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4.France is       European country and India is       Asian country.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 期望,盼望       

2. 暑假       

3. 一个可爱的花园       

4. 确保,确信       

5. 及时       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


内容提示:1. What is the best place to visit?

2. What is the place special for?

3. What should you pay attention to? 

要求:1. 中心突出,语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关 fi'iU:

3. 词数:80词左右,文章开头已给出,不计人

总词数。 It's a good idea to go travelling during the sum?mer vacation. I think the best place to visit is


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     Many years ago,only boys could go to school in my home town. Then schools decided to let girls 1       . But Mr Brown,one of the teachers,was not pleased 2        all. He didn't want to have 3        girls in his class. When he began his class,Mr Brown always said, "Good morning,boys" at first. Now when girl students were in his class,he 4        said, "Good morning,boys." One day,5        only one boy in his class,and others were girls. Mr Brown didn't know 6       . He just said? "Good morning,boy. " 7       day he came into his classroom and looked at all the students. There were no 8        in his class. He was very 9        and said, "Oh,nobody 10        today!" Then he went out of the classroom.

    (   ) 1. A. in   B. out

       C. to come   D. coming

    (   ) 2. A. of   B. at

       C. for   D. with

    (   ) 3. A. some   B. a lot

       C. any   D. a few of

    (   ) 4. A. yet   B. already

       C. still   D. not

    (   ) 5. A. have   B. has

       C. there were   D. there was

    (   ) 6. A. to do what   B. what to do

       C. how to do   D. to do how

    (   ) 7. A. Next   B. Next to

       C. The next   D. The last

    (   ) 8. A. boys   B. girls

       C. students   D. teachers

    (   ) 9. A. happy   B. pleased

       C. angry   D. sad

    (   ) 10. A. here   B. is here

       C. are here   D. were here


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. Mary can’t wait        the present box to see what’s in it.

   A. open   B. to open

   C. opening   D. opens


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Li Lin gets on the train and looks for his s       .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    2. 你坐错了座位。 

    You              the wrong seat.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

9. In order to protect      environment  I prefer going to       school by       bike.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. There are       people in my family and we live on the       floor in a tall building.

   A. four;five   B. fourth;fifth

   C. fourth;five   D. four;fifth

