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Hello, friend!
My name is Rose. I’m an English girl. I’m twelve. I’m from London. Now I’m in Sydney. Do you know Sydney? It’s a big city in Australia(澳大利亚). I’m in No.1 Middle school. I’m in Class Two, Grade One.
There are forty students in our class--21 girls and 19 boys. My teachers are nice to me. I like drawing and running. My family are in Sydney, too. My father is a doctor. My mother is a worker in a shop. They’re busy(忙)  
I like China. Please write to me soon.                     
Yours ,                                                                       Rose
小题1:Is Rose English or Australian?
A.Yes, she is.B.No, she isn’t.C.She’s English.D.She’s Australian.
小题2:How many students are there in Class Two?   
小题3:Where is Sydney?
A.It’s in China.B.It’s in England.C.It’s in Australia.D.It’s in America.


小题1:根据My name is Rose. I’m an English girl.可知选C。
小题1:根据I’m in Class Two, Grade One. There are forty students in our class 描述可知选A。
小题1:根据Now I’m in Sydney. Do you know Sydney? It’s a big city in Australia(澳大利亚).描述可知选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Pit-a-pat. Pit-a-pat. It’s raining. “I want to go outside and play, Mum,” Robbie says, “When can the rain stop?” His mum doesn’t know what to say. She hopes the rain can stop, too. “You can watch TV with me,” she says. “No, I just want to go outside.” “①Put on your raincoat.” “Does it stop raining?” “No, but you can go outside and play in the rain. Do you like that?” “Yes, mum.” He runs to his bedroom and puts on his red raincoat. “Here you go. Go outside and play.” Mum opens the door and says. Robbie runs into the rain. Water goes ②here and there. Robbie’s mum watches her son. He is having so much fun. “Mum, come and play with me!” Robbie calls. The door opens and his mum walks out. She is in her yellow raincoat. Mother and son are out in the rain for a long time. They play all kinds of games in the rain.
小题1: What does Robbie want to do on the rainy day?
A.Help his mother.B.Watch TV.C.Wear his raincoatD.Go out.
小题2:What does the underlined phrase(短语) mean in Chinese?
小题3: Robbie has a        day that day.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The raincoat can stop the rain.
B.The color of Robbie’s raincoat is red.
C.Robbie first watches with his Mum
D.Robbie’s mum doesn’t wear a raincoat in the rain.
小题5:Which is the best title(标题)for the passage?
A.It’s rainingB.Fun in the rain
C.Robbie and His motherD.Robbie’s raincoat


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

During the day we work and play,and at night we sleep. Our body rests when we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most when we are asleep. Children who are tired usually need sleep. We can get better at our lessons after having plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our body needs plenty of air when we are asleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover(覆盖) our head,our lungs need to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night,we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air.
小题1:Our body grows most while we are _______.
A.eating    B.playing   C.sleeping 
小题2:Too little sleep makes us _______.
A.tired B.hungry    C.happy
小题3:—What may cause us to feel tired in the morning?
—_______ during the sleep.
A.Too much air      B.Not enough fresh air
C.Too much cold air    
小题4:How many hours of sleep should 9-year-old children have every night?
A.8 hours.  B.9 hours.  C.10 hours.
小题5:What do the lungs need most?
A.Fresh air.    B. Exercise.    C.Warm air.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I was about 12 years old, I really wanted a new bike! I __36__ my parents my birthday wish,but I knew there was little hope because my family could __37__ have that money.
On my birthday my parents told me they had my __38__ outside in the back yard. At once I __39__ out to the yard. There was my bike, __40__ it wasn’t the bike that I thought it would be. This one was pink, old and worn with age. It was so __41__! I thought I __42__ my parents’ feelings because I could see the disappointment __43__ their faces and I was sure they could see it on mine. I __44__ the old bike and rode it, feeling __45__ that I had made my parents feel this way. So I put on a smile, rode as fast as I could and didn’t __46__.
As time went by, I began to understand my parents gave me __47__ much more than just a rusty(生锈的)old bike. They gave me a life lesson about __48__. When you give something out of love, it doesn’t matter what it is in fact. What matters is the love that is in it. I like to remember this __49__ because giving a gift is not about money. It’s about how much love you can feel from it. Do remember, a gift that __50__ two dollars isn’t any less valuable(有价值的)than one that costs one hundred dollars, or even more.
A.got inB.got onC.got offD.got up
A.look ahead B.look backC.come upD.come down
A.loveB.moneyC.friendship D.knowledge


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tony is six years old. He is a good boy. But he can’t get up early. He sleeps until nine or ten o’clock in the morning. He is often late for school.
Tony’s mother doesn’t want him to be late for school. So she buys him an alarm clock. She tells Tony, ‘ you must get up when you hear the clock ring.’
‘Yes, Mum,’ said Tony. After that Tony get up at seven thirty when he hears the clock ring.
One day his mother forgets (忘记)to make the clock ring. And the next morning Tony doesn’t get up at seven thirty. It’s time for breakfast. Mother goes to see him. Tony is in bed and his eyes are open.
‘Why don’t you get up?’ His mother is angry.
‘I am waiting for the bell.’
1. Tony’s mother buys him a clock, because ________.
A. he can’t get up early in the morning           B. the clock is good
C. Tony likes it                             D. she wants to give her son a present
2. This article(文章) is ________.
A. a piece of news     B. a joke        C. a letter  D. an introduction(介绍)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Annie,
Thank you for your letter. I’m glad you like your school.
I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have four    1   in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have    2   to do after class.    3   Monday and Thursday afternoon we    4   sports. On Tuesday afternoon    5   of us have       6   singing class. And on Thursday afternoon some have a    7   class. On Friday afternoon we practice    8   English. My Chinese friends would like    9   with me in English. They think I am like an English teacher. Isn’t it great?
On Saturdays and Sundays I don’t go to school. Very often I go to the parks and have a good time    10   my family there.
(      ) 1. A.classes     B. lesson         C. class           D. grade
(      ) 2. A.anything     B. any things      C. many thing  D. many things
(      ) 3. A.To          B. In          C. On          D. At
(      ) 4. A.has         B.have        C. having         D. to have
(      ) 5. A.any        B. one         C. some       D. the other one
(      ) 6. A.a           B. an          C. the         D. some
(      ) 7. A.draw         B. draws       C. to draw     D. drawing
(      ) 8. A.speak        B. speaks       C. speaking    D. to speak
(      ) 9. A.talk        B. talks       C. to talk        D. talking
(      ) 10. A.for        B. with        C. at          D. in


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doctors know a lot about what makes us ill. They may give us something to take. The medicine often makes us well again.
But sometimes the doctor’s medicine doesn’t work. A sick person does not get well. The pain doesn’t go away. There was such man. He was in hospital, but he wasn’t well. Then he found a new “doctor” inside himself. This “doctor” was his own sense of humor(幽默). He saw funny films. He read funny books. And he liked to learn something interesting. Laughing took away his pain. Then he was able to sleep and rest. His own happy feeling helped him to feel well again. And he told his story in a book. He said that laughing was his best “medicine”. His doctor thought so, too.
Another man was ill, and he had a terrible pain in his back. The doctors could not stop it from hurting. So the man began to “picture” his pain. In his head he “drew” a picture of a dog. He imagined(想象) it as a real dog. And it was biting(咬) his back. It was hurting him. Then the man talked softly to the dog. He put his hand on the dog’s head. He made friends with the dog. And his pain went away!
These stories may surprise you. But more and more people are getting well in this way. So call on the “doctor” inside your own head. And stay happy and well!
小题1:The medicine given by doctors_______.
A.never works wellB.always tastes terrible
C.doesn’t work sometimesD.always makes patients feel worse
小题2:In the second paragraph “a new doctor inside himself” means   
A.his own doctorB.his optimism(乐观主义)
C.the doctor in his homeD.the medicine made by himself
小题3:The second patient felt well again because of      .
A.good medicineB.the doctors
C.his sense of humorD.the “dog” in his head
小题4:We can stay happy and well by     .
A.visiting the “doctor” inside our own headsB.drawing a picture of a dog
C.going to see a doctor as often as possibleD.taking more medicine
小题5:We should believe that    .
A.doctors can heal all patients
B.no one can help patients but themselves
C.only medicine can make patients feel better
D.sometimes a patient can help himself in his own way.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It’s Saturday morning. Tony’s sitting at the kitchen table, staring into space and playing with a piece of bread. He’s not even  16 . Is he ill? No, but he does have a problem. He has nothing to do because the Internet is down.
When he woke up this morning, Tony was feeling   17 . He jumped out of bed full of plans for the weekend ahead. It would be a weekend like any other great weekend. But that was  18  he turned on his computer and  19  he was unable to go online. Having no Internet changes everything.
Every weekend, Tony will go online to email friends, read the news to
20 what’s happening in the world and play a few online chess games with his cousin Helen to kill time. The perfect weekend-online.
Just as Tony is  21  how he can possibly have a normal weekend without the Internet, his mum walks into the  22 “Cheer up, Tony. Don’t think about the Internet any more, OK?” Tony makes no answer but sighs. “Go and play chess with Helen!” Tony’s mum  23   .
“Oh, yes! Helen lives just around the corner. We can meet and play chess face to face for a  24  . Maybe this weekend won’t be so bad.” Tony  25 , as he walks to the phone. There is life beyond the Internet after all (毕竟).
A.requiresB.answeres C.invitesD.suggests
A.continuesB.worriesC.smiles D.reports


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Nick is a 14-year-old school boy. His life is full of exams and studies on weekday. He has                      
 46  free time. He thinks playing computer games   47  the best way to make him relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer. Just   48  that way, he doesn’t eat or drink for several hours.
Last weekend, he played games on the computer again. He was too   49  and didn’t want to move. He didn’t have   50  for six hours. When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. He  51   to the hospital. The doctor told him he should have a good rest and
 52   exercise.
After coming back from the hospital. Nick follows the doctor’s   53  .He often plays soccer with his friends.  54  sometimes he still plays computer games on weekends, he  55 
does it for long. Now he lives a happy and healthy life.
A.fewB.a fewC.muchD.little
小题3: A. on                B. for               C. like             D. since
A.is takenB.was takenC.was takingD.took
A.pay attention toB.paid attention toC.take care ofD.take out

