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When I was a boy, I was a football fan. I played football with some other boys in the backyard all the time. My mom was worried that I would get ill in the hot summer.
One day my brother gave me a new football. I came into the yard and played it excitedly. But suddenly, the ball flew through the window and nearly hit my dad. Dad said nothing. He took my football and cut it in half.
I didn’t cry because I knew how terrible my mistake was. I didn’t expect (期待) to get another football. But to my surprise, Dad bought me another one the next month and told me to be more careful. I was really thankful for my father’s forgiveness (宽恕). He showed me that even when I made a mistake, he still loved me and gave me another chance.
Parents always give us their unconditional (无条件的) love and forgiveness. We should always give our love and forgiveness to them, too.
【小题1】The writer played football in the backyard all the time because ________.

A.he was easy to get ill
B.he was a football fan
C.his father was a football player
D.his mother was worried about him
【小题2】How did the writer feel when he got the football from his brother?
A.Sad.B.Worried. C.Terrible. D.Excited.
【小题3】The writer didn’t cry because ________.
A.he knew his mistake
B.his father cut the football in half
C.his father was very happy
D.he nearly hit his father
【小题4】After his father bought him another football, the writer ________.
A.forgot his mistakeB.was angry
C.was thankful to his fatherD.didn’t like it
【小题5】What can we learn from the story?
A.We should learn to play football.
B.We should love and forgive our parents.
C.We shouldn’t make mistakes.
D.We must play football with our parents.


【小题1】细节理解题。根据文章的开头When I was a boy, I was a football fan. I played football with some other boys in the backyard all the time,当我小时候,我是一个足球迷,我总是和其他的孩子们一起在后院踢足球。故选B。作者总是踢足球是因为他是一个足球迷。
【小题2】推理判断题。根据文章第二段One day my brother gave me a new football. I came into the yard and played it excitedly一天我的哥哥送给了我一个新的足球,我来到院子里,兴奋的踢起来。由此我们可以判断,当作者拿到这个新的足球的时候,心情非常的兴奋。故选D。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据文章第三段I didn’t cry because I knew how terrible my mistake was,我没有哭,因为我知道我犯的错有多严重。作者自己知道自己做错了,所以他并没有哭,故选A。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据文中I was really thankful for my father’s forgiveness,爸爸又给我买了一个新足球,因为爸爸能原谅我,我很感激。这里作者并没有想到爸爸会这样做,会原谅他,还给他买了新足球,故作者心里充满了感激。故选C。
【小题5】推理判断题。根据文章中We should always give our love and forgiveness to them, too.可知通过这个故事作者想要告诉我们对待父母我们要爱戴他们,并且要带着一颗宽恕的心。A,我们应该学习踢足球;C 我们不应该犯错;D 我们应该和父母一起踢足球,这三个选项都不是文章的主要意思。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hello, my name is Lisa. There are twelve months in a year. Among(在…之间)  them, I like May, because my birthday is on May 21st. On that day, my parents have a birthday party for me. My cousin Beth’s birthday is in May, too.  I like her, and she likes me. We are good friends. But   she is only 3 years old. She is the daughter of my uncle and aunt. She likes June very much because  Children’s Day is in it. My father likes October very much because every year, at that time, there are lots of ball games and he likes watching them. My mother likes September and October because Mid-autumn Day (中秋节) is in these two months.
【小题1】How many months are there in a year?
【小题2】Why does Lisa like May?
【小题3】Is Beth Lisa’s sister?
【小题4】What does Lisa’s father like doing?
【小题5】Which months does Lisa’s mother like?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I live in a small town near Xing’an in Guilin. You can’t see it on the map of China, because it is too small. The air here is fresh. There are not many tall buildings in our town. The best building is our school. There are four hundred students and twenty-five teachers in our school. In the front of the school, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates on it. There is a little garden behind our school. And we can grow beautiful flowers and plant trees in the garden. Next to the garden, there is an orange orchard(果园). You can hear birds singing everywhere. There is a river not far from our school. In summer, we usually go swimming with our teachers in it. We study Chinese, English, math and other subjects at school. The teachers are very nice. We love our school.
【小题1】The writer lives _______.

A.in a small town B.in the city of Guilin
C.in a village D.in a tall building
【小题2】There is_______ in the front of our school.
A.a river B.a tall building C.a playground D.a garden
【小题3】The students often _______ in summer.
A.play basketball B.plant trees
C.grow flowers D.go swimming
【小题4】 People can hear _______ singing here and there.
A.students B.birds C.cows D.teachers
【小题5】 What is the best title of the passage?
A.The garden B.A Small Town
C.Our School D.The Best Building


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

This is a picture of a classroom. The classroom is big and clean. You can see a teacher’s desk, six desks and seven chairs. You can see a girl and a boy ,too.
Four books are on the teacher’s desk. A pencil case is on the desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil case .A school bag is under a chair. A ball is on the floor.
The girl is Mary, She is 11.The boy is Jack. He is 12.They are is Class Two. They are friends. The teacher is Miss Smith. She is not here.
【小题1】It’s a picture of     .

A.boys and girlsB.desks and chairsC.a classroomD.a bedroom
【小题2】The two pens are     .
A.in the pencil caseB.on the teacher’s desk.C.on the floorD.in the bag
【小题3】    is eleven.
A.MaryB.JackC.Miss smithD.Mr Smith
【小题4】    is not in the picture.
A.MaryB.JackC.Miss SmithD.Mr Smith
【小题5】Mary and Jack are     .
A.teacher and studentsB.brother and sisterC.good friendsD.cousins


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Basketball match: Changchun VS Shenyang
Day: Saturday
Time: in the morning (10:00)
Place:Changchun Stadium
Film: Superman
Day: Saturday
Time: in the afternoon and in the evening
(15:00-17:00; 18:00-20:00)
Price: adult 16 yuan; child half price
Telephone: 62603941
Swimming lesson
Day: Thursday
Time: in the morning (8:00)
Place: Great Swimming Pool
Day: Wednesday
Time: in the morning (10:30-12:00)
Place: People Theatre
Price: 35 yuan
【小题1】Where is the swimming lesson?
A.Changchun Stadium. B.Great Swimming pool.
C.People Theatre. D.Great Garden.
【小题2】When is the concert?
A.On Thursday18:00-20:00 B.On Saturday10:00
C.On Saturday15:00-17:00 D.On Wednesday10:30-12:00
【小题3】If you want to ask something about the basketball match, you can call_________.
A.62603941 B.70504266 C.58796324 D.99687241
【小题4】On Saturday, you can _______________.
A.watch the basketball match and have the swimming lesson.
B.See the film Superman and go to the concert.
C.Have the swimming lesson and go to the concert.
D.Watch the basketball match and see the film Superman.
【小题5】Two adults and one child will spend _______ seeing the film Superman.
A.87.5 yuan B.40 yuan C.8 yuan D.16 yuan


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends.   Some people think the worst thing is to do nothing. Laura Mills, a teenager from Washington, agrees. "Problems and worries are normal in life," says Laura. "But I think talking to someone helps a lot. If we don't talk to someone, we'll certainly feel worse. "
Laura once lost her purse, and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn't have any money. She just kept thinking. "If I tell my parents, they'll be angry! But in the end, she talked to her parents and they were really understanding. Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. They got her a new purse and asked her to be more careful. "I will always remember to share my problems in the future!" Laura says.
Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. He feels the same way as Laura. "It is best not to avoid our problems. We should always try to solve them. He thinks that you can first find someone to talk to. This person doesn't need to be an expert (专家) like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more experience than them, and are always there to help them.
In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So you're halfway to solving a problem if you talk to someone about it!
【小题1】Which of the following can be put in the blank in Paragraph One?

A.What can they do about this?
B.Where do the problems come from?
C.When did they have these problems?
D.Why do they have so many problems?
【小题2】In Paragraph 2,the writer used the story of Laura to _______.
A.answer a question B.give an example
C.introduce his friend D.share his experience
【小题3】According to the passage Robert Hunt might be_______.
A.Laura's teacher B.the writer of the passage
C.a person with a problem D.an expert on students' problems
【小题4】What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Few children are careful with their money.
B.Parents are more experienced than children.
C.Talking to someone helps to solve problems.
D.Students often have a lot of worries at school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There are seabirds as well as land-birds. The most ordinary seabird is the seagull. It has a white body, a white head and a yellow beak. There is a very, very spot of red at the very end of the beak, underneath. All gulls have very strong wings so that they can fly far out to sea. If a gull flies out too far, so that it is too tired to fly back to the shore(岸边), it does not get frightened, for it can sit and rest upon the waves(波浪). A seagull’s wings do not get wet because all its feathers have a kind of oil over them, so that when the water gets on to the feathers, it just runs off again. Gulls can even sleep upon the waves.
Sailors(水手) know a lot about seagulls and they never kill them. When the gulls fly a long way out to sea, sailors say that it means fine weather is coming. When the gulls stay near the shore, sailors say they there will be much wind and rain, and perhaps a storm, for the gulls know more about the weather than sailors do.
【小题1】The seagull is a kind of ________.

A.fish B.land-bird C.seabird D.animal
【小题2】 Every gull is able to fly far out to sea because it _________.
A.is very light B.has very strong wings
C.always flies high D.is strong enough
【小题3】 A seagull does not get frightened even when it is far away from the shore and it is too tired to fly back because it can ____________.
A.swim under the sea B.stay under the sea
C.rest and sleep upon the waves D.jump into the sea
【小题4】The water can’t make the seagull’s feathers wet because the feathers are __________.
A.thick B.long C.light D.oily
【小题5】If seagulls stay near the shore, it will be ___________.
A.windy, rainy or stormy B.sunny and hot
C.fine and warm D.freezing cold


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Do your parents ever say, “act like a lady” or “be a gentleman” to you? But in the eyes of today’s teenagers(青少年), what should a lady or a gentleman be like? Let’s take a look.
What is a gentleman? The girls have their ideas:
Huang Xiaoyu of Guizhou: A gentleman doesn’t always get angry(生气的). He wants others to be well and happy. He is always ready to help. There is a boy in my class and I think he is a gentleman. If I don’t do well in the English exam, he will say, “You will do better next time.” That makes me feel happy.
Chen Tingting of Shenzhen: A gentleman always says, “Ladies first” When students clean up the classroom, he does the heavy work. He lets girls go into rooms first. There are no gentlemen in my class. When there is something to eat, the boys in my class always get them before girls!
What is a lady? Boys tell us what they think a lady is:
Wu Yifan of Dalian: A lady is quiet and kind, but she’s not shy(害羞) and she can talk about her ideas in front of others. To me, Dong Jie, a film star, is a lady. She is pretty and kind. She does a lot for others.
Wang Lichao of Tianjin: A lady is not just beautiful but clever. She never says bad words. She is quiet and kind to others. I don’t think there is a lady in my class. Most of the girls are “wild beauties”, I think.
【小题1】 A gentleman doesn’t ________.

A.think about others B.always say “ladies first”
C.do the heavy work D.get angry easily
【小题2】What does Huang Xiaoyu think a gentleman will do if she doesn’t do well in the English exam?
A.He will say “You’ll do better next time”. B.He will get angry.
C.He will say “You’re so careless (粗心的).” D.He will laugh at her.
【小题3】Why does Wu Yifan think Dong Jie is a lady?
A.Because she is quiet. B.Because she likes expressing (表现) herself
C.Because she is pretty and kind. D.Because she is very shy.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.Wang Lichao thinks pretty-looking is enough for a lady.
B.Huang Xiaoyu thinks there is a gentleman in her class.
C.Chen Tingting thinks there is a gentleman in her class.
D.Wu Yufan thinks a lady can’t talk about her ideas in front of others.
【小题5】What does the underlined words “wild beauties” mean(意思是……) in this passage?
A.Beautiful and kind girls. B.Pretty but rude (粗鲁的) girls.
C.Gentle(温柔的)and shy girls. D.Clever girls.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Modern life is impossible without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is by plane. With a modern plane you can travel to lots of places in one day.
Traveling by train is slower than by plane. But you can see beautiful countryside when you are traveling by train. Modern trains give comfortable seats and dining cars. They make the journey(旅途) interesting.
Some people like to travel by sea. There are large liners and river boats. You can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very nice way to spend a holiday.
Many people like to travel by car. You can make your plan. You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you like. You can stop whenever you wish to see something interesting. If you find a good place to have meals you can stop, too. That is why traveling by car is popular, while people usually take a train or a plane when they travel on business.
【小题1】The fastest way of traveling is ________from this passage.

A.by train B.by sea C.by plane D.by car
【小题2】The advantage(优点) of traveling by train is that _________.
A.you can see the countryside B.it is faster than traveling by ship
C.you can get to a place which it took years to get to before D.it is cheap
【小题3】The underlined word “They” in the passage means _________.
A.modern trains in the country B.comfortable seats and dining cars
C.people who travel by train D.the slower ways of traveling
【小题4】 People would like to go picnic with their family by _________.
A.car B.plane C.train D.ship
【小题5】The best way for business should be _________in the passage.
A.planes B.cars C.trains and planes D.ships

