精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:The girl is doing an ____________(实验).
小题2:My cat ____________(和……玩)me when I come home from school every day.
小题3:We are __________(准备好的)for the exam.
小题4:She looks very pretty ____________(戴上那顶帽子).
小题5:He ___________(睡着)while he was doing his homework.

小题2:plays with
小题4:in that hat
小题5:fell asleep / went to sleep

小题2:本题的含义为当我每天放学回家的时候,我的猫和我在一起玩,故本题空格处填和……在一起玩的短语plays with。
小题4:本题的含义为她戴上那顶帽子看起来很漂亮,故本题空格处填戴帽子的短语in that hat。
小题5:本题的含义为当他在做作业的时候睡着了,故本题空格处填入睡的短语fell asleep / went to sleep。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:One of the secrets of our success is to believe in    ▲  (我们).
小题2:Frank loves playing basketball and practises    ▲   (两次) a week.
小题3:Do you know the difference    ▲   (在…..之间)”beside” and “besides”.
小题4:We are very    ▲   (自豪) that a pupil from our school has won the prize.
小题5:Paper making is one of the greatest    ▲  (发明)in world history.
小题6:The day before yesterday he came back and    ▲   (度过) the weekend with his parents.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The birds flew in all ____________  (方向) when they heard a big noise.
小题2:Tom hasn’t ___________(意识到)the importance of learning English yet.
小题3:Tom is good at all the subjects, ___________(尤其)his English.
小题4:We learn many subjects ,______________(包括) Chinese, maths, English and so on.
小题5:My father isn’t at home, he’s ___________(讨论)something about the trip with Uncle Li.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:On Children’s Day, children could not hide their______________(excite).
小题2:He comes from the _______________(south) city of China.
小题3:Jim is happy to live on the ____________ (twelve) floor because he enjoys the view out of the windows.
小题4:Mr. and Mrs. Wang will celebrate their fifteen years of ____________ (marry) this weekend.
小题5:The water in the river is______________(harm). You can drink it without cooking.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

How to be a Green One
What does it mean to be green? “Green is more than just a c 76  .It also means taking special steps to protect the e77  --the water, the land , and the air we breathe. Why is green? Plants are green, and w78  them the earth wouldn’t be such a lovely home for human beings(人类). Here’s a four-step guide to be green:
R79  It!
When you use less of something, you do a good thing for the earth. For example, a shorter shower means you use less water and less fuel(燃料) because your house uses fuel to run the water heater(加热器)that warms up the water.
Reuse It !
Sometimes we’re a little too willing to throw away the w80 and buy new things. Many times, you no l 81  need something, someone else just might need it. For example, if your baby brother grows out of toys, why not give them to a82  family who has a little kid?
Recycle(回收) It!
Recycling has n83 been easier. Many people will pick it up right in front of your house and they will need it. Tell your mum or dad become “Head of Recycling” for your house.
Enjoy It!
It’s true that p84  is a problem, but the earth is still a large and beautiful place for you to go and study. You can start by v85  the beautiful places in you home town. Go for a hike, visit local nature centres and gardens, climb up mountains and so on.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Do you like playing __小题1:_(不同的)kinds of balls? Are you­ interested in collecting balls.  I have a__小题2:__(特别的)room in my house, which is _小题3:_(满) of all kinds of balls. I have been collecting them__小题4:__(从...以来)I was seven years old. Now I have got __小题5:__(千)of them. I have run out of room to __小题6:__(贮存)them. They are all __小题7:__(围绕着)our house. By the way, I’d like to __小题8:__(创建)a Ball Collectors’ __小题9:__(俱乐部), and __小题10:__(欢迎) to join us. Click here to know more! Click here to join us now.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:When the doctor came, the victim has already stopped _______ (呼吸).
小题2:_______  (立即), the enemy disappeared on the early foggy morning.
小题3:It’s not surprising to see so many _______ (推销员) in such a big electrical shop in China.
小题4:As we know, air _______ (污染) might cause many serious diseases.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

— Welcome to ______ school.
— Thanks. Your school is very nice.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I’m thirsty, Steven. Please pass ____ a bottle of water.

