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Marsha is the English teacher of Class 1. She is kind and likes to tell stories in her class, so all the 小题1: ____like to be with her. Last week, two students didn't finish their homework. That 小题2:_______ Marsha a little angry. She 小题3:_______the two students to stay in the classroom after school. When school was over, all the students went 小题4:________except (除…以外) the two students. Marsha asked them to 小题5:______ the homework first. The two students 小题6:________ as she asked. After they finished their homework, Marsha told them a 小题7:_______about her classmate, Tony. Tony was lazy when he was a student. He didn't do his小题8:_______ every day. When he graduated (毕业) from high school, he wanted to find a job. But he couldn' t find a good 小题9:________. At that moment, he regretted (后悔) what he had done. After 小题10:_________ to the story, the two students felt sorry. They told Marsha they would finish homework on time and they would study hard.


小题1:根据She is kind and likes to tell stories in her class,一句可知,老师很喜欢讲故事,所以所有学生都喜欢和她呆在一起;故答案为students
小题2:根据two students didn't finish their homework.可知没完成作业自然会使老师生气;故答案为made
小题3:老师生气顺理成章地就是放学后把学生留下,即ask sb to do sth;故答案为asked
小题4:根据When school was over,可知,放学后除了那两名没有完成作业的学生之外其他的就都回家了;故答案为home
小题6:根据后面的as she asked可知,这两个学生按照老师的要求做了;故答案为did
小题8:根据Tony was lazy when he was a student.结合本文的主题可知,既然托尼很懒,自然是每天都不做作业;故答案为homework
小题9:根据When he graduated (毕业) from high school, he wanted to find a job. 及后面的转折连词but可知,他找不到一份好工作;故答案为job
小题10:根据the two students felt sorry.一句可知学生应该是在听完老师讲的故事之后感到难过;故答案为listening

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Hi, _________ are you going?
—To the zoo. I want to see some animals.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

This pencil is long but that __________ is short.
A.one’s                   B.one                      C.ones


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

My shoes are cheaper than _______.
A.youB.yourC.yoursD.your one


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

One spring day in 1950 in New Mexico, the United States, someone saw s 小题1:  coming from a forest and called the fire station at once. The firemen saw a big fire on the ground between the trees, which was spreading(扩散)quickly because of a s 小题2:  wind. Many people t 小题3:  to fight the fire, but as soon as one area was under control, the fire spread to another area. S  小题4:  , a firemen saw a baby bear close to the fire. It was t 小题5:  in the bushes. The fireman bravely ran over and took it away from the f  小题6:  .
After the firemen put o 小题7:   the fire, a farmer took the bear to his farm. A reporter wrote about this lucky bear in the newspaper and soon many people knew his story. Soon he was given a home at the National Zoo in Washington DC. People wanted to remind everyone in the USA about the dangers of forests fires so they put up big signs with p 【 小题8】 of the bear, which said, ‘Only you can p 【 小题9】forest fires from happening!’ The little bear became the most f 小题8:animal in the country.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The scientists _______________ in inventing a new robot last year.  ( success )
小题2:We Chinese are all ______________ of the 2008 Olympic Game.  (pride )
小题3:What about reading aloud to practice our ______________?  ( pronounce )
小题4:He prefers to call her rather than __________to her. (write)
小题5:His father’s ________________ made his family very sad.  (die)
小题6:Lucy can’t eat food that ____________ chocolate in it. (have)
小题7:Tom has some trouble ______________ English grammar.  ( learn )
小题8:What would you do if someone _________ you to be in a movie? (ask)
小题9:I listened to a CD __________ Heart Strings. (call)
小题10:Before making an important ____________, think it over.  (decide )


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Where are the socks?
A.They are on the bedB.They are 6 yuan
C.I’ll take themD.I can’t find them


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:His______(业余爱好) are playing football and reading.
小题2:My student Tommy likes _______(绘画) very much.
小题3:My teacher doesn’t wear _______(眼镜).
小题4:--- How many ________(次数) a week does she go to the school library?
--- On Tuesday and Friday.
小题5:He often talks to his friends in his ______ (空闲的) time.
小题6:What______(其它的) do you like to do?
小题7:His sister is very _______(可爱的). I like playing with her.
小题8:_____(读书) is fun.
小题9:We often play____(排球) after school。
小题10:She is a _____(成员) of the Football Club.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)  (共8分)
小题1:Three ___________ shared 2013 Nobel Medicine Prize.  (winner)
小题2:Wellington, New Zealand is the ___________ capital city to greet the beginning of a new day.  (one)
小题3:We live in a world where a lot of things happen around ___________.  (we)
小题4:How I wish the heavy haze(霾) could ___________ in our city!  (appear)
小题5:On your computer at home or work, make a note to “call friends” ___________.  (regular)
小题6:How far does your ___________ go back?  (memorize)
小题7:Thank you so much for coming. Have a ___________ drive home.  (safely)
小题8:Only by working hard can we ___________ in doing everything.  (success)

