精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


Do you know,most people in U.S.A speak English.There are over 2000 languages spoken all over the world.You know that every language has its o__1__ words.If you want to l__2__ a foreign language,you must learn its words.You must know w__3__ the words mean,and you must say them in the right w__4__.Words are m__5__ up of sounds and different languages have different sounds.There are thousands of language sounds.When you s__6__ English,you are using only about fifty of them.

Some languages are,spoken faster than o__7__.English is spoken m__8__ slowly than French.Women speak f__9__ than men.In America women speak about 175 words every minute,w__10__ men speak about only 150.How many words do you speak every minute?

1.own                2.learn              3.what                      4.way              5.Made 6.speak         7.others             8.more             9.faster            10.while


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省期末题 题型:填空题

     Do you know, most people in U.S. A speak English. There are over 2000 languages spoken all over the
world. You know that every language has its (1)o______ words. If you want to (2)l______ a foreign language,
you must learn its words. You must know (3)w______ the words mean, and you must say them in the right
(4)w______. Words are (5)m______ up of sounds and different languages have different sounds. There are
thousands of language sounds. When you (6)s______ English, you are using only about fifty of them.
     Some languages are, spoken faster than (7)o______. English is spoken (8)m______ slowly than French.
Women speak (9)f______ than men. In America women speak about 175 words every minute, (10)w______
men speak about only 150. How many words do you speak every minute?


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期末题 题型:填空题

1. I often _________ (谈论) about interesting films with my friend Tony.
2. —Excuse me, is this book _________ (你的)? —No, it's not mine.
3. Do you use a _________ (shop) basket in the supermarket?
4. Kitty is a _________ (help) girl.
5. Millie enjoys _________ (play) computer games.
6. Do you often l_________ to music.
7. E_________ me, can I bring my bag here?


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期中题 题型:填空题

1. I want to buy a teddy bear. But I don't have ________(足够的) money.
2. In our English Club I often ________(练习、操练)English with my friends.
3. Does this sentence _________ (听起来) right?
4. This pair of trousers is beatiful. I think it m_________ your sweater well.
5. Morning exercises are good for us. They help us get r___________ for the day.
6. Kitty is a t__________ student in our class and she has a healthy lifestyle.
7. It is 4.30. Millie __________ (write) a letter to her friend Danniel.
8. ________ (mango) and apples are my favourite fruit.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.This shirt is too short.I want a l__________ one.

2.The 29th Olympic Games will be held in the c__________ of our motherland—Beijing.

3.一May I b________ your ruler?

    一Sorry,I’ve lent it to Liu Ying.

4.The famous singers had a concert to r_______ money for the homeless people.

5.一How do you feel when you see the national flag of China?

    一It makes me feel excited and p__________.


6.I want to be a _______(report)because I like to talk with people and write stories.

7.She enjoyed _________(play)the piano when she was very young

8.Sanya is a city near the sea.It’s famous for its________(love)beaches.

9.She likes doing chores at home.She is always__________ (help)to her mother.

10.一Do you learn English by reading aloud?

一Yes.I often read aloud to practice my ________(pronounce).

