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Some interesting animals


People in India think the cow (奶牛) is the mother of the earth. It gives so much but asks nothing in return. So in many Indian cities,people dont  eat or sell beef. Cows in India can walk free (自由) with the cars.


The zebra (斑马) belongs to (属于) the horse family. They live in southern

and central Africa.   Zebras have excellent hearing and eyesight and are capable of running at a speed (速度) of up to 40 miles per hour.


The kangaroo is the symbol ofAustralia.   They can't walk. They use their

strong back legs to jump. They can jump over 56 kilometers each hour. They can

Gum trees

go over nine meters in one jump!

The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. It is 3 meters long and it weighs (重)

450 kilos. It can stand up on its back legs because it has very wide feet. It can use

Sea animals

its front legs like arms. It can swim well.

() 1. is a member of the horse family.

   A. The cow   B. The zebra   C. The kangaroo   D. The polar bear

() 2. The kangaroo can't walk with its legs,but they can .

   A. fly   B. swim   C. jump   D. run

() 3. If you walk in the street,you can meet a cow in .

   A. China   B. Australia   C. Africa   D. India

() 4. The polar bear lives on .

   A. sea animals   B. grass   C. beef   D. gum trees

() 5, “In return” in the sentence “It gives so much but asks nothing in return” means “ ” in Chinese.

   A. 归还   B. 回报   C. 轮流   D. 要求

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B




1. B 根据 The zebra (斑马) belongs to (属于) the horse family.可知选 B.

2. C 根据 They can't walk. They use their strong back legs to jump.可知选 C.

3. D 根据 Cows in India can walk free (自由) with the cars.可知选 D.

4. A 根据Food —栏中Sea animals可知他们依靠 海洋动物生活,故选A.

5. B 根据前文 It gives so much but asks nothing ,它 给予太多,但是一无所求。可知汉语意思是回报。 故选B.

题目来源:201年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空九年级 > PASSAGE B阅读理解


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

15. (2013 •缓化中考) the teacher,I've made great progress.

   A. Thank you   B. Thanks   C. Thanks to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

                  Saturday,17th March 

     Today I got my dream job in New York!However,it's far away from my home town and I've never visited New York before. Yesterday I took the train here and one of my workmates met me at the railway station. Then he showed me the company. There they had a welcome party for me. Great!

    My company offered no living place,so I had to find somewhere to live. I stayed in a hotel while I was looking for a new home.

               Sunday,1st April

     I've found the perfect flat!It's small but very nice. It's near my office,so I can walk to work. The only problem is that it's $ 1,000 a month. ThatJs too much for a young man like me!

      I've soon got used to the life here. I love it!There s a supermarket nearby and some restaurants where I can go when I do not want to cook. My workmates and new neighbors are friendly. It's April Fool's Day today and I even played a trick on my neighbor next door. Cool!

() 1. How did Daniel get to New York?

   A. By train. B. By plane. C. By car. D. By ship.

() 2. What is Daniel's flat like?

   A. It's far away from his office. B. It's quite cheap.

   C. It’s very big. D. It's very nice.

() 3. Daniel needs to pay a month for the flat.

   A. $ 100   B. $ 500   C. $ 1000   D. $ 2000

() 4. Why did he play a trick on his neighbor next door today?

   A. He is a funny person.           B. It's April Fools’ Day.

   C. He doesn’t like his neighbor.     D. He often play tricks on others.

() 5. What does Daniel NOT tell us?

   A. Whether he has visited New York before.   B. Where he stayed before he found a flat.

   C. Why he had a party on April Fool's Day.   D. What his workmates and new neighbors are like.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     On the first day of school our teacher introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn5t already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.

   I turned around to find a little old lady with a warm smile. She said ,“Hi,handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. ”

    “Why are you in university at such a YOUNG age?J,I asked. She replied, ”I'm here to meet a rich husband,get married,have a couple of kids,and then retire and travel.

    I knew she was joking. I was curious (好奇) what might have encouraged her to be taking on this challenge at her age.

    “I always dreamed of having a university education and now I'm getting one!” she told me. We be-came friends. Every day we would talk nonstop after class. I always enjoyed listening to this 4<time ma-chine” as she shared her wisdom (智慧) and experience with me. And Rose easily made friends wherev- er she went.

At the end of the term we invited Rose to make a little speech. She cleared her throat and began,We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. I've learned a few secrets to staying young,being happy,and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams,you die. ”

    “There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. Anybody can grow older. That doesn t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. ”

() 1. When the author and Rose first met,they began their conversation in a manner.

   A. polite   B. impolite   C. serious   D. humorous

() 2. Rose went to the university in order to .

   A. meet a rich husband   B. make new friends

   C. get a better job   D. get a university education

() 3. The author considered Rose as a “time machine” because.

   A. she always came to class on time

   B. she made friends easily at university

   C. she enjoyed a long life and had lots of wisdom and experience

   D. she knew the difference between growing older and growing up

() 4. The word “That” in Paragraph 7 refers to (指) .

   A. growing older   B. growing up   C. staying young   D. being happy

() 5. From this passage we know Rose believed

   A. “Easier said than done. ”   B. “Well begun is half done. ”

   C. “It is never too late to learn. ”   D. “Reading makes a full man. ”


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   What's your plan for the holidays? When July .comes,children know they’ll have 1 examina-tions and the school year will end soon. Boys and girls will have a nearly two months,holiday,and someof them will 2 to see their parents 3 train or car.

     The summer holidays are the 4 time of the year for most children. The weather is usually good,so one can 5 most of his time playing outside. If one lives in the country,he can 6 into  the woods and in the fields. If one lives in a big town,he can usually go to a park to play. The best place  for a summer holiday is the 7 . Some children are 8 enough to live near the sea. But for the oth-ers who do not,if they have the chance to stay at one of the big seaside towns for a week or two,they  will talk about it all the following school year.

    9 makes children like the seaside so much? I think it is the sand,the sea and the sun. Of  course,there are 10 new things to see,nice food to eat and interesting things to do. But the feeling of sand under their feet and the feeling of the warm sun on their backs make them happier.

() 1. A. they   B. them   C. theirs   D. their

() 2. A. go to town   B. return to school   C. leave home   D. return home

() 3. A. on   B. by   C. in   D. at

() 4. A. best   B. better   C. worst   D. worse

() 5. A. take   B. use   C. spend   D. waste

() 6. A. go out   B. go on   C. go back   D. go away

() 7. A. village   B. seaside   C. city   D. park

() 8. A. lucky   B. sad   C. worried   D. quiet

() 9. A. Why   B. Which   C. Who   D. What

() 10. A. little   B. much   C. lots of   D. no


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


() 1. has the most rainfall.

   A. Beijing   B. Wuhan   C. Guangzhou   D. Haerbin

() 2. The rainfall is heavy from to,covering 80% of the year's amount (总量) .

   A. April;July   B. May;September

   C. July;November   D. August;November

() 3. We know from the above information.

   A. the north has much more rainfall   B. Guangzhou gets the most rainfall in June

   C. the south has much more rainfall   D. In Wuhan, the most rain comes in July

() 4. Beijing gets rainfall than .

   A. less;Haerbin   B. far more;Wuhan   C. less;Wuhan   D. more;Guangzhou

() 5. Which of the following is TRUE?

   A. The rainfall of Guangzhou in May is as heavy as in July.

   B. The rainfall in Wuhan is about the same in May and July.

   C. There is enough rain in the east,but little rain in the west.

   D. The rainfall in the north is as much as that in the south.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   More than three thousand languages are spoken in the world today. Many ot these languages are spoken 1 small groups of people. On the 2 hand,over two hundred languages are spoken by one million or more people. Chinese is the language spoken by the 3 number of people in the world. But English is most 4 spoken in the world.

    English is spoken by more than four hundred million people 5 their first language. It is 6  by most people in the U. S. A. , Great Britain,Canada,Australia and New Zealand. And it is 7used very widely in many other countries of the world. Look at the back of your watch. You may see the English words “Made 8 China”,or “Japan”,even “Germany”.

   English is the first language in 9 of these. Why are English words 10 on it? That is because in the modern world English is widely used for business among different countries.

() 1. A. as   B. by   C. for   D. with

() 2. A. other   B. others   C. another   D. the second

() 3. A. biggest   B. bigger   C. largest   D. larger

() 4. A. wide   B. wider   C. widest   D. widely

() 5. A. of   B. in   C. by   D. as

() 6. A. spoke   B. spoken   C. speak   D. speaking

() 7. A. either   B. as well   C. also   D. too

() 8. A. at   B. of   C. with   D. in

() 9. A. no one   B. none   C. nothing   D. no

() 10. A. written   B. wrote   C. write   D. writing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   It began with one red paper clip (回形针) and ended with a house. Kyle Mac Donald,a 26-year-old Canadian got a house with three bedrooms through 14 trades (交易) that started with a single red paper clip.

Now more and more young people around the world like this kind of trading activities. They set up websites and trade on the Internet. People trade things they do not usually use with other people. A website called Peerflix allows people to trade their old possessions (财产;所有物). These traders usually prefer face-to-face trading,in this way they don't have to worry about who is going to pay for the delivery (递送).

     Last year,a young girl in Beijing decided to follow the example of Kyle. She started with a paper clip and hoped to get a house in the end. (1) After several trades she now has a piano which is worth more than 10 ,000 yuan. But she may still have a long way to go.

     Maybe you can't understand why people are doing this. As Kyle said ,“What's more important to a man in the desert—one million dollars or a glass of water?”(2) Kyle's words probably show why these trades are popular among young people.


1. Now more and more young people around the world like this kind of trading activities. ()

2. Kyle got through 14 trades that started with a single red paper clip.

3. Why do these traders usually prefer face-to-face trading?

4. 请将画线句子(1) 翻译成汉语:

5. 请将画线句子(2) 变为特殊疑问句:


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. No one can succeed without making an e .

4. We should work hard or we can't a our goal.

