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Mr King taught English in a middle school.  He was very  b___小题1:___  all  the time  and couldn’t do some r__小题2:__  .So he left the school and  opened  a bookshop in  the  c__小题3:___  of  the  town.  It  wasn’t  big enough but all  the books were nice  and  most people  liked to  buy  some  there. When  the  shop was c_小题4:__  ,he could  read  at  home. He knew  a  lot and  the  learned (有学问的) people  were  glad  to  make  f__小题5:___ with  him .
It was Sunday and it was cold outside .Mr King was  very  busy. At nine  in  the  evening  all  the  buyers  left  e__小题6:___ a  girl.  She  was  dressed   up  and waited  for  s_小题7:___ there. Standing  by  the  shelves,  she  looked  over  the  books  one  after  a__小题8:__ . It  made them  in  a  fearful mess(凌乱不堪).Mr  King  came  up  to  her  and  asked, “ Excuse  me , madam. What  can  I  do  for  you?” “Your  books  are  all  dull(乏味的),”said  the  girl,“I  want  a  d_小题9:___  one.”“That's  easy,”  Mr  King smiled .  He  t_小题10:__  out  a  cookbook (烹饪书) and  said, “Here  you  are ,madam.”


小题2:因为忙所以没有时间读书,再结合后面的he could  read  at  home.一句可知答案为reading。
小题7:根据前面的She was dressed up 可知她应该是在等人,借以在书店里打发时间;故答案为somebody/someone。
小题8:因为等人,所以书看了一本又一本,即one after another;故答案为another。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My name is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray. We like hamburgers for lunch. Bob and I like French fries but Ray doesn’t. I don’t like fish for supper, but Bob and Ray do. They both think(认为) fish is very delicious. I like noodles for breakfast . We all like chicken and rice for supper.
小题1:How many children(孩子们) are there ?
小题2:What do they like for lunch ?
小题3:Who doesn’t like French fries?
小题4:Do Bob and Ray like fish for supper ?
小题5:What do they like for supper?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The students’ vacation plan
How long
going to the summer camp
this Sunday
1 day
going to the beach
on Friday
2 days
going to Beijing
October 1
3 days
visiting cousins
The first week in September
Information Card
Who to go to the summer camp
Time for Susan to go to the beach
小题2:___ _______________________.
Things Rick is going to do for vacation
How long for Molly to stay in Beijing
Time for Rick to visit his cousins


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

China has a history of over 5000 years and has created a wonderful traditional culture. And cooking has taken an important place in Chinese culture.
China started the cooking as early as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Chinese dishes began to divided into Southern and Northern tastes.
During the period of Tang and Song Dynasties, people began to care for the medical uses of different plants. Many kinds of “medicinal (药用) food ” had been cooked to cure diseases for health care.
As time went by, local tastes were added to the Chinese dishes, such as the Northern food, the Southern food, the Chuan food and so on. Records about each kind of dishes have been handed down. The four oldest types of Chinese food were those of Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong and Huaiyang. Later on, eight types by little after the Dang Dynasty. Each of these groups had its own long history and special traditional techniques.
The Chinese cooking culture has been developed for many centuries. With the growth and development of society during different periods, people have been always working on new way of cooking.
小题1:When did China start cooking?
From the ________ and _______ Dynasties.
小题2:What happened during the period of the Tang and Song Dynasties?
People began to ________ the medical uses of different plants.
小题3:What does the underlined phrase “handed down” mean in Chinese?
It means “___________”in Chinese.
小题4:How many types of Chinese food were there during the Yuan Dynasty according to the passage?
There were ______ types of Chinese food during the Yuan Dynasty.
小题5:How long has the Chinese cooking culture been developed?
It has been developed for _______________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Many students get ill easily . ①They have to go to hospital and may miss a lot of classes. What can we do to keep healthy? Here are some tips:
Healthy food. You should eat less fast food but more vegetables and fruits. You’d better drink 500 ml milk every day .Remember to eat breakfast.
Enough exercise. Doing exercise is important. It makes you more athletic .You can play some sports after class or on weekends.
Happy smiles. Smile is a good way to make you healthy .Try to find things that can make you laugh . Remember that smile is the best medicine to cure(治疗)your illness.
Good rest. If you want to get a good grade ,you must have a good rest .As a famous saying goes, “②Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy ,wealthy(富有的)and wise(聪明的).
小题1:How many suggestions are given to keep healthy?
小题2:What is important for you to get a good grade ?
小题3: 把画线①处句子翻译成汉语。
小题4: 把画线②处句子翻译成汉语。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Let me tell you about me and my family. My name is Daniel. I am your new classmate. I am thirteen years old now. I was born in Nanjing, but I live in Shanghai. Look! This is a photo of my family. I am ①_______ my father ②______ my mother. My father is on my left. He is tall and strong. He looks cool. My mother is on my right. She is short, but is beautiful. My parents work in the hospital in Shanghai. ③I have lunch at school. I like chatting with friends. My hobby is listening to music. I love playing computer games too. I can draw pictures well. I am in Drawing Club. I have a dog. Its name is Snoopy. I look after the dog at home. My grandparents like the dog too. Would you like to be friends with me? Please write to me.
_____________  ______________
_______________________________________________________________ 。
小题3:回答问题: What club is Daniel in?
________________________________________________________________ .
小题4:在文中找出与“Do you want to be friends with me?” 意思相近的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。
________________________________________________________________ .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The fox installs(安装) a telephone, but no one telephones him. He feels very unhappy.
In his dream he dreams that someone calls him. He decides to call back.
First he calls the crow (乌鸦), but the crow says she didn’t telephone him because he is still angry with him. As you know, the fox cheated the crow of her meat by asking her to sing a song.
Then the fox rings Aunt Bear. When she learns it is the fox’s voice, the bear loses her temper (脾气) because the fox cheated her of her honey several days ago. She tells him that she would never telephone him.
At last he calls the wolf. The wolf is sleeping at the moment. When he knows it is the fox who telephones him, he becomes so angry that he says he will never forgive (原谅) the fox. You know, once the fox led him into the hunter’s trap (圈) .
From then on, the fox never telephones others and his telephone becomes useless.
小题1:Who telephones the fox after he installs a telephone?(根据短文内容回答问题)
小题2:Why does Aunt Bear lose her temper when she learns it is the fox’s voice?(根据短文内容回答问题)
小题3:How many animals does the fox telephone?(根据短文内容回答问题)
小题4:He becomes so angry that he says he will never forgive the fox. (改为同义句)
He becomes ________ angry__________ forgive the fox.
小题5:In the passage, the underlined word “He” refers (指) to ________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One fine winter day some ants were working in the field. They were very busy. Just then a grasshopper(蚱蜢)passed by." Good day, kind ants(蚂蚁)," said the grasshopper. "I am very hungry. Won't you lend me a little food? (A)我没有东西吃了。 I will pay you before the next autumn. "  "Don't you have food of your own? (B)Why didn't you gather any food during the summer? You know there was much food in the field during the summer. What were you doing then?" asked an old ant. The grasshopper answered, "I (C)          (sing) all day and night during the summer. And so I had no time to gather any food. Please lend me some food. "Well, then," said the ant."(D)         You only played and did not work during the summer. We'll never lend you any food. "(E) And the ants went on working.
小题1: 将(A)处画线句子翻译成英语。                                     .
小题2: 写出(B)处画线句子的同义词。                                   ?
小题3:根据上下文及括号里的提示可知在(C)处应填入的是                  .
小题4:从下列句子中选择合适的句子填入文中(D)处。                      .
A. You sang very well and we all liked your songs very much.
B. You could sing all the summer and you also could dance all the winter.
C. You are one of the best singers here and we cheer you.
D. Would you like to perform one for us?
小题5:将(E)处画线句子翻译成汉语。                                   .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

James shook his money box.Nothing!He carefully counted the coins that lay on the bed.All that he had was $24.52.The bicycle he wanted was at least $90!How on earth(究竟)was he going to get the rest of the money?
He knew that his friends all had bicycles.It was hard to hang out with ①them when he was the only one without a bicycle. He knew his parents had no extra money.He would have to find a part-time job.He decided to ask Mr Clay②       advice.
“Well,you can start right here,”said Mr Clay. “You see,③my windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”
That was the beginning of James’part-time job.For the next three months he worked every day after finishing his homework.He took dogs for walks,④打扫干净cupboards and repaired books.
The day finally came when James counted his money and found $94.32.He wasted no time and went down to the shop to buy the bicycle he wanted.He⑤__________(ride) home proudly,looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends.
My windows__________  ____________  ____________  ____________
______________  _______________

