精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

She had trouble_________ complete sentences.

A.to make            B.making             C.made                  D.on making


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

In American people like cars very much.It’s interesting for people to say that cars are men’s

Toys 1A small car can hold four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded A van(房车)can hold se、,en persons easily,so a family with three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel.They could all travel together2 Americans with small families own a small car or a large one If both parents are working,they usually have two ears.So when the family is large,one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van.




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:





    ①老师给你的压力:家庭作业           ②父母给你的压力:对你要求严格,

    想你得高分。             ③自己给自己的压力是…(成为班上最优秀的学生)



Dear Mr. Zhang,

I am a Grade 9 studentMy name is Liu XingI have a problem, but I don't



____________________________________________________________________          _


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--__________Sam__________ a sister ?

--Yes, he__________.

A.Is;have;has                           B.Do;have;do

C.Does;has;does                       D.Does; have; does


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It was________ that everyone stayed at home.

A.so terrible weather                                 B.such a terrible weather

C.so terrible day                                     D.such a terrible day


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The boy often______ the teacher________ help when he has trouble.

A.ask;of             B.ask;to              C.asks;for            D.asks;with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

James and his wife went to Beijing Restaurant for dinner at 7:00 P.m.on April 1st,2009.While they were eating a waitress came to tell them that the two men at the next table were film--makers and that they would like to have fl talk with James.

    James agreed.One man came to sit down next to him and said that they were making a film named “The Magic Gloves”.The story was like “Harry Potter” and they were searching for an actor to play a magician(魔术师).They would like to invite James to have a try.

    James was excited。“Many people think I look like Patrick Steward.”However,as he was

going to leave Cbin8 in 3 days,he wanted to act out after dinner.The man agreed.

At 9:00 p.m.when James asked for the bill SO that he could go with the film-makers,the manager of Beijing Restaurant said sorry to him with a smile.“It’s April Fool’s Day joke! Your meal is free.Thank you.”

    James completely forgot about it but when he found that he was fooled,he didn’t leave at once.The waitress asked him if he needed any help.James said,”I was fooled once.I’m afraid the meal is not free.I am waiting for the bill to see if it is another joke.”


(    )1.James came to the restaurant ___________

A.to have dinner                                 B.to meet the film-makers

C.to celebrate April Fool’s Day                     D.to play a magician

(    )2.James agreed to act out because___________

A.he was full

B.he thought he looked like Patrick Steward

C.he wanted to make some money

D.he liked Harry Potter

(    )3.The phrase “was fooled” in the last paragraph probably means________

A.was hit            B.was laughed at         C.was killed     D.was played a joke on

(    )4.Which of the following is true?

A.James stayed at the restaurant for less than two hours.

B.The two men sitting next to him were really film--makers.

C.James didn’t know it was April Fool’s Day until he was told so.

D.James left the restaurant right after dinner.

(   )5.When the manager came to tell him the truth,James

A.was angry that he had been fooled

B.was pleased that he had been given a free meal

C.was still not sure if they were playing another joke on him

D.decided to wait for another free meal


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Both you and I_________ wrong.

A.was             B.am             C.were          D.is


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


     It was raining outside."I want to go outside and play, Morn," Robbie said."When is it going to stop raining?" For three days Robbie hadn't been able to go outside and play.

     "I'm sure it will stop, Robbie.Why don't you come and help me make some cookies?" his mom suggested.

     Robbie thought making cookies was kind of boring.He made cookies every day."No, I just want to go outside," he cried.

     His mom had an idea, "Robbie, why don't you put your rain shoes and your raincoat on? You can play in the rain.Would you like that?"

     "Yes, Mom, I want to go outside and play, even in the rain," Robbie laughed. He put on his rain shoes and raincoat very quickly.Then his mom gave him an umbrella and let him go out.

      In the rain, Robbie happily splashed ( 溅着水花行走 ) in puddles (水坑).Robbie's mom saw this and remembered when she was a little girl, she liked to splash in puddles, too.Then she went out and asked Robbie," Can I splash in the puddles with you?"

      "Yes, Mom.Come and splash.It's fun," Robbie said.That night, Robbie went to bed happily, because he had a wonderful day playing with his mom.

1.Robbie hoped it would stop raining in three days.

2.Robbie didn't want to make cookies at that moment.

3.Robbie's morn asked Robbie to put on his rain shoes and raincoat to buy cookies.

4.In the end, Robbie's morn went out to play in the rain with him.

5.Robbie splashed in puddles and that made his mom very angry.

