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A .Will is showing his friends around his house. Complete what he says.

Welcome to my house. I have two living roorm They’re on the ground floor. The one on the left has a big ⑴ and a large TV. The one on the right has a (2) beside the mirror. The  (3) is on this floor too. You can see the garden outside from its  (4) .

The bedrooms are all on the first floor. I like this  (5) in my bedroom. Here is the (6) . My dog sleeps here.

Part A 1 sofa 2 lamp i kitchen 4 windows 5 chair 6 balcony

题目来源:2016年译林英语补充习题七年级下册 > Unit 1 Dream homes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(B  There are seven continents in the world. They include Africa,Asia,Europe,North America,etc. Mr Wu asked each student to write about one continent. Daniel would like to write about Asia,and he has prepared some notes. Read his notes and fill in the blanks. Use the Internet to help you.

Continent: Aeia

Location: in the north-east of the world

Area: over (1) million square kilometres,the biggest continent

in the world )

Population: over (2) billion,the largest population in the world

Countries: about 50 !

Main countries: China,Japan,India,Iran,etc. 

Languages: Chineee,Japanese,English,Hindi,Kueeian,etc.

Famous cities: Baijing,Tokyo,5'mqapore,New Delhi,Dubai,ate.

Crops: rice and wheat

Main industries: large (3) industry in west Asia iron and stael industry,

IT(information technology) industry 

Attractions: Great Wall,Mount Fuji,Taj Mahal,etc.

(C Daniel is writing about Asia. Help him complete his article with the information in Part B.

Asia lies(1) of the world. It covere an  area of

(2) . It the biggest continent in the world. Thereare

paopla in Asia. It has the (4) in the world. 

There are (s) countries in Asia. Main countries include China,Japan,India

and Iran. People in Asia mainly epeak Chinese, (6) , English,Hindi and

Russian. Thera are many famous cities in this continent,for example,Beijing,Tokyo,

(7) , Naw Delhi and Dubai. I hava ban to Tokyo and Dubai. They are vary 

beautifu cities. (8) are the main crops in Ada. The countries in West Asia are

famous for their (9) because there is a great deal of oil there.

Soma countries have a large iron and steal industry, such India. Also,thara are many peopla around Asia working in tha IT industry.

    If you like travelling,do come and visit Asia!The Great Wall in China,Mount Fuji in

Japan and the Taj Mahal in (10) are all famous attractions. some of them are even the wonders of tha world.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Put the words in the correct order and use the words in brackets to make sentences. Then rewrite them with to-infinitives.

7 correctly/Kitty/nervous/was/she/did not answer the questions (so ... that)

8 to the city centre/I/catch the first bus/got up early yesterday/could/I  (so that)

9 he has orderecVis/Tony/rich/three robots/for his friends (so …that)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(B  Mr Wu is making a guide to learning English for the students. First,help him complete the spidergram below. Write the correct letters in the blanks. Then make a self-assessment form in your notebook to find out how you are learning English.

a Keep an English diary          b Pay attention to your pronunciation

c Listen to English songs           d Read English newspapers and magazines

e Use different reading strategies      f Watch English films

( 1)(2 )( 3)(4 )(5 )( 6)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B2.   Look at the notes on the calendar below. Complete what jock is thinking.















Ben: visiting his grandma

Wang Li: havity a familij dinner

Laura: going tv a musei4m

Me: going shopping

Ssan: goincj iv see the doctor







Luhi ;Li Xu:


Wang Tao: going to the cinema

Sarah: having an eam

Charles: to ivatch a footballame

So,Ben plans to visit his grandma on the (1) of March. Wang Li is busy on the (2) of March. Laura is going to a museum on the  of March.on the (4) , Tm going shopping. Susan has to see the doctor on the (5) . Lulu and Li Xu are going hiking on the (6) . Wang Too plans to go to the cinema on the (7) . on the (8)  Sarah has an exam Charles 1 plans to watch a football game on the (9) .

OK,on which days are my friends and I free? The (10) , the (11)  the (12) the (13)  and the (14) . Let me make it the  (15) because it's a Saturday.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

D. Listen to Miss Luo telling Benny about the story she is reading. Put the pictures in the correct order. Write first,second,third and fourth under the pictures. Then complete the numbers in words and write the correct figure in the brackets below.

The people want  million ⑵ hundred and

thousand yuan (¥ (4)   ) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

D.Benny is telling his parents about the people he met at the community centre. Complete what he says with the information in Parts B and   C.

Tbday I talked with some people at our community centre.

Mr Chen is an ⑴ . He likes the trees,flowers and nnan-made

(2) in the neighbourhood. He goes running here every morning.

Mr Wei Ls an (3) and Mrs Wei is a (4) .

Both of them enjoy living here very much. Mr Weilikes the neighbourhood because there are many (5) and all kinds of

(6) , and Mrs Wei thinks its a nice place to live because its

(7) .

MLss Li is a (8) and has her own hairdressing salon here. She thinks the best thing about living here is the (9) neighbours.

really a great neighbourhood. We’re lucky to live here!y


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B2.Simon wants to tell Daniel the story. Help him rearrange the sentences in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-6 in the blanks.

1 Mary was afraid and her legs became weak.  

2 Mary searched the house but she could find nothing.  

3 Mary moved into a new house with her family.  

4 Mary's father found a big,red bird on the roof.  

5 Mary heard a strange noise one night.  

6 Mary cried, "Dad,Dad,help!”  


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3 Are you aware what life will be like in 100 years?

Are you aware . (life) ?

