精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
-----Wow, my new bike looks the same as ___________.           --------Really.
考查名词性物主代词,句意:哦,我的新自行车看上去和你的一样。真的吗。此题应用yours,相当于your bike,所以选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We must learn and help _________  __________( 互相 ).
小题2:The shop sells (出售) many school things, _____  _____ ( 例如 )pens, pencils,rulers, erasers and so on.
小题3:She ________   _________ ( 有空 ) on Saturdays.
小题4:Mrs. Smith likes _________ some ________( 购物 ) on Sunday morning.
小题5:Li Lei _____ _____( 不得不) go to school on foot today because his bike is broken.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

An old friend of my sister’s always helps my brother and      with      English.
A.I; ourB.me; ourselvesC.I; myD.me; our


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We cried when our school football team __________ ( lose ) the game last week.
小题2:I couldn’t finish the work ________ ( with ) your help.
小题3:It rained ____________ ( heavy )last night.
小题4: The earthquake happened and many people were ___________ ( terrible ) hurt.
小题5:Bad weather sometimes causes __________ ( nature ) disasters.
小题6:The house _________ ( shake ) when the heavy truck went past.
小题7:Listen! I can hear an old lady __________ ( scream ) for help in the next door.
小题8:A large number of people were _________ ( 围困 )underground in Wenchuan Earthquake.
小题9:The noise of the thunder became much __________ ( 轻微 ).
小题10:The telephone suddenly rang and she ____________ ( 赶忙 ) to answer it.
小题11:The Chinese _________ (政府) wants to protect these birds
小题12:If you are ill, you must take some m_________.
小题13:The w_________ of the panda is 20kg.
小题14:A lot of t_________ go to Beijing to see the Great Wall.
小题15:Do you know the  i_________ of English?  
小题16:Help _________(自己) to some fish, boys and girls?
小题17:The teacher asked us to answer the _________(以下的) questions.
小题18:There is a lot of _________ (交通)on the roads every morning.
小题19:L_________, I passed the exam.
小题20:At the _________ (开始)of the term, I don’t like our school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Are ________of you from the same family,Jane and Ann?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

It’s impolite to read _______ letter .
A.else someone’sB.someone’s else
C.someone else’sD.someone else


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

–Excuse me, Mr. He, are you free? Lin Tao and I want to tell you _____.     
A.something importantB.anything important
C.important somethingD.important anything


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词, 使句子意思完整,语法正确。(5分)
小题1: The best way to improve your English is to _________an English club.
小题2:Most teenagers are _________of snakes. They are dangerous animals.  
小题3: The boy is old enough, he should be _________to choose his own friends.
小题4:I don’t want to let my mother _________, so I’ll study hard to get good grades.
小题5:Bob is easy to get _________ with. His classmates like to be friends with him.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—How do you spell “ruler”?
A.Yes, I do.             B.It’s a ruler.         C.R-U-L-E-R

