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--More and more people think __ necessary to let the students teach themselves.
-- That’s true. They can improve themselves in this way.
A. it has           B. it            C. that
think的真正宾语是to let the students teach themselves,所以用it作形式宾语。选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

______ are in the same class. We’re good friends.
A.I and heB.I and himC.He and ID.He and me


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. Tom bought much food. It i___________ milk, eggs and apples.
2. I want a p____________ job during the summer holiday.
3. My aunt didn’t go to the park. My cousin didn’t go there, e____________.
4. All the students laugh at me because my clothes are out of s____________.
5. Bettina failed her test, so she was very u____________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

        are my cousins, and           is my brother.
A.This; thatB.These; thoseC.Those; thatD.That; this


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

-- Excuse me, I want to buy some stamps. Where can I find a post office?
-- I know ______ not far from here. You can find ______ without difficulty.
A.that; itB.it; oneC.one; itD.it; that


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1.Halloween is on O___________ 31st. People in the West celebrate it.
2.He has no time to have lunch. He is b__________.
3.Tomorrow is Millie’s birthday. I want to buy her a p___________.
4.《Let the bullet fly》(让子弹飞) is an interesting f__________.
5.They play football on the football f__________.
6.Mr Wu is our maths teacher. He t___________ us maths.
7.Amy is a member of the Swimming Club.She is a very good s____________.
8.W__________ would you like? I’d like this yellow one.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. She wants ______ (read) a book.
2. Her keys _________(be) on the dresser.
3. Are _________(that) oranges?
4. Jim and Tom __________(have ) a basketball.
5. He has four __________(watch).
6. Please take the books to _________(they).
7. Jim _________(not play) sports every day.
8. ________(thank) for your help.
9. This book is very _________(interest).
10. My father __________(need) a new bike.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. The sun gives us not only light but also            (热).
2. Susan said she_____      _____(喜欢)water to milk in the past.
3. You can read the______________(最新的)information about Dolly,the first cloned (克隆的) sheep in this magazine.
4. They can improve the service of their restaurant by ________________ (训练) their waiters and waitresses.
5. Could you tell me how to _______________(be successful at something) a balance between my homework and my hobbies?  
6. The girl stayed up late last night, so she felt      _       (in need of sleep) in class today.
7. The girl’s c            and beauty attracted the director’s attention.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

A) 根据句意及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。
1. What a sunny day!  There isn't a cloud in the          (天空).
2. They made a ____  (决定) to choose Wang Lin to be the host of the charity show.
3. On April 14, a serious earthquake ____      ____(发生)in Yu shu Qing hai.
4. They found the flat in a    ___    (a dirty and untidy condition) after put a fight.
5. I can’t finish the work _____   __ (without anybody else). I need some help.
6. The Science and Technology Museum in our city is a wonderful place for chil­dren. It is well w          visiting.
7. Li Lei is an h____________ boy, he never tells lies.

