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Mr. Smith is an American. He teaches English well. His English classes are very i______( 1 ). He likes us and we a_______(2) like him.

Mr. Smith h______ (3) two children—Tom and Mary. Tom is seven and his sister, Mary, is four. Tom g _______ (4) to school but Mary doesn't. Mr. Smith likes wearing a T - shirt and jeans. Football is his favorite s_______ (5). After school we often have a baseball match. Sometimes Mr. Smith watches and joins us. He plays baseball just for fun.

1. interesting       2. also       3. has      4. goes      5. sport


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There are many things that you should be c___【小题1】_ with when you are at home. Read the following ways to p___【小题2】__ yourself.
1. Keep the door locked when you are a___【小题3】_ at home. Many people think it’s the best way to protect themselves.
2. Keep a list of phone numbers to call for h___【小题4】_, such as 110.or a neighbour’s  number.
3. Be careful with the electrical appliances. If you don’t know h___【小题5】_ to use them, ask your parents. Make a safety check b_【小题6】you go to bed.
Look t_【小题7】_ the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask “Who is that?” with the door locked and say “come here later.” D__【小题8】__ tell them your parents are o___【小题9】__ . Say “Mum is having a shower.” or “Dad is having a sleep.” To ignore(忽视) the doorbell is not a good idea b___【小题10】__ sometimes bad people ring doorbells to see if anyone is at home.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届度江苏省如皋市教育共同体九年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:其他题


There are many things that you should be c___1._ with when you are at home. Read the following ways to p___2.__ yourself.

1.  Keep the door locked when you are a___3._ at home. Many people think it’s the best way to protect themselves.

2.  Keep a list of phone numbers to call for h___4._, such as 110.or a neighbour’s  number.

3.  Be careful with the electrical appliances. If you don’t know h___5._ to use them, ask your parents. Make a safety check b_6.you go to bed.

Look t_7._ the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask “Who is that?” with the door locked and say “come here later.” D__8.__ tell them your parents are o___9.__ . Say “Mum is having a shower.” or “Dad is having a sleep.” To ignore(忽视) the doorbell is not a good idea b___10.__ sometimes bad people ring doorbells to see if anyone is at home.



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     Once there was a very little beautiful, smart girl in my class. I believed she was perfect. When it came
to the time for my birthday, I i __1___ her to my birthday, and she came. We had a very good time and
e __2___ was very happy. I thought we had become good friends. A few months l__3__    it was her
birthday. I bought a special necklace for her. I could not help thinking about how happy she must be
opening my g__4__  . It made me very excited to imagine the surprise on her face.
     I asked her w___5__ her birthday party was going to be. She replied in a cold v__6___ , "Why do
you want to know? You are not invited; you are just a dork with glasses!"
     Her words h__7___  me. I just wanted to be her friends. I felt really b__8___ when she said that and
I just stood there to look at her. Everyone s__9___ by her came to stand next to me. Then we all left.
     That day I came to understand that t__10__ someone looks perfect, he or she may not be.


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     When you are worried or stressed, what do you do about it?
     These days, a student website in Foshan opened for kids to let their anger and stress out. Students can
write whatever they want online.
     Lots of students wrote their stories. Some wrote something about their teachers. Others wrote about
their quarrels with their classmates. Many of them used words. Some even wrote down the real names
of their targets.
     Parents don't like the idea. They said it could be against the law. Ms Cheng is the mother of a Junior 2
boy. She said she wouldn't let her son write on the Internet. "Saying bad things about others won't help
solve the problem. Children should talk to their parents
," she said.
     Ren Yi, 16, from Liaoning, said he didn't agree with using bad words either. But he said releasing stress
online wasn't a bad thing. "You don't have to use your real name. knows you. You can let out as much
as you want," he said.
     Song Yinan, 14, from Shanxi thinks it has two sides. The good side is if others see your story, they may
give you help. But the bad side is that if kids don't control themselves, things could become worse.
注:(1) stressed 有压力的 (2) targets 目标 (3) law法律 (4) release 释放
1. 请根据短文内容,补全①、②两处所缺单词 (词数不限) ,并将答案填在下面的横线上。
    ① ______________ ② ______________
2. 请根据下列句子的意思及首字母提示,从短文中各找出一个恰当的单词填空。
    ① Ms Huang, the PE teacher told us our next match was a_____ a Japanese team.
    ② Elsa loses herself in playing computer games . She can't c_____ herself though she knows it's bad.
3. 请把短文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。
4. Did Ren Yi agree with releasing stress online?
5. How do you solve it when you're worried or stressed?

