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根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 (5分)
小题1:Who came here__________(early), Mary or Jane?
小题2:Are you ___________(will) to sing us an English song?
小题3:The film isn’t interesting at all, so I feel         (boring).
小题4:We are          (certain) of the information he offered. We need to check it on Google.
小题5:There was          (one) a very tall tree in this area.


小题2:句意:你愿意为我们唱首英文歌吗?be willing to do sth意为“愿意做某事,乐意做某事”;故答案为willing。
小题4:句意:我们对他提供的信息没把握。我需要在谷歌上确认一下。be uncertain of sth意为“对什么没把握”;故答案为uncertain。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:The famous ________________(direct) names are almost well known to all in China .
小题2:Seven ______________(twelve) of the students have been to the exhibitions.
小题3:What he said drove her even ________________(mad).
小题4:How _____________(noise) the children are playing on the playground!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

seat  hold  start  arrive  old  hurry  travel  crowd  provide  comfort

Many large cities have a subway system. The subway is called tube in London. In San Francisco, it is called BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). Some subway systems, like Chicago’s, are quite 小题1:____________. It opened in 1897. Others are more recent (近代的). For example, Mexico City’s subway 小题2:____________ in 1969.
Most subways are very modern and clean, but sometimes they get very小题3:____________. So people have to follow certain rules to make the trip more 小题4:____________. In London, when people use the tube, they must stand on the right so that people in a 小题5:____________ can walk on the left. They let passengers get off the train before others get on, and people are expected to give their 小题6:____________ to the old and disabled people.
Some subways 小题7:____________ excellent services. In most subways, there is a station about every one kilometer. Trains 小题8:____________ at a station about every two minutes. Subways carry a lot of passengers. The number of people 小题9:____________ one way each hour in London can be about 30,000. However, in some other cities it is much higher. Hong Kong’s subway小题10:____________ the record of about 80,000 passengers an hour!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

短文填空 选择恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。(有两个多余的选项)
answer, alone, oldest, start, until, ask, fortieth, own, teach, first, money, later
In Britain you are allowed to drive a car when you are seventeen. You have to get a special two-year driving license before you can ____. When you are learning, someone with a full license always has to be in the car with you because you aren’t allowed to drive the car on the road ____. You don’t have to go to a driving school——a friend can  ____ you. The person with you isn’t allowed to take the ___ for the lesson unless he’s got a teacher’s license.
Before you are allowed to have a full license, you have to take a driving test. You can take a test in your ____ car, but it has to be fit for the road. In the test you have to drive round for about half an hour and then ____ a few questions. If you don’t pass the test, you are allowed to take it again a few weeks ____ if you want to. In 1970 a woman passed her ____ test after 212 driving lessons. When you’ve passed your test, you don’t have to take it again, and you are allowed to go on driving as long as you like. Britain’s ____ driver was a man who drove in 1974 at the age of 100.
Before 1904 everyone was allowed to drive, even children. Then from 1904 car drivers had to have a license. But they didn’t have to take a test ____1935. On the early days of car driving, before 1878, cars weren’t allowed to go faster than four miles an hour, and someone had to lead the car with a red flag.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Morning, Jack. You don’t look well. 小题1:________________________?
B: Well, I have got a cold. But it’s not serious. Hey, Tom, did you see the movie on CCTV6 last night?
A: No, I didn’t. 小题2:____________________?
B. Harry Potter.It was so exciting. So, what were you doing at that time?
A: 小题3:___________________. I’m not good at English, you know.
B.But English is not very hard to learn. 小题4:_____________________.
A: Thank you for your advice. 小题5:____________________________?
B: It’s nearly 7:50. Hurry up, or we’ll be late for school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1:This is a map. (改为复数句) _______ _______ maps.
小题2:Are these your parents? (肯定回答)Yes , _______ ________ .
小题3:My father is a teacher . (对划线部分提问)
________ your father’s _________ ?
小题4:our, Li, is , teacher, Ms, English (连词成句) 
小题5:Lisa is twelve years old .(对划线部分提问)
_________ _________ is Lisa ?
小题6:他来自上海。He _______ ________ Shanghai.
小题7:你母亲叫什么名字? What is ________ __________ name?
She is _______ English teacher ______ a school .
小题9:他们在同一所学校。They are at ______ ________ school .
__________ _________ Mary’s son and daughter .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

词形变化 (8分)
小题1:On his way to school, he found an __________ (上年纪的)person lying on the road.
小题2: China has become more and more                 (强大的)in the world
小题3:If you want to be a good teacher, you should be _____________ (自信的) of yourself.
小题4: He is a man with many good               (品质), we should learn from him.
小题5:They told me some                  (different) between the two countries.
小题6: He doesn’t like to go fishing. He is an                (patient) boy.
小题7:The child is so                (energy). He never stops running around.
小题8:My grandmother is very              (practice), she can make a lot of things with paper.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

help    careful    love    flower   yourself
小题1:Some of my classmates     their mothers with housework last Mother’s Day.
小题2: Others bought some     for their mothers.
小题3:“Why not make a birthday card by     to show your love?”my father said to me.
小题4:Then I went to my room to make a birthday card    .
小题5: I wrote in the card, "I  you, my dear mother!"


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

are  our  listen  tomorrow  weather
小题1:Today is Thursday and _____________ is Friday.
小题2:The_________is cold in winter in Wenzhou.
小题3:Dave and I __________ friends.
小题4:Mr. Chen is _____________ teacher. We like him very much.
小题5:______________to the teacher in class, Tom.

