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【小题1】Look! Our teacher _____( have) a new teddy bear.
【小题2】“Mike,_______( not stay ) out too late.” His mother says.
【小题3】Mum, could you tell me what _____________ (wear) at the party?
【小题4】       (be) there any interesting sports news in today’s newspaper?
【小题5】Stephen with his parents often_____________ ( watch ) TV news at seven in the evening.
【小题6】The park is far from here. What about ________________ (ride) bikes?
【小题7】Why ________ you ___________ (not share ) the umbrella with him ?
【小题8】It’s nine o’clock. Tom and I _____________  (chat) on the Internet.

【小题2】Don’t stay              
【小题3】to wear   
【小题7】don’t share 
【小题8】are chatting

【小题4】此题考查there be结构的一般 结构,news是不可数名词。
【小题6】此题考查固定短语what about doing sth表示建议。
【小题7】此题考查固定结构why don’t do sth表示为什么不…="why" not do sth。


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏启东东海中学初二下学期第二次学情调研英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Mr. Wu spent a lot of time______(解释)why he was late.
【小题2】A j _        high school is for students between 13 and 15 years old.
【小题3】We have ______(更新鲜的)air in the country than in the city.
【小题4】My teaching style is ______(相似)to that of most other teachers.
【小题5】He was used to ______▲______(get)up late.
【小题6】He __▲___ (意识到) that he left his homework at home when he got to school.
【小题7】We__▲___ (拍)our hands when the headmaster finished his talk.
【小题8】He jumped with__▲___ (激动) when he heard the news.
【小题9】---How is Miss King?   ---She is still under ______(治疗)in hospital.
【小题10】English Classroom is an ___▲_____(education) program on CCTV.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省无锡市育才中学初一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】My father often _________(try) Bejing Duck in the restaurant.
【小题2】Please stop talking. The baby ___________(sleep).
【小题3】_______ this key ring _________(belong) to the little boy?
【小题4】Mary enjoys________(share)her toys with her friends.
【小题5】The Greens __________ (learn) Chinese in the room at the moment.
【小题6】It takes Madee ten minutes _______ (climb) a ladder _______(get) into her house.
【小题7】Why not ________(take) them to the sports centre?
【小题8】Neil would like ________(visit) the Palace Museum tomorrow.
【小题9】Mother makes the girl ________(play) the piano all day long.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省无锡市崇安区初二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

Rice   1     2  in the south of China.
They   3     4  travel abroad last week.
My grandfather   5     6     7  for ten years, but I often miss him.
Development brought us many advantages, but   8     9     10 , too.
Li Chen will   11     12     13     14  a policeman in the film.
  15  the keyboard   16     17  the computer properly just now?
Spring is the best time for   18     19     20 .


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省无锡市崇安区初三下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won’t create any        (pollute).
【小题2】Our headmaster is the        (strict) with us among the teachers who teach us.
【小题3】What an          (enjoy) journey they had the day before yesterday!
【小题4】Those volunteers always think more of others than of          (they).


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省无锡市新区初三下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词必须在答题卡 标有题号的横线上完整写出。
Wild animals are important to us. They live t  1   with us on the earth. If there are no animals on the earth, we will not live on, e  2  . So we should take good care of them to help the earth live a h  3 life.
But some people still don’t r   4  the importance of protecting them. They kill wild animals for food and something e  5  . Every day many wild animals are being killed. So far, lots of wild animals have died out. If this goes on, there will be no animals l  6  on the earth.
L  7  , many people have begun to know the importance of protecting wild animals. They ask others to stop killing wild animals. Now many countries have made some l  8    to protect wild animals and to stop people from killing them.
Protecting wild animals is the d  9   of each of us. We should do our best to protect them because protecting them is protecting o  10  too.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届广东省汕头市龙湖区中考模拟英语试题(带解析) 题型:单词拼写


Mr. King was a chicken farmer. He had hundreds   1 chickens and he   2  the eggs and the meat and got a lot of money from them. But he lived in a very   3 country and he found that his hens could hardly   4 eggs in summer. So he decided to put air- conditioning in his chicken-house, then the hens would lay well  5  year round and he would get   6  eggs and more money. The owner of the air-conditioning
company wanted to   7  Mr. King to buy some more for his own house, so he said,“Your wife would be much   8  to have a nicer house to live in.” But Mr. King was not   9 in that idea. “My wife   10  lay eggs!”he said.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省台州六校八年级第一次联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Beethoven is a very __________(著名的)musician .
【小题2】I’m_________(紧张的)out because I can’t find the way home.
【小题3】My mother often ________(担心)about my father’s health..
【小题4】 She likes to s________ e-mails at school.
【小题5】Lily is very t_______, she’d like to have some water.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省南京学大教育专修学校初三9月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

The worst traveler in the world was Paul of San Francisco. Once he(1) f____ from the U.S. to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home. The plane made a one hour stop to get oil at an airport in New York. Paul thought he was in Rome. (2)C____, he got off the plane.
When nobody was there to meet him, Paul thought maybe the heavy(3) t___ made his friends late. While looking for their address, Paul found many high (4)m___ buildings instead of old ones. He also found that many people spoke English but not Italian and that many street signs were (5)w_____ in English.
Paul knew very (6)l_____ English. So he asked a policeman in Italian the way to the bus station, He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered in the same (7)l____.
After twelve hours ‘ travelling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to (8)a_____ policeman. But this time, this policeman could only speak English. So Paul asked the policeman why the Rome police employed(雇佣) so many people who spoke English as policemen.
Paul didn’t (9)b____ he was in New York when he was told so. To get him on a plane to Italy, he was(10) s______ to the airport in a police car.

