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Imagine the following scene: on the grasslands, an elephant stands under an umbrella-like tree.   shadow(影子) grows long and thin. In the distance, you can also see a few zebras running here and there. Such a scene is commonplace in the magical continent of Africa.
Africa is the second largest continent in the world. To its southeast      the Indian Ocean, and toward the west is the Atlantic Ocean. It is also the continent with the world’s second largest population (more than 1 billion) behind Asia.
The continent is       to the world’s tallest animal, giraffes. People can also find crocodiles (鳄鱼) and hippos (河马) in grassland and rainforests.
Africa is great to visit. In east Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro stands 5,895 meters into the sky. It is the highest point in the continent.        it lies in the tropics (热带), it is covered with ice and snow year-round.
The continent       its hundreds of ethnic (种族) groups. The three largest ethnic groups are the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. They are all in west Africa.
Although many places in Africa are poor, this is not the whole picture. South Africa is the       country in Africa. Some parts of the country are wealthy. Modern and well-developed roads are common everywhere. You can also spend a day in a large shopping mall or taste delicious seafood in a restaurant.
A.It’s B.ItsC.TheirD.His
A.is proud ofB.is interested inC.is made ofD.is famous for


小题1:考查代词及语境的理解。A. It’s它是B. Its它的C. Their他们的D. His他的 根据上文an elephant stands under an umbrella-like tree可知它的影子变得有细又长。故选B。
小题2:考查动词及语境的理解。A. lies位于,坐落B. faces面对C. stands站立D. has有。非洲大陆是世界上的第二大陆,在它的东南是印度洋。根据句意,故填A。
小题3:考查名词及语境的理解。A. space太空B. area地区C. home家D. nest窝。非洲大陆是世界上最高的动物长颈鹿的家,根据句意,故选C。
小题4:考查连词及语境的理解。A. Since自从B. Though虽然C. While当D. Because因为。虽然它位于热带但是常年被冰雪覆盖,根据句意,故选B。
小题5:考查词组及语境的理解。A. is proud of以……自豪    B. is interested in 对……感兴趣C. is made of由……制成D. is famous for因……著名。根据上下文可知非洲大陆因为他的数百个种族而著名。根据句意,故选D。
小题6:考查形容词最高级及语境的理解。A. oldest最老的B. biggest最大的C. richest最富有的D.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Summer holidays are just coming. Have you got any plans? Here are 4 five-star films for you to kill your time.

    Pirates of the Caribbean 4 (加勒比海盗4)
Type: Adventure; Action
Film Studio: Walter Disney Pictures
Date: May 20th, 2011
Captain (船长) Jack Sparrow of the Caribbean has come back. This has made fans of Pirates of the Caribbean very excited. Johnny Depp, a famous actor, works together with a new director, Rob Marshall to bring a new wave of pirate craze. Johnny Depp is also known for Walter Disney’s film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

     Sherlock Holmes
Type: Action; Detective
Film Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
Date: Dec. 25th, 2009
Do you like detective stories and want to solve mysteries like well-known Detective Sherlock Holmes? This one you certainly don’t want to miss. It is quite different from the earlier Holmes stories and has received much praise (赞誉) from film fans.

     Toy Story 3
Type: Cartoon
Film Studio: Walter Disney Pictures
Date: June 18th, 2010
Do you still remember Woody and Buzz? Woody is brave, like a cowboy should be. He knows how to lead other toys. And this time Woody’s friends have another big problem. They are trapped by a selfish and cruel bear named Lotso and his men in Sunnyside. Woody goes to help them. How can they find a way out?

     Ice Age 3
Type: Cartoon
Film Studio: Dream Works Pictures
Date: July 1st, 2009
Ice Age 3 is a whole new adventure that everyone at any age can enjoy. All our old friends are back. Sid the sloth finds three dinosaur babies and adopts (收养) them as his own. Then the mother dinosaur comes for her babies and takes Sid away. The adventure begins when Sid’s best friends try to find him and get him back. Do they succeed in the end?
小题1:_______ is the latest film according to (根据) the article.
A.Ice Age 3B.Pirates of the Caribbean 4
C.Sherlock HolmesD.Toy Story 3
小题2: Which of the following is RIGHT according to the article?
A.Johny Depp is the director of Pirates of the Caribbean 4.
B.Film fans don’t think Sherlock Holmes is a good film.
C.The two cartoons are produced by the same film studio.
D.Ice Age 3 is a cartoon suitable for different age groups.
小题3: From the article, we know ______ is a cruel character.
A.SidB.Sherlock Holmes
C.LotsoD.Jack Sparrow


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Singapore’s public transport system (公共交通系统) is one of the best in the world, so you should have no problem finding your way around like a local (当地人). There are three main forms of public transport that you would find in any other major city—trains, buses and taxis.

Trains run from 6 a.m. to midnight. Single trip tickets start at 80 cents. If you buy an EZ-Link card for $15, you can ride the trains and buses all you like.
If you need more information, just call Transit Link on 1800 767 4333.
There are several bus services in Singapore and fares (车费) start at 80 cents. Be sure to always ask the driver the cost of your ticket as he can not give changes.
If you need help, just call Transit Link on 1800 767 4333.
There are three main taxi companies—City Cab (6552 2222), Comfort (6552 1111) and Tibs (6552 8888). Booking (预订) can also be made easily by calling the numbers listed above.
Driving in Singapore is a pleasure and if you like to travel at your own pace, renting a car is a good choice. Renting takes away the hassle of getting to places around Singapore. Just sit back and enjoy the city. It also means you’ll get to see a lot more that a train or a bus won’t let you see.
For car rental, call Avis on +65 6737 1668.
小题1: If you need to find the bus number, you may call____________.
A.+65 6737 1668B.6552 8888
C.1800 767 4333D.6552 2222
小题2:By an EZ-Link card, you can take____________.
A.both buses and trainsB.only trains
C.both buses and taxisD.only rental cars
小题3:When you take a bus there, always remember to ____________.
A.take your own license with youB.ask the driver how much your ticket is
C.buy the bus map of SingaporeD.book your ticket ahead of time
小题4:What does the word “hassle” mean in Chinese?
小题5:What do you know about traveling in Singapore from the passage?
A.A local has no trouble finding his way around.
B.It’s much cheaper to go around by bus than by train.
C.You can see a lot more in Singapore only by renting a car.
D.It’s very convenient for visitors to travel in Singapore.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Accident Report Form
A car crashed into a tree.
People were all trapped in the car.
Weather conditions
There was a heavy snow.
Date of call
December 3,2009
Time of call
9:30 pm
Name of caller
Mrs. Green
Zhongshan Road, Harbin
Conditions of victims
Mr Green hurt his head.
Mrs Green hurt her left leg.
Their daughter felt terrified.
Policement arrived at 9:40 pm and sent the victims to Gulou Hospital at 9:45 pm.
小题1:What time did Mrs Green call the police?
A.At 9:30 am          B.At 9:30 pm           C.At 9:40 pm
小题2:How many people were trapped in the car?
A.One                 B.Two                 C.Three
小题3:Whose left leg was hurt?
A.Mrs Green’s         B.Mr Green’s           C.Mrs Green’s daughter’s.
小题4:How was the weather that day?
A.It was sunny         B.It was snowy         C.It was rainy.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The car crashed into a wall.
B.The policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital.
C.The car accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Harbin.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Traffic police nationwide have all stepped up their efforts to crack down(处罚) on drunk driving, CCTV reporter Paul Crowe takes a look at their moves in major cities.

小题1: What does the word wandering” mean in Chinese?
小题2:Who will stay in prison for half a year?
A.The driver from Huan’nan.B.The driver from Hebei.
C.The driver from Nanjing.D.Driver Liu.
小题3: Why were the three drivers caught by the traffic police?
A.They drove too fast.B.They killed some people.
C.They had no license.D.They drove after drinking.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

E-waste is fast becoming a serious problem around the world. This report will examine this problem and provide some possible ways to solve it.
We live in a society that is producing and using electronics(电子产品) all the time. It is often cheaper to buy new products than to repair old ones. Also, through clever advertising, companies always encourage people to change their old TVs, mobile phones and computers for the latest models. E-waste is created when we throw away old ones. In the EU alone, about 8,700,000 tons of e-waste is produced each year. Sadly, just over 1,000,000 tons is recycled.
Burying(填埋) e-waste or burning it cause serious problems for the environment. Electronics have dangerous things in them. These things can then get into the ground or pollute the air when they are burnt.
In recent years, ____. However, their plans are not always managed properly. Sometimes electronics are just sent to poor countries such as Ghana. Here they are often burnt in public areas, which is very bad for people’s health. Setting up recycling centers is a good way to solve this problem. E-cycling centers could recycle the parts that can be reused and deal with the rest properly.
Another way is to make producers responsible(负责任) for their used products. This means that producers must take back old products which are no longer wanted. They should then make sure they are properly recycled or reused.
As for us, we should try to cut down on e-waste. Change electronics only when we have to. And don’t buy a product just to have the latest model.
E-waste is a serious problem in the modern world. Both producers and users must take actions and try to keep it to the smallest amount.
小题1:According to the passage, it is often _______ to buy new electronics than to repair old ones.
A.more expensiveB.more difficult
小题2:In the passage the underlined word “they” refers to ______.
A.the old productsB.the producers
C.the usersD.the new products
小题3:Which of the following is the best for the blank in Paragraph 4?
A.the e-waste problem has been solved
B.the e-waste problem continues growing
C.many countries have started recycling e-waste
D.people haven’t realized the e-waste problem yet
小题4:Which sentence shows the writer’s opinion?
A.Burning e-waste causes problems for the environment.
B.E-waste problem is very serious and people should take actions.
C.Sometimes electronics are sent to poor countries such as Ghana.
D.In the EU alone, about 8,700,000 tons of e-waste is produced each year.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Little Prince was written by a French pilot and writer Antoine de Saint—Exupery. It is one of the most famous books around the world. It was published in 1943. This story has been translated into 42 languages and was adapted(改编) into a movie.
The little prince lives on a small planet alone. He leads a happy life. One day the winds brings him a seed. The seed then turns into the loveliest flower he has ever seen. He takes good care of the flower, but finally he decides to leave it and his planet in search for a secret—the most important thing in his life.
During his journey in space, the little prince meets a king, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. They all live alone on different planets. At last he finds out the secret from a fox of the Earth. Before he returns to his planet, he tells his secret to the writer of the book, whom he meets in the desert. The secret is: the power of love.
When you read this touching and sincere story of the little prince, you can’t help smiling and feeling the beauty of life and love in your heart.
小题1:After reading the passage, we can’t know______.
A.who wrote the book
B.when the book was published
C.what is the book about
D.who adapted the book into a movie
小题2:Who told the little prince the secret?
A.A fox.B.A king.
C.A geographer.D.A businessman.
小题3:The underlined word “ touching” means “_______”in Chinese.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The story has been translated into 24 languages.
B.The secret is the power of knowledge.
C.The little prince met the writer of the book in the desert.
D.The king, the businessman, the lamplighter and the geographer live on the same planet.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Shirley Temple, the once-famous child movie star, died at the age of 85 on February 10, 2014. She was born on April 23, 1928. She was good at acting and dancing. In 1934, she starred(主演) in the movie Bright Eyes. From then on she became famous around the world. Later she starred in other movies and won a Juvenile Oscar in February, 1935.
For many Americans born in the 1930s and 1940s, Temple was not just an on-screen star but also a close friend in their childhood. She was remembered by the world as the forever “little angle”. An American movie star said, “Little Shirley Temple encouraged the whole country during the Great Depression(大萧条).”
Shi Li and Cui Jiping are husband and wife. They are disabled. They complete the first Chinese encyclopedic(百科知识的) dictionary for deaf people and people with hearing problems.
The dictionary includes words on medicine, education, psychology, law, history and culture about deaf people’s life. This book provides a learning tool for this special group of people and it helps them know about the world more easily.
They spent six years and over 1,000,000 yuan on the book. They first collected material for the book by themselves, then they invited a lot of experts(专家) across the country to write.
The book is warmly welcomed by the deaf. One of the readers said, “The book shows that we’re not alone. We can have our own way to communicate with the world. ”
小题1:Temple won the first Juvenile Oscar in        .
小题2:From the passage we know that Temple        .
A.was not good at dancing
B.began to star in her first movie when she was ten years old.
C.was unfriendly to her fan
D.encouraged the whole country during the Great Depression
小题3:According to the passage, Shi Li and Cui Jiping         .
A.are disabled people full of loveB.wrote many famous books.
C.finished the book by themselvesD.live a very poor life
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE about the book?
A.It is the first world encyclopedic dictionary
B.It can help deaf people know about the world more easily.
C.It took them sixteen years to finish the book.
D.It includes medicine and art about the life of deaf people.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Parts of Africa are covered by a dark cloud. But this is no rain cloud. It is a living cloud made of billions of locusts (蝗虫) and they are eating everything in their path.
And now in order to fight against this disaster, a radio station in Senegal, West Africa, is offering listeners 5 kilograms of rice if they can catch and kill 50 kilograms of locusts. “We think this idea will get more people to take part in the fight against the locusts,” said Abdoulaye Ba, from Sud-Fm, a radio station in one of Senegal’s worst affected area.
This is West Africa’s biggest locust disaster in 15 years. Now it is moving east and it leads to the loss of crops. When they move, they have babies, so their number is getting bigger. and will soon threaten (威胁) Sudan in the northeast of Africa. Some say it may reach Asia.
Experts say many people in the areas will go hungry because of this disaster. What’s worse, governments in the areas don’t have enough things to fight the locusts.
Although leaders of 12 countries have agreed on a plan, it is not enough. ‘We are now treating 6,000 hectares (公顷) per day with pesticide (杀虫剂), but we need to treat 20,000 hectares per day in order to have any hope of controlling this disaster,’ said Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Babah, leader of locust control(控制) in Mauritania.
小题1:What does“dark cloud”mean in the first para­graph, the writer of the article ___________.
A.wanted to show the size and speed(速度) of the coming locusts
B.wanted to show the great damage that locusts may cause
C.wanted that locusts could cover the continent like rain clouds
D.both A and B
小题2:The locust disaster ________.
A.may be even more serious in Asia
B.is (was) such a big problem that people can’t do anything to solve it.
C.affected only the warning areas
D.can not be stopped if people can’t get more pesticide.
小题3:How many kilograms of rice can Mike get if he catches and kills 450 kilos of locusts?
A.15B.25 C.30D.45
小题4: Which of the following is WRONG?
A.Sud-Fm offered a reward(奖励) to those people would join in catching and killing locusts.
B.Senegal is to the northwest of Sudan.
C.People in West Africa often go hungry.
D.12 countries worked together but they didn’t have enough pesticide.
小题5:The story is mainly about ________.
A.Countries in West Africa worked together to fight a natural disaster
B.the difficulty in controlling locusts
C.how locusts caused great damage (破坏) to West Africa
D.a fight against a disaster brought by locusts in West Africa

