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Liu Xiang was the first Asian to win the men\'s 110m hurdles (跳栏) at the Olympic Games in Athens. After that he became an idol(偶像) to the young people.
When Liu Xiang crossed the finish line far ahead of the other players,  in a world record-equaling time of 12. 91 seconds, many fans burst into tears. It was Liu\'s first Olympics and he won the gold medal.
"I never thought I could run under 13 seconds, and I never thought I would break the Olympic record, "said Liu in tears, "I am very, very excited. This is a wonder. I\'m proud not just for myself
and for Chinese but for Asia. My race went wonderfully from start to finish. Liu added,  It is an amazing(惊奇的) experience being the Olympic champion. I want to thank my coach and my friends for all their help. I think today we Chinese have showed the world we can run as fast as anybody else. "
When Liu was a grade four student in a primary school,  he was chosen by the Junior Sports School of Putuo District in Shanghai to practice jumping. But when a bone test showed he would not become a tall man,  Liu was asked to give up practising after one year although he had won the national championship for his age group. Liu\' s parents also wanted him to give it up and study more at school,  but Liu decided to continue practising jumping.
In 1998 when Liu Xiang,  aged 15,  met the famous coach Sun Haiping,  his career changed greatly. Sun believed Liu Xiang was a rising star and after visiting Liu\'s parents sev¬eral times,  finally he persuaded them to let Liu practice the 110m hurdles.
Since his return from Athens,  Liu Xiang has been at the centre of a media circus(媒体焦点). He has been to many press appearances and meetings. After Liu got the gold medal,  he became well known all over the world. But Liu thinks 2004 is just the beginning,  and he ex¬pects to be at his peak(顶峰) in the sunmmer games in Beijing in 2008. Liu Xiang said,  "For some players,  it\'s just a job. For me, it\'s what I love. "
   1. At what age did Liu Xiang win the Olympic championship?
        A. 12         B. 15        C. 21        D. 22
   2. What does the underlined word "persuaded" mean in Chinese?
       A.支持      B.说服    C.教育    D.阻止
    3. Why did Liu Xiang give up jumping? Because________.
       A. a bone test showed he wouldn\'t become tall enough to be a high jumper
       B. his parents stopped him from jumping
     C. he was satisfied(满足) after winning the national jumping champion for his age group
      D. the famous coach Sun Haiping changed his and his parents\' ideas
   4. What does Liu Xiang think of being a sports player?
        A. It is just a job for him.          B. It can bring him a lot of money.
        C. It is what he loves.             D. It can bring him a lot of honour(荣誉).
   5. From the story,  we know that________.
       A. Liu Xiang was not the first Chinese to win the sprint(疾跑) gold medal in Athens
       B. if Liu Xiang reached the finish line in 13 seconds, he would break the world record
       C. the Chinese people can run as fast as the people in the other country
       D. Liu Xiang didn\'t want to take part in the Olympic Games in 2008

1. C    2. B    3,  D    4. C    5. C


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

two,  not…at all,  have to,  think of,  be worried about,  make sure,  be proud of,  choose,  be nice to,  keep fit
【小题1】All the students like him because he always _____________ others first.
【小题2】 She is _________ fit _____________. She often goes to see the doctor.
【小题3】____________ that there is nothing left behind.
【小题4】 Amy _______________ to be the chairperson of the Students’ Union at yesterday’s meeting.
【小题5】 It’s cold outside. He _____________ put on more clothes.
【小题6】 It’s important for the dancers ________________.
【小题7】 We Chinese ___________________ Liu Xiang and Yao Ming.
【小题8】 Millie goes to the Reading Club ____________ a week.
【小题9】 My teacher and friends __________________ me.
【小题10】Don't _______________ your son. He is 18 years old now.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--Liu Xiang had to give up the race because of his foot.


A. What a shame!     B. Of course.        C. He was so careless.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏灌南实验中学初三第一次质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】His start sign is Aquarius, so he always tries to do everything_______(不同).
【小题2】I hope we can make a              (决定) today.
【小题3】The sun gives us light and ______________(热) to live.
【小题4】Liu Xiang is an ________________(精力充沛的) runner.
【小题5】He is ____________________(幽默的).


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年安徽铜陵县第三中学七年级上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

1.Liu Xiang is a famous r_______ in the world.

2.My little brother has a m______ plane, he likes to play with it.

3. Kate likes vegetables, and also likes red, she eats three t_______ every day .

4. Kate doesn't play basketball. She only w       __ them on TV.

5.Volleyball is so d       _ , I can't play it.



科目:初中英语 来源:2011年湖北省黄石市中考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai on the 13th of July, 1983. He is 1.88m tall and  1.  (weigh)74 kilograms. He began practicing jumping when he was at Grade Four in primai7 school. He  2.    (win) the gold medal of the men's 110m hurdles in the 28lh Olympic Games. It is the first gold medal that Chinese have won from this competition in the Olympic history. He   3. (be) a great hero in Chinese eyes since then. He also likes singing and seeing films. Once when he 4.  (walk) in the street, he stopped to answer the reporter, "I  5.     (sing) songs with friends if I feel tired after training, or go to a movie for relaxation."


