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--Can you tell me where he is?
--Sorry, __
A.I canB.I don’t knowC.I knowD.I don’t

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Will there be robots in the future?
What was she doing at 8 o’clock last night?
When did you start swimming?
What did your math teacher say?
I’m going to bring food to the party.
A. When I was eight years old.
B. Yes, there will.
C. He said I was hard-working.
D. If you do, the teacher will take it away.
E. She was watching TV.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--- Bill, can I get you anything to drink?
--- _________.
A.You are welcomeB.No problem
C.I wouldn't mind a coffeeD.Doesn’t matter


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—I think you can join an English club to improve your English.
A.You’re welcome.
B.It doesn’t matter.
C.Good idea.
D.That’s all right.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--        ?
--It’s August 6th.
A.How are youB.How do you do C.Can I help youD.What’s the date


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Ted: What’s the best restaurant in town?
Kay: What kind of food do you like?
Ted: __小题1:__
Kay: Well, the French Deli is really good.
Ted: __小题2:__
Kay: Yes, it’ s the most expensive restaurant in town. But it has the best service, too.
Kay: It’ s cheaper than the French Deli, but the food is kind of boring.
Ted: __小题4:__
Kay: Oh, that’s a new place. It’s the most popular restaurant in town.
Ted: Is the food good?
Kay: Yeah, if you like hot curry.
Ted:Yeah. I love it! Let’ s go there.
A. How about the Curry House?
B. Hmn…And what is Nick’s Diner like?
C. Oh, any kind of food is okay.
D. Is it expensive?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


A: 小题1:_____________________________?
B: Yes, please. I want a sweater for my daughter.
A: Look! Here are some sweaters for girls.
B: Size M.
A: Do you like this red one?
B: Yes. My daughter likes red best.
A: $25.
B 小题4:___________________.
Do you have any cheaper ones?
A: How about this one? It’s only$18.
B: Ok, I’ll take it. Here’s the money. 小题5:_________.
A: You’re welcome.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--What are you going to do this Sunday?
--___________. What about you?
A.I’m OKB.I’m sorry C.I’ve no idea D.What a pity


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

— The radio says the heavy rain will stop later this afternoon.
A. Take it easy.    B. Don’t worry  C. I hope so.

