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My home is nice. I have a pet 1 and 2name is Polly. It is a parrot (婴!踏) . I like Polly a lot. My classmate,Hu Tao,3 a pet,too. The name of it is Hobby. It is a dog. Hu Tao 4 Bobby very much. Do you have 5 in your home? I often go to English Corner (英语角) . I like 6 a lot. I speak English 7 some friends at the English Corner.

8 Hu Tao doesn’t like the English Corner. He doesn’t like English 9 His English is 10 So I often help him study English.

() 1. A. in my school   B. in my home

   C. in school   D. in home

() 2. A. it's   B. it

   C. its   D. your

() 3. A. is   B. like

   C. has   D. have

() 4. A. like   B. likes

   C. looks like   D. look like

() 5. A. flowers   B. a bike

   C. a friend   D. a pet

() 6. A. it   B. its   C. his   D. it's

() 7. A. after   B. with   C. in   D. of

() 8. A. And   B. So   C. Or   D. But

() 9. A. at all   B. much   C. little   D. all

() 10. A. good   B. OK   C. poor   D. nice

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. C


1. B此题考查对语句的正确理解,句意:我家里有 一只宠物,故选   B.

2. C此题考查形容词性的物主代词,根据语境可知 是宠物的名字,故选   C.

3. C此题考查动词。表示也有只宠物,又因主语是 第三人称的单数形式,谓语动词要用第三人称单 数形式,故选   C.

4. B此题考查动词。根据语境可知胡涛也非常喜 欢宠物,且主语是第三人称单数形式,谓语动词也 用第三人称单数形式,故用   B.

5. D此题考查名词。根据语境可知询问你家有宠 物吗,故选   D.

6. A此题考查代词。根据语境可知我非常喜欢英 语,故选A. 用it来代替。

7. B此题考查介词。表示与某人说英语。故选   B.

8. D此题考查连词。根据下文的意思可知表示转 折,故选   D.

9. A 此题考查固定短语。

not…at all表示“根本 不”,故选A.

10. C此题考査形容词。根据下文So I often help him study English.可知胡涛的英语非常差,A女选   C.

题目来源:2016年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空七年级 > PASSAGE D完形填空


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Highlights of Chinese Winners of Gold Medals

The first team who won five champions一Chinese Women's Volleyball Team

     The team won the champion at the 23rd Olympic Games,succeeded in the 3rd World Cup in 1981 and continued the legend (神话) till 1986 at the 10th World Championship. The women's volleyball team became the first one in history to win 5 champions.

“The Amazing Deer from the East”一Wang Junxia

   Wang Junxia won a gold medal in the 5 ,000m and a silver medal in the 10 ,000m run at the 26th Olympic Games.

“The Patriarch (最年长者) ” in 6 Games —Wang Yifu

    Wang Yifu is the only Chinese athlete who took part in 6  Olympic Games. He won a bronze medal at the 23rd Games and continued his success at the 25th Games: one gold and one silver. Then he won another silver at the 26th Games,again a silver medal at the 27th Olympic Games,and finally got his second Olympic gold medal in Athens.

 The Asian flying person—Liu Xiang

Liu Xiang,with a record of 12’91,tasted sweet victory (胜利) in the 110m hurdles (跨栏) at the 28th Olympic Games. He is the first Asian to win this event.


1. The women's volleyball team became the first one in history to win 5 champions.()

2. Wang Junxia won medals at the 26th Olympic Games.

3. How many Olympic games did Wang Yifu take part in?

4. 请将画线句子翻译成汉语:

5. 请找出文章的主题句:


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Passage D










hope,advice,child,question,call,read,would,hour,drink,be Hello,my name is John. Tm a student. Yesterday,a writer 1 Tom came to my school and gave us a talk.

Tom talked about his life when he was a small 2 and what made him write books. He took his book—Good 似 with him. It told his experiences of riding across America on a motorbike. He 3 it for us and showed us pictures. It made me feel that I 4 like to do something similar.

We asked Tom lots of 5 and he answered all of them. He also gave some 6 on how to write a book.

The talk lasted for seven 7 . We also prepared cakes and 8 for everyone. They were delicious. It 9 a great day. I have some great ideas for stories now,and I 10 one day I will also be able to write a book.


1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

6.  7.  8.  9. 10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:










Li Hua is thirteen years old. He's a 1 He's the only child in the family. He doesn’t 2 his things.

One morning when the students of Class Two are 3 an English class,Li Hua goes to the door and says ,“ 4 I come in,Mr. Wang?”

“Oh,you are 5 again ,” says the teacher ,“Can you tell me why you are late?”

“My grandma 6 some apples,bananas and bread in my schoolbag this morning. I take the schoolbag with me after I have 7 . But 8 my way to school,I find there are no 9 in my schoolbag. I have to 10 and take them. ”

() 1. A. teacher   B. girl   C. student   D. children

() 2. A. look at   B. look like   C. look for   D. look after

() 3. A. having   B. singing   C. reading   D. working

() 4. A. May   B. Should   C. Must   D. Will

() 5. A. early   B. right   C. late   D. busy

() 6. A. gives   B. puts   C. takes   D. gets

() 7. A. breakfast   B. lunch

   C. supper   D. bread

() 8. A. in   B. at   C. for   D. on

() 9. A. oranges   B. water

   C. books   D. pears

() 10. A. get back   B. return home

   C. go to school   D. come back


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:





词  数






an,twins,of ,at,and ,—teacher s,like,from,classroom,on Please look 1 the picture. It's a picture of our 2 . In the picture,you can see some desks 3 chairs. 4 the blackboard,you can see two pictures of red flowers. A map is 5 the wall. It's a map 6 China. Under the 7 desk is a ball,but you can't see it. The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She is a new student. She is 8 English girl. She looks 9 Lucy. But they aren’t 10 .


1  2.  3.  4.  5.

6.  7 .  8.  9.  10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











Today is Sunday,March 20. We,sixteen boys and seventeen girls,go to school early,but we have no lessons. Our teacher takes us to the zoo. We are very excited about the trip. We get on a bus,it goes fast and at half past nine we get there. How beautiful the zoo is!

I here re a lot of trees,some hills,and a big lake. The sun is shining and the flowers are coming out. There are all kinds of animals in it,elephants,monkeys,birds,fishes and many other animals. The birds are singing in the trees and the fishes are swimming in the lake. We like to watch monkeys. They are playing on the hill or having oranges,apples and bananas. There are many rules in the zoo. We mustn't do this and we mustn't do that. But we all have a good time. At one in the afternoon we leave the zoo.

() 1. The weather is today.

   A. sunny   B. cloudy   C. rainy   D. windy

() 2. students and a teacher go to the zoo by bus.

   A. Sixteen   B. Seventeen

   C. Thirty-three   D. Thirty -four

() 3. We stay in the zoo for hours.

   A. four and a half   B. three and a half

   C. four   D. five

() 4. The birds are .

   A. singing in the trees   B. having oranges

   C. sleeping   D. playing on the hill

() 5. Tomorrow is .

   A. Sunday,March 20   B. Sunday,March 21

   C. Monday,March 20   D. Monday,March 21


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:










It's seven in the morning. After 1 Mr. White and Mrs. White 2 their children to the school 3 the car. Then they go to work in a 4 . The children have lunch at school. Father and mother have lunch at the factory. There 5 four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. After 6 the children play games for some time. Sometimes the children 7 the classroom with their classmates. Then they go home by school bus. Mother cooks supper for the 8 . The children help their mother do the housework. After supper the children do 9 . Father and mother watch TV or 10

() 1. A. lunch   B. supper   C. dinner   D. breakfast

() 2. A. take   B. bring   C. help   D. get

() 3. A. by   B. on   C. at   D. in

() 4. A. hospital   B. factory   C. school   D. restaurant

() 5. A. has   B. are   C. is   D. have

() 6. A. classes   B. school   C. class   D. afternoon

() 7. A. clean   B. stay   C. wash   D. play

() 8. A. home   B. child   C. her   D. family

() 9. A. their homework   B. their homeworks   C. their housework   D. his homework

() 10. A. read book   B. do some reading

   C. make some reading   D. do some reading books


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

话题水果店购物文体记叙文词数 128 限时 7分 正确率 % 

Tommy and his mother go shopping today. Tommy^ father likes apples very much. They buy some red apples for him. TommyJs mother likes yellow bananas,but the bananas are green. “Look!The strawberries are very nice,Mum. Do you like them?” Tommy says to his mother. “Yes,I like strawberries very much." Tommy's mother buys some for herself. The oranges are very nice. Tommy's mother buys some for Tommy. He likes oranges very much.

They need some vegetables. The vegetables in the supermarket are very good. They buy some tomatoes,cabbages and carrots. Tommy doesn’t like carrots,but his parents like it. They like carrots very much. They buy lots of carrots.

() 1. What does Tommy's father like?

   A. Apples. B. Bananas. C. Strawberries. D. Oranges.

() 2. Tommy's mother buys oranges for .

   A. herself   B. Tommy   C. Tommy's father   D. Tommy's sister

() 3. The Chinese meaning of “supermarket” is “

   A. 电影院   B. 动物园   C. 博物馆   D. 超级市场

() 4. Tommy doesn’t like .

() 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Tommy's father likes carrots.

   B. Tommy's mother likes the strawberries.

   C. Tommy and his mother buy some bananas.

   D. Tommy and his mother buy some carrots.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











Sunny English Club For students 16:00 〜18:00 Every Friday 200 yuan a month 9 Zhou Yu Street Tel: 3786290 Foreign teachers,English songs and films and more!

Ocean Museum

Health Center

9:00〜17:00 From Thursday to Sunday


ticket : 50 yuan

16 Yong Le Street

132 Xue Yuan Street

Tel: 3801451

Tel: 5439871

Free examinations for those over

(超过) 70. Give

Show you a full picture of sea lives!

you good advice (建议) to keep healthy (健康) !

() 1. Sunny English Club is for .

   A. nurses   B. policemen   C. doctors   D. students

() 2. How much do you pay (支付) if (如果) you want to stay in the English Club for a year?

   A. 300 yuan. B. 600 yuan. C. 1,200 yuan. D. 2,400 yuan.

() 3. You can visit Ocean Museum .

   A. on Tuesday   B. on Wednesday   C. on Monday   D. on Sunday

() 4. You can get free examinations (体检) in Health Center if you are.

   A. 73   B. 67   C. 17   D. 9

() 5. If you are interested in the life of fish,you should go to .

   A. Health Center   B. Ocean Museum

   C. Sunny English Club   D. 16 Yong Le Street

