精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  A.Are you OK?

  B.And here's some water.

  C.I think I'm getting over it.

  D.Why don't you go and lie down for a while?

  E.I have some medicine in my bag somewhere.Here.

  Jane:Hey,Bob,you aren't looking well today.1

  Bob:No.I've got a fever,a headache and a sore throat.

  Jane:Oh,I'd say you've got a bad cold! 2

  Bob:Oh.thanks.It should bring my fever down.

  Jane:Yes. 3

  Bob:Thanks.Cold water will cool me down,too.

  Jane:Hope so.4

  Bob:I guess you're right.

  (An hour Iater.)

  Jane:So,Bob,how are you feeling now?

  Bob:Oh,much better.Thanks a lot. 5

  Jane:Well,that's very good.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:022




A.I had a good weekend

  B.I went to the cinema

  C.I went to an Indian restaurant

  D.I had an accident

  E.Was there a lot of damage

  F.Yes,very good

  G.What's wrong with the car

  (J=John R=Rose)

  J:How are you?                      

  R:I'm fine.thanks.                    

  J:Did you have a good weekend?              


  J:Did you enjoy the film?                

  R:It was excellent.                    

  J:What did you do after that?              


  J:That sounds nice.What was the food like?

  R:Wonderful.but I ate too much! What about you? How was your weekend?

  J:Terrible! (4)_____ with the car.

  R:Oh dear! I'm sorry to hear that.Are you all right?

  J:Yes.I'm fine now but I had a bad headache for two days.

  R:And what about the car?(5)_____?

  J:No.it wasn't.The garage repaired it and I can drive it again now.

  R:Oh well.Come and have lunch with me and forget about the weekend.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:030


  A:Excuse me.1 ndline

  B:It's Sunday.

  A:We have no lessons today.Look at the sun! 2 ndline

  B:Great!Let's go.

  A:How can we go there?

  S:We can go there by bike.

  A:3 ndline

  B:We can put them near the park.

  A:Oh,there are so many people in the park today.Let's begin to fly our kites.

  B:Look! 4 ndline

  A:I guess he is Li Ping.

  B:Hi,Li Ping.You are here,too.

  C:Yeah.There are many kinds of kites in the sky.They are very beautiful.5 ndline

  A&B:We think we will.

  A.What's the date today?

  B.What day is it today?

  C.Shall we fly kites in the park?

  D.Who's the boy flying the bird kite?

  E.Where can we park our bikes?

  F.You'll enjoy flying kites here.

  G.When shall we meet?


科目:初中英语 来源:黄冈重点作业·初三英语(下) 题型:030


  A: Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you?

  B: 1 But it doesn't work. Can I return it for a refund (退款)?

  A: Let me have a look at the radio. Oh, there is really something wrong with it. But 2 .

  B: That's a good idea. 3

  A: How about this one? It's made in Japan, but it's five dollars more expensive than that one.

  B: I see. 4

  A: One year.

  B: 5

  A: Sure.

  B: Well, it's very nice, and I'll take it. Here is the money.

  A: Thanks. Here is the change.

  B: Thank you.

  A.I'd like to buy a radio.

  B.Could I try it out?

  C.How long is the warranty period (保修期) of the radio?

  D.May I chang them?

  E.I bought this radio here yesterday morning.

  F.Please show me some others.

  G.I think you'd better change it for another one.


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:030


a.        They are all places of great interest in China.


b.     What did you   do, then?


c.     Glad to see   you again.


d.     We visted our   grandparents there.


e.        Pretty good.


f.       What cities did you visit?












A   Hi, Li Wei.    1   .

B:  Hi, Mary. Glad to see you, too. Where did you go during the summer vacation?

A   Well, we went to our hometown in Jiangxi.   2   .

B:  Oh, they must be very happy to see you again.

A:  Sure.   3   .

B: My parents took Dick and me to a few cities.

A:  That would be very interesting.   4   .

B: We visited Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou.

A:  Oh!   5   . So did you have a good time?

B: Yes, we really enjoyed ourselves very much.

a. They are all places of great interest in China.

b. What did you do, then?

c. Glad to see you again.

d. We visited our grandparents there.

e. Pretty good.

f. What cities did you visit?

1.        2.          3.          4.          5.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语七年级上Module6练习卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A;1     you 2     to 3     to the cinema??

B: That's a great 4    !5     go 6     Lingling.7     is it??

A: It's 8     the afternoon and 9     the evening.?

B: 10      go in the evening.11      you 12      to 13      to a football 14     on Sunday? It's Manchester United, my 15     team.?

A: That's a good 16    .


