精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:A: What do you think of the movie Avatar(《阿凡达》)?
B: _______do you ________the movie Avatar?
小题2:A: He liked chocolate, and he liked biscuits,too.
B: he liked__________chocolate _________biscuits.
小题3:A: I hope I can forget all my problems.
B: I hope ________ ________all my problems.
小题4:A: I will fail the exam without your help.
B: If you _______help me, I won’t _______the exam.
小题5:A: In her eyes, the cute dog is her best friend.
B: She_______the cute dog________her best friend.
小题1:How…like   小题2:both…and   小题3:to…forget   小题4:don’t…pass小题5:regards…as

小题1:考查固定句型。What do you think of...=" How" do you like...?“你觉得......怎么样?”故可转换为How ...like。故填How;like。  
小题3:考查hope的用法。hope后可加that从句;还可以加动词不定式。故转换为I hope to forget all my problems.故填to;forget。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

two,  not…at all,  have to,  think of,  be worried about,  make sure,  be proud of,  choose,  be nice to,  keep fit
小题1:All the students like him because he always _____________ others first.
小题2: She is _________ fit _____________. She often goes to see the doctor.
小题3:____________ that there is nothing left behind.
小题4: Amy _______________ to be the chairperson of the Students’ Union at yesterday’s meeting.
小题5: It’s cold outside. He _____________ put on more clothes.
小题6: It’s important for the dancers ________________.
小题7: We Chinese ___________________ Liu Xiang and Yao Ming.
小题8: Millie goes to the Reading Club ____________ a week.
小题9: My teacher and friends __________________ me.
小题10:Don’t _______________ your son. He is 18 years old now.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:Mr Green has four ___________. (child)
小题2:I want to buy five ___________ for supper. (tomato)
小题3: Billy has a box of ___________. He is going to share them with Sandy and Tom. (chocolate).
小题4:Don’t throw these___________ on the floor. (paper)
小题5:We have eight ___________ every weekday. (class)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

(A) 你乐于助人吗?下面是从校园杂志上摘取的有关这方面的一段文字,请根据上下文,完成短文,每空一词.(5分)
We sometimes have a special day to help others. ___1___ month we went to an old people’s home. We bought lots of delicious ___2___ for the old people. We also ___3____ some songs. The old people were very happy. We should volunteer our time to do things like that more often. ___4____ others is also helping ourselves. Do you ___5____ so?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: Jack _________ his father. They are both clever and a bit quiet.
小题2: She hasn’t seen her dog for three days. She is very __________ it.
小题3: I _________ have short hair but now I grow it long.
小题4: If you were more________ to people, you would have more friends.
小题5:You have to be 18 years old before you __________ drive.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

附加题 (每空1分,共10分)
2.汤姆感冒了,只有呆在家,好好休息 。
3.李磊和杰姆能参加,他们住在同一条街,离刘梅家大约12公里 ,他们先乘地铁,然后步行 ,大约花35分钟
4.露西和丽丽的家就在附近,约2公里远,她们骑自行车 ,要花10分钟。
Next Saturday is LiuMei’s birthday ,and she wants to have a     _小题1:______________on Saturday evening ,she asks some of                   小题2:      to come to her party . LinTao          小题3:           and he has to see the dentist in the evening ,and the doctor asks him to take the medicine               小题4:       and have a good rest . But Lilei 、Jim 、Lucy 、Lily and LiuMei’s relations can come to the birthday ,Lilei and Jim live on the same street,it is about  _______小题5:____  from the street to LiuMei’s house ,so they must          小题6:      _____ first, then walk to LiuMei’s house, it takes about      小题7:          .Lucy and Lily live not far from LiuMei’s ,it is about              小题8:                     ,so the twins       小题9:              and it takes ten minutes.  And many relations(亲戚) will come to the party ,they are going to give LiuMei many nice presents for her birthday .
The party will be wonderful !


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:改错题

单句改错(共10分)每题的A B C D 中有一处错误,请找出并更正。
小题1: There are  two hundreds TVs in  the shop.
小题2: I  used to is really quiet .
小题3:He  should  have his  hair __cuts__.
小题4:What if  I   won’t  know anyone ?
小题5:The T-shirt is  too much   small for me.
A.   B.            C.   D.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

About 150 years ago, the person who sent the letter did not have to pay. The person who got the letter had to pay the postage (邮资) which cost a lot.
  In a small village in England, “Here’s a letter for Miss Alice Brown,” said a mailman. “I’m Alice Brown,” a girl of about eighteen said in a low voice. The mailman gave her the letter.
  Alice looked at the envelope(信封) for a minute, and then handed it back to the mailman.
  “I’m sorry I can’t take it,” she said. “I don’t have enough money to pay the postage.”
  The people standing around were very sorry for the girl. Then a gentleman came up to the mailman and paid the postage for Alice’s letter.
  When the gentleman gave her the letter, she said with a smile, “Oh, thank you very much, sir. This letter is from my brother who went to London to look for jobs. I’ve waited a long time for this letter, but now I don’t need it. I don’t have to open the envelope because there is nothing inside.”
  “Really?” the gentleman said in surprise. “How do you know that?” “He told me that he would put some signs on the envelope. Look, sir, this cross in the corner means that he is well, and this circle means he has found a job. That’s very good news.”
  The gentleman was Sir Rowland Hill. He did not forget Alice and her letter.
  He thought and thought for many years. “The postage has to be much lower,” he said at last. “What about a penny (便士) for a letter? And the person who sends the letter pays the postage. He has to buy a stamp and put it on the envelope.”
  The government decided to adopt (采纳) the plan. The first stamp was put out in 1840. It was called the “Penny Black”. It had a picture of the Queen on it.
小题1: About 150 years ago, the person who sent the letter didn’t have to pay for the postage_________ the person who _________ the letter had to.
小题2:The gentleman felt very __________ when the girl said there wasn’t _________ inside the envelope.
小题3: Alice’s brother was such a _________ young man that he just put some ________ on the envelope to tell her sister he was well.
小题4:In 1840, the first stamp _________ the “Penny Black” was put out ________ a picture of the Queen on it.
小题5:After that, people needed to ________ a penny buying a _______ to send a letter.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

33-year-old spacewoman Wang Yaping made history — she is China’s first teacher in space.
Wang Yaping taught Chinese primary and middle school students on Earth physics problems in the zero-gravity environment (失重环境). She prepared for the lecture for a long time.
Wang, born in January 1980, is from east China’s Shandong Province. She was a pilot in the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (空军) with experience of 1,600 hours of flying.
The world’s first teacher in space was Christa McAuliffe, a 37-year-old middle school teacher from the United States, but the Space Shuttle Challenger (挑战者号) disintegrated (崩裂) after 73 seconds into flight on Jan.28, 1986. McAuliffe and other six members were killed.
“Wang’s lecture was a pleasant surprise, ” said Zhang Xiaoguang, an astronaut (宇航员) in the three members of Shenzhou-10 spacecraft. “________________________(她无论做什么都很优秀). Sometimes we’d like to give her a helping hand, but she just would not take the hand in help,” said Nie Haisheng.
Like many young Chinese people, Wang likes photography, music and basketball. She said, “We are all students in facing the universe (宇宙). We are looking forward to joining our young friends to learn and explore the mystical (神秘的) and beautiful universe.”

小题1:Who did Wang Yaping give the lecture to on physics problems in space?
小题2:What was Christa McAuliffe?
小题3:She ______________  ______________ in whatever she does.
小题5: ______________________________________________________________________

