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  Can animals be made to work for people?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained(训练)to do a number of simple jobs i  1   of people.

  They say that at a circus(杂技场), for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q  2   skillful(熟悉的)things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you watch closely, you may find that the trainer(驯养员)always g  3   the animal some sugar o  4   a piece of fruit as a reward(报酬).The scientists say that many d  5   animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get are wand f  6   doing that.

  Of course, as we know, dogs can be trained to look after house, and soldiers in both old and modem t  7   have u  8   geese(鹅)to give warning(警报)by m  9   a lot of noise when an enemy comes near.And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f  10  













科目:初中英语 来源:复习与测评 单元综合测试卷 八年级上册(配合牛津英语) 牛津版 题型:053



  Perhaps you get   1   plastic bags when you shop at the supermarket.But things will   2   soon.

  From June 1, China will stop its shops and supermarkets providing free plastic bags.Shoppers will have to   3   for bags if they need them.From the   4   day, the production and use of bags will have to stop too.

  The Chinese use about 3   5   plastic bags a day.Each year we use 5 million tons of oil to   6   the bags.The bags end up in landfills or we have to burn them.Either way they   7   the air, rivers and soil.It   8   around 1000 years for the bags to break down.They are also   9   to wildlife which eats them   10   knowing.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

短文填空 阅读下则短文,然后在空白处写出适当的单词,单词首字母已给出。[有的词请注意词形的变化!] (共12个空,做对一个得1分,共10分)
How times flies! Junior 3 students will take the senior high school student entrance exam. They are studying hard for this big challenge, and they are also 【小题1】w     about it. Do they have time to do something to celebrate their middle school years? Many do.
Liu Jia, 14, from Beijing said that in her class students are 【小题2】w     goodbye messages or letters for each other. They are also giving photos to each other.
“Even the head teacher has a project,” said Liu. “She 【小题3】p     to put all our class photos onto a CD and give each student one.”
Li Wei, 14, in Xianning, Hubei said that their English teacher Ms Deng asks them to write what they want to be when they【小题4】g     up on the paper. She likes her students to come back after they graduate, and share their teen-time dreams together. Doing that 【小题5】e     her students to work harder for their future.
Chen Ze, 15, in Guangzhou said his classmates are making “lucky stars” as graduation 【小题6】g     . The cheerful stars are 【小题7】m     of colored paper.
“【小题8】B     you make a lucky star, you write some words for the person on the paper,” said Chen. “He or she can read the words after they open the star.”
In Xiao Xing’s school, each Junior 3 student will get a yearbook, in which the graduation classes will put their photos and self-introductions(自我介绍).
Xiao said, “ We have written a 【小题9】p     in the ancient style as the self-introduction!”
“Our class may be not the one with the best school grade but it must be the 【小题10】m    creative one,” said Xiao. “ I feel 【小题11】p     of studying in such a class!”
What good ideas! I think all those will 【小题12】r     them of their good days.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011届河北省廊坊市安次区初中毕业生升学文化课第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)
Last week Lu visited England. He stayed with my grandmother. He said it was a strange visit. “I don’t understand, but I  16 your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I gave her a   17 from Suzhou. She looked in it and asked me to take it back. Then I saw a red spider(蜘蛛) on the table so I killed it for her and she seemed very   18 . Do English people like spiders?”
“Later we went shopping. Someone was painting a shop   19 , so there was a ladder. Grandmother  20 me walking under it and said I must walk around it. I liked the shops and bought a smart   21 for my father and some new shoes for myself. When we got back, I put the shoes on the table and opened the umbrella to wonder   22 it was all right. Your grandmother came in and   23 !”
“Then I broke a small   24 in the bathroom. Your grandmother’s face went white. I felt very sorry. When I left I gave   25 grandmother some flowers. She counted and there were 13. She   26 it. I think she was happy I was going.”
I   27 to Lu, “My grandmother follows the old customs(习俗). You must not give someone an empty purse   28 they will have no money. You must not kill a “money spider” or the same will happen. It is very unlucky to walk under a ladder and to put new shoes on the table. A(n)  29 umbrella in a house means someone will die. Breaking a mirror brings seven years’ bad luck, and 13 is   30 a very unlucky number. You were really making my grandmother very afraid. ”

A.honestB.humorousC.happy D.unhappy
A.didn’t likeB.likedC.enjoyedD.smelt
【小题14】 A open    B. closed   C. new  D. old


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省大丰市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

Peter’s job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier(国境) to make sure that they were not smuggling(走私) anything into the country. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming   1  the hill towards the frontier, pushing a bike with a pile of goods(货物) of old straw on it. When the bike   2  the frontier, Peter would stop the man and   3  him take the straw off and untie(解开) it. Then he would examine the straw very   4  to see   5   he could find anything, then he would look in all the man’s pockets   6  he let him tie the straw again. The man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with it. Although Peter was always   7  to find gold or other valuable things hidden in the straw, he never found anything. He was sure the man was   8  something, but he was not  9  to think out what it could be.

Then one evening, after he had looked through the straw and emptied the worker’s pockets   10  usual, he   11  to him, “Listen, I know you are smuggling things  12  this frontier. Won’t you tell me what it is? I’m an old man, and today is my   13 day on the job. Tomorrow I’m going to retire(退休). I promise I shall not tell  14  if you tell me what you’ve been smuggling.” The worker did not say anything for   15 . Then he smiled, turned to Peter and said quietly, “Bikes.”

1.                A.towards        B.down          C.to   D.up


2.                A.arrived         B.appeared       C.came D.reached


3.                A.ask            B.order          C.make D.call


4.                A.carefully        B.quickly         C.silently   D.horribly


5.                A.that           B.where          C.how D.if


6.                A.before         B.after           C.first  D.so


7.                A.lucky          B.hoping         C.thinking  D.wondering


8.                A.taking          B.smuggling       C.stealing   D.pushing


9.                A.possible        B.strong          C.able D.clever


10.               A.like            B.more          C.then  D.as


11.               A.told           B.cried          C.ordered   D.said


12.               A.cross          B.past           C.across D.into


13.               A.last            B.first           C.newest    D.second


14.               A.everyone       B.anyone         C.no one    D.someone


15.               A.moment        B.long time       C.sometime  D.some time



