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I'm not strong.I decide ________ more exercise from now on.

A.take        B.to take        C.taking         D.took


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届浙江杭州二中树兰实验学校初一上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.In the photo of my family, these are my        . [' peərənts]

2.This boy is my son, and that girl is my        .  ['d ɔː tə] 

3.I      [mʌst] find my school ID card because(因为) my teacher asks me for it.

4.He can’t find the word in the       .  ['dɪkʃənri]

5.Look at a m        of the China on the wall.

6.This is not my pen. M       is in the pencil-box.

7.Nice to m_______ you, Bob!

8.E      me, Sonia. Is this your pen ?

9.Thank you for your h      ,Jane.

10.–What about s       “computer”?




科目:初中英语 来源:2016届浙江慈溪育才中学第一学期11月月考七年级英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.This book is ________.我的

2.These are my ___________.朋友

3.This TV show is very __________.[ˈbɔ:riŋ]

4.He often 经常 ____________看 football games on TV.

5.Jim has two _____________词典.They’re in the desk.

6.It’s an __________['ɪntrəstɪŋ] book. I like reading it very much.

7.Gina is not tidy. Her things are e__________.

8.I’m nine years old. What a________ you?

9.Look at the ________[klɒk]. It’s three ten.

10.You can read books in the school l_________.



科目:初中英语 来源:2016届内蒙古七年级上学期九月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Dear David,

How are you ? I’m fine. I’m in London, at the International School of English. I’m in Class 3 with eight students . They are from different countries---Spain, Japan, Argentina, Switzerland and Thailand. Our teacher’s name is Henry . He’s very nice. He’s a very good teacher.

I’m living with an English family. Mr and Mrs Brown have three children. Thomas is fourteen, Catharine is twelve, and Andrew is seven. They are all very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them !

London is very big and very interesting. The weather is cold but sunny and the parks are beautiful! Hyde Park , Green Park and ST.Jame’s Park are all in the city centre(中心).

English food is OK, but the coffee is horrible!

Write to me soon .



1.The letter is from ___________ .

A. David   B. Paula   C. Paula’s classmate  D. Paula’s teacher

2.The writer’s class has ________.

A. many students         B. eight students

C. nine students         D. eight girls

3.The writer(作者) lives ____________.

A. at school             B. in a hotel 

C. with her classmates    D. at Mr Brown’s home

4.Hyde Park is __________.

A. in a school B. in London  C. next to London D. Small

5.The letter is NOT about ____________.

A. the writer’s classmates        B. the writer’s teacher

C. the writer’s dinner            D. London



科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年广东省初一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“Excuse me,” said a young man, standing shyly at the open church door. “I’m here to pick up an Easter basket for my daughter. Am I in the right place?” Well, we have baskets, but they’re not Easter baskets for kids; they’re food baskets,” I explained.

That morning I arrived at St. Micheal’s Church in Carmichael, California, to help give out the baskets to needy families for Easter. To make sure every family would receive one, we had handed out numbers to them that matched the basket they were supposed to receive. Each one contained a whole ham, potatoes, bread, vegetables, and a pie --- enough food to help feed a family for a week.

“Why don’t you come in?” I said to the man. He looked disappointed. He shook his head and said, “I can’t... My daughter is waiting for me over there. I’m grateful for the food, but when I heard you were giving away baskets for Easter ... well, I thought they would be Easter baskets for children.” He continued, “I promised my daughter one, and I wanted to surprise her.”

I felt bad, but there was nothing I could do. The man handed me his number, and I walked over to the baskets. A bulge(凸起) in one of the baskets caught my eye. “What is that?” I wondered. Leaning over and looking more closely, I could see, unmistakably, an Easter basket --- filled with candy, chocolate, and Easter eggs. One of the volunteers must have added it by mistake! I thought. Then I looked at the man’s number in my hand. Well, he’ll be....

“Happy Easter,” I said to the man, handing him the only food basket with an Easter basket inside --- the very same basket with his number on it. “Someone knew just what you needed.”

1.The young man had thought that ____________.

A. he would have an Easter basket and a food basket

B. there would be Easter baskets for children.

C. there would be children’s toys in the food basket

D. he would get enough food for the whole year.

2.What did the author do at the church?

A. He worked there as a churchman. 

B. He was called in to give out Easter baskets.

C. He went there to meet the young man.

D. He was a volunteer who helped there.

3.The young man looked disappointed at first because ____________.

A. he was told not to take a food basket     

B. there was little food in the Easter basket

C. he came so late that all the basket had been given out

D. he was told that he wouldn’t get what he wanted

4.What surprised the author was that __________.

A. there was an Easter basket in the food basket

B. someone knew what the young man needed

C. one of the baskets was filled with more bread than others

D. he found that the young man’s name was on the basket

5.We can infer that the young man left the church feeling ________.

A. sad             B. satisfied           C. angry          D. surprised



科目:初中英语 来源:北京模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     All over the planet, they are disappearing. Scientists are worried. It may mean the end of the world. I'm
not talking about disappearing frogs. I'm talking about absent vowels (元音). I got a message the other day
that said," Mt@ 3rd st crnr@ 12", signed (签字) "BT". What did it mean? A young man in the office told
me that BT meant" beauty" and translated:" A beautiful young woman wants to meet you at the corner of
Third Street at noon."  
     The following week I was at a private dining club when a Hong Kong banker named David told me he
had met with a man who pronounced his name Choong,but spelt C - H - N - G." There can't be many names
with no vowels in them," he said. It turned out he was sitting next to a Singaporean doctor named Ng. Vowels
are disappearing at high speed among businesses, too. Ever wondered what happened to Reebok, the
sportswear company? It's still around but has renamed itself Rbk. Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC.
      I've read articles saying that the no-vowels trend (趋向) is caused by companies trying to give their
products the shorthand spelling liked by young people. But a research finds that the real reason is often more
uninteresting. Flickr,one of the busiest websites on the Internet, was set up by people who wanted the name
Flicker but were too careless to register (注册) that word.
     Have any readers ever been to a small town in the mountains of California called Zzyzx? A man named
Curtis Howe Springer founded it as a health club and called it Zzyzx because he thought it sounded different.
The business failed. People who looked through lists for somewhere to go never reached it.
     Older readers may remember the computer game Zzyzzyzz that appeared in 1982. Fans did not know
how to ask for it. James Gleick's book Faster has been re-titled FSTR. But the revision is half-hearted with
the main text of the book still having vowels. Why not write the whole book in the simpler way? U cn stll rd
the wtht vwls. On the other hand,just know that vowel-free words can be explained in different ways. One
day I'll get a message from a BT  who may be a beauty. But I'm afraid a bat (蝙蝠) will be out there.
1. The writer's purpose in the passage is _______.
A. to introduce a new trend
B. to study a new language
C. to correct a new mistake 
D. to show a new method
2. The word "around" in the third paragraph means _______.
A. on every side
B. here and there
C. present in a place
D. without special purposes
3. What's the result of the use of vowel-free words,according to the passage?
A. It makes communication easier.
B. It helps us write more quickly.
C. It bringsa lot of fun to people.
D. It causes some trouble in life.
4. What does the writer think of the use of vowel-free words?
A. He doubts the idea a little.
B. He doesn't mind the matter.
C. He doesn't think it's good to do so.
D. He accepts the idea at last.

