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  Have you ever heard the saying“If you want a friend, be one”?

  Here is a story about one new teacher making friends with the girls and boys in her class on the first day of school.As the bell rang, the teacher came in smiling at each girl and boy.Then she said in a quiet voice,“Good morning, girls and boys!How happy I am because I have all of you in my class this year.I'd like to know each of you.I am sure we will enjoy working together.I am sure that the more we get together the happier we'll be.”Her voice was so sweet and her looking was so friendly.Everyone believed what she said.

  She told the girls and boys her name and wrote it on the blackboard.She told them some of the things she liked to do and she was hoping to do with them during the year.

  Then she said to the whole class,“Now you know my name and the things I like.Next I want to know your names and the things you like.Then I will feel that I know you.”

  Could you make friends by doing the same as this teacher did?

  One way of getting to know girls and boys in our class is to know more about them.It is usual to be friends with those people who have the same interests with you.You can play the same games and go on journeys together.

  You may find that some new comers in your class miss their old friends and feel strange and lonely.You can invite them to take a walk or to ride bikes with you.You will find many things in common to talk about.It is one good way to make friends just by talking together in a friendly manner.


How do you understand the saying“If you want a friend, be one”?

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If you want to have a friend, try to make one be your friend.


You can make friends by doing what a friend do.


You may have a friend by doing everything for him.


The teacher's sweet voice and her friendly looking ________.

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showed that she would like to be a friend of the girls and boys


made every girl and boy happy


told the girls and boys everything about herself


A new comer will be your friend if ________.

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he always thinks of his old friend


he knows you very well


you talk with him in a friendly way


If you want to make friends with others, you should ________.

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know more about them


talk with them in an unfriendly way


have different interests with them


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

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If you want to make friends with others, you should be one of them.


Friends often share the same interests with each other.


If you can make a good friend, you should smile at him.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  Ways to Fall Asleep


  How much sleep do we need? The answers are different. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night. Others need ten hours of sleep a night. Most Amexicans sleep for an average of seven to eight hours a night. After age fifty, the average sleep hours go down to 6.5 hours a night.

  Most people will have a bad night when they can't fall asleep. About one in three Americans has a problem with sleep. Many of these people cannot fall asleep. The name of this problem is called insomnia(失眠症).

  This is not a new problem. Many famous people in history had insomnia .Some of these people had their own ways to sleep well. Benjamin Franklin(本杰明·富兰克林), the famous inventor, had four beds.He moved from one to another to fall asleep. King Louis XIV (国王路易十四) of France had 413 beds and hoped to fall asleep in one of them. Mark Twain, the famous writer, had a different way: he hy on his side(侧卧) across the end of the bed!


Most Americans usually sleep for about _________ hours a night.

  A. 3  B. 5~6  C. 10  D. 7~8

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As people grow older,they need __________ at night.

  A. less sleeping time

  B. more sleeping time

  C. the same amount of sleeping time

D. a fixed time to sleep

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If there are 100 million people in the US hav-ing a problem with sleep,what's the popula-tion of it? About _______.

  A. 200 million  B. 300 million  C. 600 million  D. 900 million

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Franklin tried to go to sleep by __________.

  A. moving from one to another of his 413 beds  B. moving from one to another of his 4 beds

  C. inventing a bed for himself   D. lying on his side across the end of the bed

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It's not mentioned in the passage,but we know that Mark Twain was ___________.

  A. a Frenchman  B. an Englishman

  C. an American   D. a German

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