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Business Journalist This international (国际的) business magazine with 23 ,000 readers in the world,needs a journa- list to help report news in Europe (欧洲) . the one who wants this job should:

★ have at least two years,work experience for newspapers or magazines

★ be good at French and German,and if possible have some knowledge of Spanish

★ have traveled widely 

Please write to David Benton. 89 Brown Street,Washington Tel: 23670072 

House Rent

Those who need a 2-bedroom house,please call Ms. Morison after 6 p. m. Tel:2391400 

Single? Nervous about traveling? Too busy to plan your traveling?

Leave it to ECUTOURS. Our guided Journeys make travel abroad easy.

Italy,France,Germany,Holland (荷兰) ,England 7 days $8,875 41 prince Road Tel:23870052

() 1. Mr. Smith wants to have a seven-day journey around Italy,France,Germany,Holland and England. How much will it cost him?

   A. ¥8,857.   B. ¥8,875.   C. $ 8,857.   D. $ 8,875.

() 2. What telephone number should Lily call if she needs a 2-bedroom house?

   A. 2391400.   B. 23670072.   C. 23870052.   D. 2378002.

() 3. Mr. White lives in Hong Kong. He has never traveled abroad before and he wants to have a journey around Europe.

 can help him.

   A. Ms Morison   B. Business Journalist   C. ECUTOURS   D. Mr. Brown

() 4. If Mr. King wants to be a business journalist WORLD WATCH,what languages does he have to know well?

   A. Spanish and German. B. French and German.

   C. Spanish and French. D. French,German and Spanish.

() 5. Which one is NOT true according to the above ads?

   A. You should have traveled widely if you want to be the journalist.

   B. You need write to David Benton if you want to be the journalist.

   C. It5ll take 7 days to travel around Italy,France,Germany,Holland and England.

   D. If Tom needs a 2-bedroom house,he can call Ms. Morison before 17:00.

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D


1. D 根据 Italy,France,Germany,Holland (荷 兰) ,England,7days ,$ 8.875 可知选D.

2. A 根据 House Rent; Those who need a 2-bedroom house please call Ms. Morison after 6 p. m. Tel: 2391400 可知选 A.

3. C 根据 Nervous about traveling? Too busy to plan your traveling? Leave it to ECUTOURS.可 知选C.

4. B 根据 be good at French and German,and if possible have some knowledge of Spanish 及上文 描述可知选B.

5. D 根据 Those who need a 2-bedroom house please call Ms Morison after 6 p. m.可知选D.

题目来源:201年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空九年级 > PASSAGE B阅读理解


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

      My birthday was a few days ago. Now Tm 24 years old and Tm 1 with teaching. I didn't remember my birthday until the morning of the 1st. It was just like an ordinary day,no presents,no party,no cake--When I was 2 ,I always felt sad that almost nobody remembered

my birthday,not even my family. But now I don't 3 any more,especially this year,from my birthday to next day,not much 4 .

     This month I have several foreign students 5 Chinese with me. I give lessons privately,so I need to do quite a lot of work before each lesson. So far Tm getting more 6 in teaching foreigners Chinese,and I think it5s a very cool job. When I was at 7 ,I wanted to follow these native English speakers.

I    They can 8 to foreign countries and get teaching jobs easily almost anywhere even though they’re not real teachers. I complained Chinese people didn't have as many chances as people from the West. But now things are 9 . As China is becoming stronger,Chinese is becoming more and more 10 and maybe in the future I can get teaching jobs in foreign countries. Til study more and get ready.

() 1. A. worth   B. busy   C. weak   D. silent

() 2. A. a teacher   B. child   C. young   D. old

() 3. A. receive   B. agree   C. care   D. blow

() 4. A. secret   B. difference   C. experience   D. address

() 5. A. collecting   B. choosing   C. celebrating   D. learning

() 6. A. bored   B. interested   C. frightened   D. covered

() 7. A. school   B. library   C. meeting   D. channel

() 8. A. ring   B. search   C. travel   D. greet

() 9. A. increasing   B. rewarding   C. disappearing   D. changing

() 10. A. popular   B. confident   C. central   D. proud


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up,my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together,my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me ,“You should have goals like climbing the mountain. Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed,we couldnJt have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I really got a lot from the mountain-climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience.

     Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old. During the first several few hours of climbing,I enjoyed the flowers and trees,and the birds,singing. But as time passed,I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to quit climbing,but my father said to me,aYou can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain,but you can5t see it before you reach the top. Only there can you see all of the nice things,which is just like your life.

     At that time,I was too young to understand his words. But later after that,I got to know the meaning of hope in life. I found myself standing at the top of the mountain,and the sky was as clear as crystal.

() 1. The passage tells us that mountain-climbing was for the father and the son.

   A. hard   B. enjoyable   C. painful   D. comfortable

() 2. The underlined word “crystal” in the passage means “ ”.

A.岩石 B.火焰   C. 水晶 D.寒冰

) 3. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the father's words in the second paragraph (段) ?

   A. You will get all you need at the top of the mountain.

   B. The sky is always as clear as crystal.

   C. You can find life is full of nice things.

   D. Never give up half-way. s

() 4. We can infer (推断) from the last paragraph that .

   A. the writer was very successful in his life

   B. the writer reached the top of the mountain

   C. though the writer was young,he could understand his father

   D. the writer used to stop half-way when he climbed the mountain

() 5. The best title for the passage is .

   A. Reaching the Top of the Mountain   B. Standing at the Top of the Mountain

   C. Conversations between Father and Son   D. Seeing all of the nice things


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   If you have no special plans for your holidays,why not spend your time helping others? Nowadays,more and more young people in America volunteer to spend their school holidays working for others. Here are some of their plans.


   I'm going to help the Forest Center build new road in the mountains. Til spend the whole summer living in the tent and breathing the clean mountain air. Tm going to sleep under the stars. It will be a nice sport,and Til be able to do something good at the same time.


   This summer,Tm going to work for Special House Program. They build good,low-cost houses and sell them to families that are not very rich. They^l teach me what to do,so 1 11 help people and also have a chance to learn how to build houses.


    I'm going to teach kids who have trouble reading. Til work for a program called Reading for Life. Every day,Tm going to help kids choose and read books that they like. I want to be a teacher and I love children,so this is going to be a great experience for me.

() 1. Young people in the USA volunteer to spend helping others.

   A. weekdays   B. holidays   C. Sundays   D. pocket money

() 2. What does Jim plan to do in summer?

   A. To sleep under the stars. B. To spend the whole summer living in the tent.

   C. To help build new raads in the mountains. D. To breathe fresh air.

() 3. From the passage,we know that Susan.

   A. likes reading   B. likes children   C. is good at sports   D. is 15 years old

() 4. wants to be a teacher.

   A. Michael   B. Susan   C. Jim   D. Nobody

() 5. Which is the most possible title for this passage?

   A. Great Experience in the Forest Center. 

   B. Young American Volunteers.

   C. A Special House Program. 

   D. Reading for Life.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   The rapid growth of Smartphones and electronic tablets (平板电脑) is making the Internet favorite for Americans reading news,a report said.

    News consumption online increased 17% last year from the year before. Television news,newspapers,radio and magazines all lost audience last year. For the first time,the number of people who get news online at least three times a week is larger than the number of people who get news from the newspapers. TV news has been the most popular since the 1960s. It has replaced the afternoon news-papers. But now the online news seems to be more popular than the TV news.

    People are used to having the Internet available on phones or small tablets. In December,2010,41% of     

    Americans said they got most of their news on the Internet,more than double the 17% who said that a year earlier,the report said. In January,2011,7% of Americans owned electronic tablets,nearly double what it was three months earlier. It was the fastest-growing new digital technology, ahead of mobile phones when they were introduced. The online ad income was expected to surpass (超 过) print newspaper ad income for the first time in 2010.

     The news business used to be the intermediary (中介). You needed newspapers and TV stations to

reach your customers. In this age of the computer,it5s the software developers that you need.

() 1. Americans like getting news from best today.

   A. TV news   B. the Internet   C. newspapers   D. radios

() 2. About % of Americans got most of their news on the Internet in 2009.

   A. 7   B. 17   C. 24   D. 51

() 3. Which of the following media has more readers?

(1 ) TV news (2) the Internet (3) the afternoon newspapers

   A. (1) >(2?(3)   B. (2) >(1) >(3)   C. (3) >(1) >(2)   D. (3) >(2) >(1)

() 4. About 3. 5% of Americans had electronic tablets in .

   A. October,2010   B. December,2010   C. February,2011   D. March, 2011

() 5. The news business depends on today.

   A. the reporters          B. the readers

   C. the newspaper sellers   D. the software developers


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Red is the color of China. Among all the colors,red is most 1 seen. The color red is fresh and pure,and in China we call it China Red. Chinese people are attracted by the color red not only because it makes people excited,but also because it has 2 meaning in Chinese culture and history.

     No country in the world has ever 3 a color in such a way as China. Here,red is a symbol. It gives color to the soul (灵魂) of the nation. In the past,red represented dignity (尊严) and mystery. Even now,Chinese people 4 the color much more than the rest of the world does. It can be said that China Red is an everlasting theme for China,and an important color for the Chinese people. China Red has 5 a very popular phrase,attracting the world's attention.

     Finding red-colored things in China is very 6 ,as you can see the color everywhere. All tradi-

tional red things have played special roles in China. Things like the walls of ancient palaces,the 7 flag,Chinese knots,lanterns,traditional paper-cuts,and even tanghulu are all red.

     Red is the color of 8 ,health,harmony,happiness,peace,wealth and so on. Only real things

and events can fully 9 red^ real beauty. The color can be alive and breathing only when itJs connected with people.

     In China,red is more than just a color. It carries the ancient history and 10 of the Chinese nation. China Red is filled with mysterious charm beyond description and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel and discover!

() 1. A. easily   B. quickly   C. carefully   D. closely

() 2. A. different   B. rich   C. simple   D. correct

() 3. A. used   B. shared   C. drawn   D. mentioned

() 4. A. need   B. dislike   C. hate   D. love

() 5. A. spoken   B. said   C. become   D. got

() 6. A. difficult   B. easy   C. simple   D. free

() 7. A. national   B. international   C. local   D. foreign

() 8. A. rainbow   B. fear   C. worry   D. luck

() 9. A. believe   B. show   C. talk   D. write

() 10. A. art   B. business   C. culture   D. ability


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Sydney Tower

Address: 100 market St,Sydney Phone: 02 9333 9222 Fax (传真) :02 9333 9203 Open time: 9:00 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. (Saturday to 11 :30 p.   m.) 

Ticket: $ 60 (for an adult (成年人) )

$ 30 (for a child)

Website: www. sydneytower. com. au How to get there: train to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market Street How to book (预订) tickets: by phone/ fax,or through the web Attraction: Sydney's best views are just the beginning!Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360°views of our beautiful city.

() 1. Sydney Tower is in Sydney,Australia.

   A. the highest point   B. the biggest station

   C. the most beautiful park   D. the lowest point

() 2. If you want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower,you can't .

   A. email:sydneytower? hotmail.com   B. fax: 02 9333 9203

   C. search: www. sydneytower. com. au   D. Phone: 02 9333 9222

() 3. Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children,he will pay.

   A. $60   B. $90   C. $ 120   D. $130

() 4. Last Saturday,John went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down (下来)    the tower.

   A. after 11:30 p. m.     B. before 11: 30 p. m.

   C. at 10: 30 p. m.     D. after 12: 00pm

() 5.The passage above is probably (可能).

   A. a piece of news   B. an advertisement   C. a story   D. a text book


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     There are many kinds of pollution around us, 1 air pollution,soil pollution,noise pollution and light pollution. They are bad 2 our health in many ways.

   Burning gas,oil and coal creates air pollution. It can cause sore eyes and 3 problems.

With the increase of pollution and the development of industry,litter is everywhere. It makes our environment dirty. People put lots of rubbish in the land. Farmers use too many 4 in the fields. They destroy the soil. So soil pollution has become serious.

  Noise pollution can make people 5 . For example,people may lose their hearing if they work in a 6 place for a long time. Too much noise can cause high blood pressure 7 .

   Working for a long time in strong,changeable light 8 cause some kinds of illnesses. It makes people feel 9 and is especially bad for the eyes.

    With 10 pollution,our planet will become greener and our health will be better. Let's be greener people.

() 1. A. such as   B. for example   C. as well as   D. because of

() 2. A. to   B. in   C. for   D. of

() 3. A. breath   B. breathe   C. breathed   D. breathing

() 4. A. chemical   B. chemicals   C. chemist   D. chemistry

() 5. A. blind   B. lame   C. deaf   D. healthy

() 6. A. noise   B. noisy   C. quiet   D. quietly

() 7. A. as well   B. too   C. also   D. either

() 8. A. must   B. need   C. should   D. may

() 9. A. comfortable   B. possibly   C. terrible   D. terribly

() 10. A. little   B. less   C. few   D. fewer


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Music Festival    2. Science Festival   3. Sports Festival

4. English Festival    5. Reading Festival

Personal Information of Teachers

   A. Jane Birch is from America. She speaks 5 languages and has been to 14 counties. She is very pop-ular with vStudents and has many methods of learning foreign languages.

   B. Jerry Smith is a humorous teacher. He often turns his maths classes into game time. Math is morethan numbers and shapes in his class. It can be used to solve real life problems.

   C. Daisy Chambers,a smart lady,is good at playing the piano. She has been learning it for ten years. Amazingly,she learns it all by herself. Many students are her fans.

   D. Rod White is a creative teacher and inventor. He believes that invention is for everyone and everyone can be an inventor. In his class,students find it great fun to do scientific experiments.

   E. Emily Roy has written many stories. Students love reading her books. She always recommends good books to her students. She plans to write a book to share how reading changes her life.

   F. Lewis Nichols is an excellent swimmer. He takes part in the winter swimming competition every year. He thinks that swimming in cold water builds up not only his body but also his will.

