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 comfortable      wide     happy      forty      visit      

1.Look! They are watching the film Lost in Thailand with __________ on the Internet.

2.My father’s __________ birthday happens to be on Father’s Day.

3.The Internet is __________ used in most families in our country today.

4.Those beautiful paintings don’t belong to us. They are those ___________.

5.It will make you feel ____________ if you sit too long in front of the computer.



















科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏无锡宜兴实验学校九年级5月中考适应性考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Do the dishes, Mike, or I will tell mum!

— _______, Sue!

A.You are welcome                       B.Mind your own business

C.It’s my duty                           D.Never mind



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏南通通州区九年级中考适应性考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.My son used to do some reading before going to bed.        (改为一般疑问句)

        your son          to do any reading before going to bed? 

2.They surfed the Internet to gather some information about the earthquake.


                 they surf the Internet?

3.Little children can easily get hurt unless their parents should always keep an eye on them.


      should always keep an eye on little children,        they can easily get hurt.

4.Several articles about memory were written by Jane last month.     (改为主动语态)

                 several articles about memory last month.

5.“Can you help me repair the bike?” Mary asked Jack.             (改为间接引语)

Mary asked Jack          he          help her repair the bike.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏南通通州区九年级中考适应性考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Some frightening pets _________ be kept home so that they won’t hurt others.

A.can              B.may              C.must             D.need



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏南通海安县初三学业水平测试(一模)英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

中国著名作家莫言,真名管谟业,2012年10月获得诺贝尔文学奖(The Noble Prize in Literature),请根据以下提示写一篇有关他的介绍。


出生于山东潍坊, 农民的儿子













4.参考词汇:novelist小说家;Red Sorghum«红高粱»;The Frog«蛙»;The Mao Dun Prize in Literature茅盾文学奖

The Chinese writer Mo Yan was famous for getting the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature. His true name is Guan Moye.








科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏南通海安县初三学业水平测试(一模)英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Are you an only-child in your family? Are you feeling alone at home? How are you dealing with it?

Zhang Luwen, 12, feels lucky to have a 4-year-old “brother”. “With him, I never feel lonely at home. He goes with me wherever I go,” said the girl of Sichuan Province. But it is not easy to be a sister. Zhang has to help her parents bath her “brother” every week. This is because he is hairy — he is a dog.

As the number of pet owners in China grows more and more, Chinese students have animal friends at home. Experts say that these small animals give these only-children lessons in love, care, teamwork and generosity.

This month, the first study on the influence of pets on the children came out. It is a survey of 402 Beijing primary school students. It shows that animal friends are good for children.

China had more than 90 million only-children by 2006, according to the government. “In families of three, most children feel lonely. They don’t have many chances to learn how to love and be responsible for others,” said Zhou Xia in the study group. “So having a pet can help with the problem.”

However, some students complain that their parents don’t allow them to have pets. “They are afraid a pet would stop me studying,” said Chen Qi, of Chongqing.

Perhaps he could learn from Qin Yixing, 13, of Beijing. “I don’t play with my dog until I have finished my homework. I made the promise to my mom and I must keep it,” said the girl.

1.According to the passage, experts think _______.

A.it is good for students to have animal friends at home

B.only-children families in China will be fewer and fewer

C.small animals at home are bad for students

D.parents should buy more pet animals for their children

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Zhang Luwen’s parents bath every week.

B.Zhou Xia thinks a pet animal can solve the problem that children feel lonely.

C.Chen Qi of Chongqing has got a pet animal.

D.Qin Yixing’s parents don’t want her to have a pet.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏南通海安县初三学业水平测试(一模)英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I don’t know which skirt was ______, so I took them both.

—Yes, it’s really difficult to choose.

A.better            B.well              C.best              D.good



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏南通如东县初三中考适应性训练(一模)英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

London has a new magazine. But it is not printed(印刷) on paper. Everyone who has a television can receive it because it is on TV.

In order to read this magazine you have to have a decoder (解码器). Each page of it is numbered, so you only have to dial the number to choose which subject you want to read about. There are all kinds of information ---everything is included from cooking to the latest sports news.

If you want to read the news, the first thing you have to do is to turn to the back page, which has an easy-to-remember page number, 100 for example. Then you start choosing what you want to read. The news is on page 101 to 109, so you put in the numbers and the news appears written across your screen. Perhaps you want to go out in the afternoon, so you press 181, and a brightly colored weather map appears on the screen. But the weather is terrible, so you decide to go shopping and dial 162 for a list of the week’s best bargains. But should you drive or take the train? To answer that question you only have to press 189 for the traffic report. It is very simple to use. But probably the best thing about the service is that it is being updated all the time. Journalists type new material directly onto the screen and the whole pages of the magazine can be replaced in minutes.

London already has three services. One, sent out by TV, is called ORACLE while the other two, on BBC, are called CEEFAX because they let you see facts. Although CEEFAX and ORACLE have been operating for some time, they have not been well publicized(宣传). BBC engineers do not think that their idea will ever replace books and newspapers because they can be taken with you everywhere. But many people would agree that is a breakthrough(突破) as great as the invention of printing, which could not just change our reading habits but our whole way of life.

1. We can know from the passage that in London        .

A.the magazine is available at any local home

B.most of the postmen will lose their jobs some day

C.everyone can read this magazine if they have a television

D.the readers can get various kinds of information staying at home

2.In the sentence “Each page of it is numbered,” the word “it” refers to the        .

A.magazine          B.program          C.decoder          D.subject

3.According to the passage, the “decoder” is used to help people        .

A.work out the total(合计) of certain numbers

B.read the information sent by TV signals

C.go shopping and have other entertainment

D.receive some special TV program for entertainment

4.The passage is mainly about        .

A.a new magazine printed in London

B.an up-to-date way of getting information

C.a popular TV program about magazines

D.an advanced technology helping people communicate



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏东台头灶中学九年级下学期中考训练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I miss my mother very much. She has gone abroad on business for nearly a year but luckily she will be back in a week.

—Pardon? I ______ something else just now. ________ will she come back?

A.was thinking; How long                   B.thought; How often

C.was thinking; How soon                   D.thought; When


