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Three small fish lived in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had to 1_______ each other day after day. Finally, they grew up and 2_________ to swim deeper and further.
One morning, the three fish were 3_________ to a shallow(浅滩) water by a big wave. A small boat was taken there, too. It was hard for the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was right in front of them. The largest fish realized that they were 4________ and said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible. The second largest fish 5________ with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not. He said that there was much 6_________ for their activities, so he would not worry at all and still swam around 7_________. At last, the largest fish returned to the 8_______ by jumping over the lowest part of the boat. The second largest fish also succeeded in 9_________ his elder brother in the other side of water. But the youngest one didn’t follow them and still swam joyfully.
Two hours later, when the 10________ rose up, the water in the small shallow corner dried up. The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack(缺少) of water.
A.listen toB.look afterC.talk withD.worry about
A.dared B.hatedC.refused D.stopped
A.in safetyB.in doubtC.in dangerD.in peace
A.catchingB.joiningC.taking D.telling


小题3:联系下文by a big wave 被一个大浪,可知是带上海岸,故选D,带走。
小题10:联系下文the water in the small shallow corner dried up在小水洼的水干了,可知前文指的是太阳升起来了,故选D,太阳。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

At two o’clock a bank robber stole in.  “This is a holdup,” the man said rudely.  He took a gun from under his jacket, pointing to George.  “Hand it over!” George reached into his money-box and took all the bills from the top part-close to six thousand dollars.  The robber snatched them and turned to leave.
Then while everyone watched the robber, George calmly lifted the top part of the money-box, took hills from the bottom part and put them into his own pocket secretly.
The door was shut and the bank robber was gone.  George fainted.
As soon as he was safely behind his bedroom door, George counted the money.  He had eight thousand dollars.  He was very happy.
The next morning, while the others were examining the bank’s records, George was called into Mr.  Burrow’s office and was introduced to Mr.  Carruthers, who used to be president of the bank.
“Good morning, George, I was sorry to give you a hard time yesterday, but with all the banks being robbed these days I thought it would be a good idea to prove that our little bank can be robbed, too.  I retired yesterday, just to keep everyone on his toes.  Now, I have put the money back in your money-box-all six thousand. ”
小题1:This passage tells us ________.
A.a serious caseB.one part of a play
C.a humorous storyD.a meaningful story
小题2:In this article “to keep everyone on his toes” means “______”.
A.to make everyone work hard
B.to keep everyone standing straight
C.to make everyone do a kind of exercise
D.to keep everyone paying attention to the coming danger
小题3:Which sentence can be used to end the story?
A.George turned cold with fear.
B.George turned red with anger.
C.George was pleased with the end.
D.George was disappointed with the end.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last winter vacation, our class went to Xiangshan for a trip.Though the weather was a little cold, it was sunny.
At six in the morning we met at the school gate.We took a bus there.On the bus, our monitor told us an interesting story.The story was about an interesting man.Then three girls in our class sang songs.We were very happy.
At about seven thirty we got there.It was a beautiful mountain.There were many visitors.Then we started to climb the mountain.The boys had a climbing race(比赛).Li Ming won the first prize.He got a blue hat.At about nine o’clock we met a famous singer.Qi Hui and Ma Yan even got his autographs.They were very excited.
We had lunch in the mountain.We brought food from home and ate together.
After lunch we went to the zoo, because the was a new member(成员) in the zoo.It was a cheetah(猎豹).It came from Africa.
Finally, we took the bus back to school.Although we were tired, we really had fun.
小题1:How was the weather on that day?
A.It was warm and sunny.
B.It was hot and sunny.
C.It was cold, but sunny.
D.It was cold and cloudy.
小题2:They went to the mountain       .
A.by bikeB.by busC.on footD.by car
小题3:It took them about       to get to he mountain.
A.one and a half hours
B.an hour
C.forty minutes
D.half an hour
小题4:They had lunch       .
A.at home
B.at school
C.in a restaurant
D.in the mountain
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.They were quiet on the bus.
B.Two students got the singer’s autographs.
C.They bought food in the mountain.
D.The cheetah came from America.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day an Indian went to see his doctor. The doctor looked him over and said, “Medicine won’t help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet country place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot, and smoke only one cigar(雪茄) a day.”
A month later, the Indian came to see the doctor again. “How are you?” said the doctor. “I’m glad to see you again. You look much younger.” “Oh, doctor, I feel quite well now,” said the Indian, “I had a good rest. I went to bed early. I drank a lot of milk. I walked a lot. You certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day, and that almost(几乎) killed me at first. It was not easy to begin smoking at my age.”
小题1:One day an Indian________________.          .
A.went to see a friendB.felt very tired
C.wasn’t feeling wellD.went to help his doctor
小题2:His doctor_______.          .
A.could not help himB.told him what to do
C.was good to himD.was glad to see him
小题3:When the Indian came to see the doctor again,_________.          .
A.the Indian felt quite wellB.the doctor wasn’t free
C.the Indian was youngerD.the doctor looked him over again
小题4:The Indian told the doctor,__________.         .
A.he liked doing all those things
B.he almost killed him
C.to smoke one cigar a day
D.one cigar a day was very difficult at the beginning
小题5:From the story we can guess          .
A.the Indian was a young manB.the doctor was a good doctor
C.the Indian would go on smokingD.the doctor wasn’t very careful


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was at least tow months before Christmas, when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bike. Her Barbi bike was just too old, and it needed repairing as well.
As Christmas came nearer, her dream for a bike seemed to disappear, so we thought, for she didn’t mention it again. We were busy buying some beautiful storybooks, a doll house, a holiday dress and toys. Then much to our surprise, on December 24, she said she really wanted a bike more than anything else.
Now we didn’t know what to do. It was just toot late. We were busy with Christmas dinner and packing children’s presents, parents’ presents, a brother’s present and friends’ presents till midnight.So there was no time to take to buy the “right bike” for our little girl. Thinking that we were parents who would make their children unhappy, we felt guilty and sad.
Suddenly my husband came up with an idea. “What if I make a little bike out of clay(泥土) and write a note(便条) that she could trade in(交换) the model bike for a real one?” So he spent the next five hours carefully working with the clay to make a small bike.
On Christmas morning, we were so excited for Almie Rose to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. She opened and read the note loudly.
She looked at me and Ron and said, ”So does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real one?” Smiling, I said, “Yes.”
Almie Rose had tears in her eyes when she replied, “I would never trade in this beautiful bike that Daddy made me. I prefer to keep it rather than get a real bike.” At that moment, we would have moved the God to buy her every bike on the Earth.
小题1:Rose’s wish was to____ on Christmas Day.
A.get a new bikeB.make a clay bike
C.receive a doll houseD.repair her old Barbi bike
小题2:Rose’s parents didn’t buy her a bike because she____.
A.didn’t want a bike any more
B.changed her idea to some story books
C.didn’t mention it in the last tow months
D.asked for it only on December 24
小题3:The word “guilty” in the third paragraph(段落) means____.
小题4:Rose’s father got a good idea to____.
A.spend five hours finishing making a small bike with clay
B.make a small bike red and white
C.make her old bike red and white
D.put the present in the box
小题5:From Rose’s words in the last passage , we know that she____
A.still wanted to get a real bike
B.didn’t know the meaning of the note
C.preferred a real bike to a model bike
D.was greatly moved by what her father had done


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Having returned from her round trip (往返旅程), the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station. “The railway owes (应给予) me£12,” she said to Harry Jenks, the young man working at the office, “you sold me a ticket for May 22nd, but there was no ship from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me £12.”
Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “Come into the office, madam,” he said politely, “I’ll just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd.”
The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How could he have made such a careless mistake? He shouldn’t have sold her a ticket for that day. Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look sunburnt,” he said to her. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”
“Yes,” She answered, shyly. “The beach was lovely. And I can swim too!”
“That’s fine,” said Harry. “My little girl can’t swim a bit yet. Of course, she’s only three…”
“I’m four,” the child said proudly. “I’ll be four and a half.” Harry turned to the mother. “I remember your ticket, madam,” he said. “But you didn’t get one for your daughter, did you?”
“Err, well…” the woman looked at the child. “I mean… she hasn’t started school yet. She’s only four.”
“A four-year-old child must have a ticket, madam. A child’s return ticket to Jersey costs… let me see…£13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel, you will owe £1.50. The law is the law, but since the fault was mine…”
The woman stood up, took the child’s hand and left the office.
小题1:The woman was angry because__________.
A.she couldn’t use the ticket for her round trip
B.she had to return home a day earlier than she had planned
C.she spent more money than she had expected
D.Harry had sold her a ticket to Jersey where there was no sailing
小题2:Harry started talking to the little girl__________.
A.because he was in difficulty and did not know what to do
B.because he had a little girl about the same age as this girl
C.because he wanted to be friendly to the little girl who looked so nice
D.when he suddenly realized that he could find a way out from the little girl
小题3:The woman left the office without saying anything because__________.
A.she wanted to go home and get money for the child’s ticket
B.she was so angry that she didn’t want to have anything more to do with the young man
C.she was moved by Harry’s kindness
D.she knew she would have to pay the railway if she insisted


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day a rich man meets Tom. The rich man asks, “People say you are very clever(聪明的) and nothing is difficult(困难的) for you. Can you tell my why you are so clever? ” Tom answers with a smile, “Oh, I’m not clever. Instead(反而) , you are too foolish.” The rich man becomes very very angry.
Tom says, “Sir, please don’t be angry. If you don’t believe me, now let me ask you a very easy question: If you have a group(群)of sheep(绵羊), I send you another group. Then, you say, how many groups of sheep do you have?”
“Why! That’s the easiest question in the world. One and one is two. Anybody knows that. I have two groups of sheep , of course.”
Tom laughs and says, “You are wrong , Sir. Two groups of sheep put together is still one group. That’s the easiest question in the world , isn’t it?”
小题1:People say Tom_____________.
A.is very cleverB.has good eyes
C.is very strongD.is very helpful
小题2:The underline word “foolish” means “_____________”.
小题3: The rich man becomes angry because ___________.
A.he is hungry
B.Tom is not friendly to him
C.Tom hits(打) him
D.he loses a sheep
小题4:The underline word “that” in Paragraph 3 refers to _____________.
A.the rich man
B.Tom is very clever
C.the easiest question in the world
D.one and one is two
小题5: From the story we know that______________.
A.the rich man is very clever, too.
B.one and one is always two.
C.in fact one and one is not always two
D.Tom is as clever as the rich man


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

James Naismith was a Canadian. He invented basketball in 1891. At that time. He was a P.E. teacher a Springfield College,. In the USA.. He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play it even in bad weather.
Do you know how to score points in the game? Well, just put the ball into the other side’s basket. You can throw the ball into the basket from any part if the court. And you can throw it with one hand or both hands. But you must follow the rules.
Now, over a century later,. More and more people play basketball ..In the USA. ,the NBA is very popular. People from all over the world like to watch and play basketball. They love this game.
小题1: James Naismith came from_____
小题2: In 1891, James Naismith invented_____
小题3: What did James Naismith do?
A.a doctorB.a studentC.a workerD.a teacher
小题4: Which of the following sentences is not right?
A.You must put the ball into the other side’s basket to score.
B.You must follow the rules.
C.You can only throw it with both hands
D.You can throw the ball into the basket from any part of the court.
小题5:When was basketball invented?
A.Over 100 years agoB.100 years later
C.50 years agoD.50 years later.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Today is Tom’s birthday. After school he walks past the shop on the street corner. He looks at the window. That pair of trainers is still there. He really wants to have them very much.
 He was very sad and walks away. He knows his mother can give him anything he likes if she can. But he also knows she has no money and the trainers are too expensive. He doesn’t go home at once because his mother could notice (注意) his worry. So he goes to the park and sits on the grass. Then he sees a boy in a wheel chair (轮椅) . He finds that the boy moves the wheel with his hands. Tom looks at him carefully and is surprised to see that the boy has no feet. He looks at his own feet. “It’s much better to be without shoes than without feet.” he thinks. There is no reason (理由) for him to feel so sorry and sad. He smiles and thinks he is happier.
小题1:Tom passed the shop__________.
A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike  D.in a car
小题2:Tom wants to buy a pair of trainers and the trainers are___________.
A.too expensive B.quite cheap
C.not there D.not fit him
小题3:Tom goes into the park because he___________.
A.wants to watch someone fishing there
B.wants to see the boy
C.doesn’t want his mother to notice his worry
D.wants to sit on the grass
小题4:From the story we can know that Tom______.
A.asks his mother to buy the trains at last
B.doesn’t want to buy the new trainers
C.didn’t want to go to school
D.didn’t want to stay at home

