yong’s English name is ___.
小题2:Mr. Miller may teach kids ____ .
A.baseballB.soccerC.ping pongD.painting
小题3:Miss Jones is from  ____ .
A.EnglandB.Canada C.AmericaD.China.
小题4:Sally is seven years old, She can learn  ____ .
A.soccerB.baseballC.Chinese paintingD.ping pong
小题5:Mr. Black’s son wants to learn Chinese painting and baseball.
He needs ____.
A.360 yuan.B.560 yuan. C.760 yuan .D.520 yuan.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are some great clubs in our school. We have interesting club activities this week.
Chess Matches (比赛)
Organizer (主办方): the chess club
Time: from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., this Wednesday
Place: in classroom 409
A Sports Day
Organizer: the sports club
Time: from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., this Saturday
Place: on the playground (操场)
Matches: a basketball match, a soccer match and a ping-pong match
An English Party
Organizer: the English club
Time: from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., this Friday
Place: in classroom 307
Activities: sing English songs, dance and watch English movies
A Book Sale
Organizer: the book club
Time: from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., this Tuesday
Place: in the hall (大厅) of the library
小题1:The chess matches are _______.
A.in classroom 409 B.in the library C.in classroom 307 D.on the playground
小题2:You can NOT watch a _______ match on the playground this Saturday.
A.soccerB.basketball C.tennisD.ping-pong
小题3:What can you do at the English party?
A.Sing Chinese songs and dance.B.Dance and watch English movies.
C.Play the guitar and play sports.D.Tell stories and play games.
小题4:You can go to the book sale on ________.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The chess matches last (持续) two hours and a half.
B.The English party finishes at 8:00 p.m.
C.The book sale is in classroom 307.
D.There are three matches on the playground this Saturday.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others in your spare time? Then join us to be a volunteer! We’re a non-profit (非盈利的) organization. We have volunteer jobs of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people in their seventies can become a volunteer.
You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working. Hospitals need volunteers to look after children while their parents are seeing a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is something for everyone.
“As a volunteer, I don’t want to get anything. Seeing the children’s happy faces, I’m happy, too,” said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62. “I often played computer games in my spare time before. Now I help older people learn how to use computers,” said another volunteer at the age of 18.
If everyone helps out a bit, we’ll have a better world to live in. Interested? Call us at 010-800-555-5756 or visit our website: www.activol.com.
小题1:            can be a volunteer.
A.ChildrenB.Old womenC.Anyone aged 12-70D.Young people
小题2:Volunteers want to get              when they help others.
小题3:Carlos Domingo does volunteer work with            .
A.animalsB.childrenC.computersD.older people
小题4:We can probably read such a passage            .
A.in a newspaperB.in a storybookC.in a picture bookD.in a textbook


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Lots of people get money from ATMs before going shopping. If you don’t know how to use an ATM, read the following instructions(说明) carefully.
●Put your card into the machine(机器).
●Look at the screen. Input(输入) your password into the machine.
●Input how much money you want on the screen of the machine. Then press OK.
●Get the money from the machine. If you want, you can also get a receipt(收据).
●Take back your card.
Remember these rules:
●Don’t write your password on your card.
●Don’t let other people know your password.
●If you lose your card, tell the bank at once.
小题1:What does the underlined word “password” mean in Chinese?
小题2:These are the instructions of the ATM. Put these things into right order.
①Get the money from the machine.
②Input the password into the machine.
③Take back your card.
④Put your card into the machine.
⑤Input how much money you want on the screen and press OK.
小题3: If you want, you can get ______ from the ATM.
A.a passwordB.a receiptC.a cardD.a present
小题4: According to the passage, you _______ .
A.shouldn’t write your password on the card.
B.can let your best friend know your password.
C.shouldn’t tell the bank that you lose your card.
D.shouldn’t use the ATM to get your money.
小题5:The passage is about ______ .
A.where to get the moneyB.how to have a bank card
C.how to use an ATMD.when to use an ATM


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A white cat, Sam, with two big blue eyes. If you find it, please call Mary at 6913-1661. Many thanks.
Titanic 3D
Weekdays evening
Xingguang Cinema
$50 (half for children under 12)
Call David at 6132-5862
A Christmas Carol
—by Charles Dickens
A story of Christmas
The true meaning of Christmas
was $38.8       now $28.8
2 sunny bedrooms with a kitchen and a small garden.
Call Mandy at 6591-2127 for more information.
小题1:Who lost a white cat with two big blue eyes?
小题2:You can pay      less than before if you buy the book A Christmas Carol now.
小题3: On what day can we see Titanic 3D in the Xingguang Cinema?
A.ThursdayB.SaturdayC.SundayD.Every day
小题4:This information may be from a     .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Interested in soccer?
Join us now!
King’s School is organizing a soccer camp for children aged 12-15. Join us for 5 days of fun when you learn to play this exciting sport!
13-17 January, 2014 (Monday to Friday)     
3:00 p.m —5:00 p.m
City Sports Hall
267 State Street
Cost (费用)
$ 10 each
Our special service:
Players from the National Soccer Team will be your coaches (教练) for the 5 days of camp!
After the camp, you will be able to:
● understand the rules of the game
● carry the ball with your feet
● pass the ball to other players using your feet
● kick(踢) the ball towards the goal(球门)
Please come in comfortable clothes and sports shoes.
For more information, please call us at 01159515092, or e-mail us at kssoccercamp@hotmail.com.uk.
小题1:The camp is for the children who __________.
A.are 12-15 years oldB.play soccer well
C.come from King’s SchoolD.live near City Sports Hall
小题2:  When will the camp start?
A.On January 14B.On January 16 C.On MondayD.On Friday
小题3: If Jack and his brother want to join the camp, they should pay _______ for it.
小题4: Children at the camp can’t learn to ____________.
A.carry the ball with feet
B.kick the ball to the goal
C.pass the ball using feet
D.make the game rules
小题5:Which of the following seems to be the most attractive(有吸引力的) to children?
A.The camp lasts for 5 days.
B.The coaches are national cocker players.
C.The camp doesn’t cost much.
D.The camp is organized by King’s School


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

This is Bruce's Noodle House. We have different kinds of noodles. A large bowl of noodles with mutton(羊肉) is only 4 dollars, and 3 dollars for a medium(中等的) bowl. Each bowl of beef noodles is just 3.5 dollars. And a large bowl of chicken noodles is 2 dollars. Each bowl of pork noodles is just 3.5 dollars. One dollar is for a large bowl of vegetable noodles.
Come and enjoy the delicious noodles here! If you order any meat noodles, fruit is free(免费的). If you are too busy to come. Please call us at 2888998, and you will get the food in half an hour. Our Noodle House is open for 24 hours a day, from Monday afternoon to Sunday.
小题1:Bruce's Noodle House sells_______ different kinds of noodles.
小题2:Tom's family would like two large bowls of chicken noodles and a medium bowl of mutton noodles. They will pay(支付) _______ for the food.
A.$6B.$7 C.$5D.$8
小题3:If you want to eat some fruit, you can order(点) _______ noodles.
A.vegetable or beefB.vegetable or chicken
C.mutton or beef or porkD.cabbage or mutton


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others in your spare time? Then join us to be a volunteer! We’re a non-profit organization. We have volunteer jobs of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people in their seventies can become a volunteer.
You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working. Hospitals need volunteers to look after children while their parents are seeing a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is something for everyone.
“As a volunteer, I don’t want to get anything. Seeing the children’s happy faces, I’m happy, too.” Said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62. “I often played computer games in my spare time before. Now I help older people learn how to use computers.” said another volunteer at the age of 18.
If everyone helps out a bit, we’ll have a better world to live in. Interested? Call us 1-800-555-5756 or visit our website: www.activol.com.
小题1:__When do the volunteers help others?
A.In their spare time.B.At weekendsC.On weekdays.D.In the evenings.
小题2:_______ can be a volunteer.
A.ChildrenB.Old womenC.Anyone aged 12-70D.Young people
小题3:__Volunteers want to get _______ when they help others.
小题4:__Carlos Domingo does volunteer work with ______.
A.animalsB.childrenC.computersD.older people
小题5:__We can read such a passage ______.
A.in a newspaperB.in a storybookC.in a picture bookD.in a textbook

